Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 355: The drug flow began to bloom

Seeing how easy Yi Shuihan said, Toyota Qing also had a strong belief, as if the so-called water shadow was really not strong.

It shouldn't matter! Didn't he say that he has battled dozens of shadows undefeated.

No matter, I am now tied to a warship with him, so I believe him once.

"Boss, my future is left to you, you have to work hard!"

However, what is going on with the profession of spa owner?

Fengtianqing was in front and Yi Shuihan was behind, and the two entered Wuren Village.

Feng Tianqing looked cautious, and he had to observe the surrounding situation after taking a few steps, as if he was a thief, while Yi Shuihan was walking in the back like a walk in the garden, without any sense of crisis.

Occasionally, I could hear the sound of fighting, which made Toyota Green startled, but it seemed that the bad luck was gone. They came to Shuiying's office building unharmed along the way.

"Here, it's here."

Yi Shuihan looked at the unpopular building in front of him, a little surprised, because he didn't perceive how many powerhouses are here, which is extremely strange for the center of a big ninth village.

Even the guard is no longer there. Is the situation so bad now?

However, this feeling is a good shadow level, but I don't know if I am looking for the water shadow.

"Just go in when you get there."

"Really going in?"

Fengtian Qing swallowed his saliva and asked hesitantly, but the answer was Yi Shuihan's back. Yi Shuihan had already stepped forward, insisting on clenching his teeth, and finally followed by a trot.

"Really, I'm so afraid that I'm going to die, but why does my body not follow my request?"

Although there are a lot less people in the building now, it is a heavy place after all, and soon someone stopped in front of Yi Shuihan, wearing a mask, and the dark atmosphere on his body. At first glance, it was the shadow of Wuren.

The Anbu didn't do anything immediately, instead they set up a defensive formation, obviously also aware of Yi Shuihan's strength, or that there are very important things in front of them that need to be protected.

"Is Shuiying in front? If it is, just report it and say me..." Yi Shuihan wanted to advertise his name, but suddenly thought that it seems that this water country is very likely. I don't know my name, after all, the civil war is so fierce.

The sudden pause made the scene a little awkward.

"Huh?" Suddenly there was a violent vibration in front of him, and accompanied by a huge roar, the two figures burst out.

"Four generations of adults!"

Exuding astonishing chakra fluctuations, it looks like a grandiose, it is the water shadow of the fourth generation.

This Chakra is not owned by him, so it is, is it Sanwei? It doesn't feel like being controlled. Right now, ALFY is still staying in Konoha!

Judging from his appearance, he should be a perfect human column power, able to control the existence of the tail beast with his own power.

"There is also an acquaintance! Isn't this Itachi's partner, the persimmon ghost shark?"

The two actually fought, and I don't know why.

"Who are you two?"

The Fourth Generation Shuiying glanced at the dried persimmon ghost shark who stood up from the ground, and asked Yi Shuihan.

The fourth generation of Suikage, that is, Yakura's brows were slightly frowned, his eyes flashed with strange light, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but the only thing that can be confirmed is that he is very dangerous at this time.

"I finally saw myself. Before the battle, I just want to ask, do you know the name Yi Shuihan."

Speaking of Yi Shuihan, Yakura's eyes moved slightly.

"It seems that you know it! That's easy to say, I am Yi Shuihan, I am coming to you to open a hot spring branch, but I have a remorse, I hope you can discuss it with me."

Speaking out, the boss really came to see Master Shuiying to learn from him. Standing behind Yi Shuihan, Toyota Green, who had tried to reduce his sense of existence since the appearance of the dark part, trembled, and his heart was several times faster than usual. Beating violently.

Facing Yi Shuihan's proposal, Yakura was silent for a moment, and then said, "Mistinura Village does not need your hot spring."

This answer was definitely beyond Yi Shuihan's expectation. Yakura's appearance should not be ignorant of the benefits of the hot spring, so he could refuse it. Yi Shuihan thought that Yakura was a fool.

IQ is worrying! It is not necessary to close the country, why don't you understand it!

The negotiation broke down, and we can only use strong means.

"Kill them."

Yakura gave the order, but he himself turned his attention to the dried persimmon ghost shark again.

"Hey, people over there, since you can come here, you still want to compare with Shui Ying, you have some strength, how about it, do you want to join forces to escape?"

The dried persimmon ghost shark shouted at Yi Shuihan.

The current dried persimmon ghost shark is not the future dried persimmon ghost shark, the strength has not reached the peak, or it can't do Yakura!

"Xiaoqing, give you a task and they will give it to you."

Yi Shuihan said suddenly.

Xiaoqing? Eh! Could it be that Xiaoqing was talking about me, Fengtianqing looked at Yi Shuihan incredulously, no matter what Yi Shuihan called him and the tasks assigned to him, he had the urge to leave immediately.

"Are you serious? I'm not their opponent at all, do you want me to die?"

Since his family knows his own affairs, Feng Tianqing looks at the powerful dark parts in front of him. He doesn't think he can last for a few seconds at all. Not to mention so many, even one is enough for him.

"It's not promising, since I have become my employees, can't I have more confidence?"

Yi Shuihan looked at Toyota Green with contempt, and flushed his old face.

"this is……?"

Looking at the small bottle that Yi Shuihan stuffed in his hand, Toyota Green was puzzled.

"Can you not see clearly? The pill! With him, you shouldn't lose. If you don't believe it, you can taste it."

Feng Tianqing looked at Yi Shuihan with a serious face, and finally slowly poured a jet black pill from the bottle, hesitated for a moment and took it.

At the next moment, an extremely powerful Chakra wave broke out from Toyota Green, and his power was not lost to the shadow level.

"Wow! The drug flow is about to start to shine.",,..

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