Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 353: Peculiar bloodstain

Rescue of a person is an easy task for Yi Shuihan. Too much blood loss, which is tricky for others, is the same thing for Yi Shuihan.

"Let’s see, what are the blood-enriching things? Well, there are so many kinds, forget it, that’s it." From the portable space, I took out a small jade bottle with a label on it, which said blood-enriching pills. .

"One is too nourishing, um, half is about it!" A blood red pill was divided into 2 parts by Yi Shuihan, and then the finger flicked into Feng Fengqing's mouth.

Since the blood-buying pill can be left by Yi Shuihan, it means that it is not an ordinary commodity. In fact, it is indeed the case. The effect of this pill is extremely powerful, not to mention that one-third of the blood is insufficient, that is, all the blood is gone. , One can fill up the blood even if one goes down, of course, the premise is that the whole body is gone and not dead.

Of course, although things are good, it is not without the use of the vice president. The side effect of this blood-tonifying pill is that if the supplement is overdose, the whole body will become feverish. Men want to poke everything when they see it, and women want to hug everything when they see it.

Well, in layman's terms, there is excess energy and spring up.

This kind of side effect is actually a desperate thing for some people.

The effect of the blood-buying pill came into play very quickly. With half of the medicine down, Toyota Green, who was originally pale and had a weakened breath, became ruddy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his breathing gradually became smooth and smooth.

Under the effect of the blood-buying pills, not only the blood, but also the wounds on the body gradually became scarred. After a few minutes, except for the seemingly scary ones, the Toyota Green was basically good.

At this time in the afternoon, the sun was shining, falling on the ground through the leaves, leaving a mottled light and shadow, and the breeze swayed, causing the shadows of the trees on the ground to sway.

Surrounded by water, the country of water is often in a state of being shrouded in fog, and the good weather today is extremely rare.

Suddenly, Toyota Green's fingers moved slightly, and then his consciousness began to wake up. But after all he was a ninja. When his consciousness was restored, he noticed the existence of other people. He did not reveal the fact that he had recovered, but started immediately. Check your situation.

"Are you awake? Don't play dead when you wake up."

Naturally, Toyota Qing's actions could not be concealed from Yi Shuihan. After waiting for 2 minutes, he was already impatient to wait, and naturally he would not continue to spend with him.

A carp turned over and Fengtianqing jumped directly onto a tree aside.

"It's you!"

Toyota Green looked at Yi Shuihan in surprise.

"It's not me, or who, I have solved the chasing soldiers, and I have cured your injuries."

Yi Shuihan said lightly.

Yi Shuihan couldn’t help Fengtian Qing not believe it. After all, apart from this explanation, there was no other possibility, but the only thing that made him wonder was how good his injury was. He knew his body and how he didn’t know. , How difficult it is to treat yourself in that situation.

It took such a short time to heal his injury, how good is this medical technique?

With such good medical skills and the ability to defeat chasers in such a short time, does such a person really exist?

"Hey, what's the matter, I feel so hot, and..."

The vice president of Buxuewan finally started to play. Fengtianqing's entire body became flushed, and the heat was venting, and an uncontrollable impulse was born from his body, his mind began to blur, looking towards Yi Shui Han's eyes began to look wrong.

"I'll go, the reaction is so big."

Yi Shuihan realized that the side effects had erupted when Feng Fengqing's eyes saw the hairy hair, and immediately left the place with a few flashes. He didn't want to be stared at by a man with that kind of eyes.

After a few hundred meters, Yi Shuihan could still hear the amazing movement, and the whole earth could vaguely feel the amazing vibration.

You don't need to look at Yi Shuihan to imagine what will happen. I am afraid that the Toyota Green at the scene has turned into a pile driver, a constant cultivator.

"I don't know if he wants to commit suicide afterwards. Fortunately, this side effect only needs to vent his energy, otherwise I have to find him a woman."

It will take at least a few hours to listen to this, um, it's better to do business first.

Thinking about this, Yi Shuihan planned to go inside the village first, but when he walked a few hundred meters, he suddenly stopped because the original violent vibration had subsided.

"What's going on? It shouldn't be!"

With doubts, Yi Shuihan started walking back, and soon came to Fengtianqing.

Looking at the potholes all over the floor, especially when a large tree was turned over by the grass, the corners of Yi Shuihan's mouth twitched unconsciously. This person's capital is still very large!


Toyota Green's pants were in tatters, and a big bird, red and swollen in the air, fluttered in the wind.

"What the **** did you do to me?"

With a look of grief and indignation, anyone with a conscience would feel sympathy.

"It's not costless to heal your injury so quickly. Just now was the time you paid the price." Yi Shuihan shrugged and said, "I have a problem that I don't understand. It stands to reason that this process will last at least a few hours. Why are you recovering so quickly, do you have any physical problems?"

"There is a problem with your body!" After a daze, Toyota Qing realized what Yi Shuihan meant, and roared loudly, "You have a problem with your body. Your whole family has problems. I'm a real hunk!"

"I see, I don't need to shout so loudly, I am not deaf."

Yi Shuihan covered his ears and looked impatient.

"It should be because of the bloodstain limit."

"Bloodstain limit?"

"Well, I am the owner of the bloodstain limit," said that there was a gloomy flash in Toyota's eyes. The identity of the bloodstain owner made his life in the country of water very painful. "The effect of the bloodstain limit I have is very strange. As long as it is the effect of the drug, I can control it, such as speeding up the effect of the medicine, or slowing the effect of the medicine, and storing the effect of the medicine."

"There is such a blood stain?"

Listening to Fengtian Qing's description, Yi Shuihan immediately felt his insight. ,, ..

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