Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 356: Failed water mirror

"What's the matter? What the **** did he do? Is it because of the medicine."

Toyota Seo's changes attracted the attention of everyone present, even Yakura turned her head around again, looking at Toyota Seo with an unexpected expression on her face.

"Zhanli Pill", one of Yi Shuihan's many pills, has only one effect, which is to explode the human body's strength, causing it to explode in a short period of time far beyond its own limit. The duration is 5 minutes. After the effect of the drug, there will be a period of weakness for 3 days.

Speaking of it, this medicine has no effect on the current Yi Shuihan, because his effect is aimed at the black iron level.

The too weak Toyota Youth has a low strength, otherwise, this medicine is not good.

"You should know its medicinal effects and side effects! Are you still confident now?"

"The boss's order is everything, guarantee to complete the task."

Toyota Green, who has never felt such a powerful force, can’t wait to try his strength at this time. As for the side effects, it’s not a problem for him. He feels that he can not only increase the duration of the drug effect to 10 minutes, but also can prevent side effects from breaking out temporarily.

The news from my own blood follow limit is that as long as the side effects do not accumulate for a month, they can be suppressed forcibly.

This represents this state of combat effectiveness. Toyota Green can last for 100 minutes and can be used as a regular force.

Let’s talk about the period of weakness, as long as he can bear it, he can also shorten the time. Of course, the cost of shortening the time is that it was originally only weak to the average person becoming a worse state. If the paralyzed state is unable to move, it only takes 3 days a month. It has been restored.

With that said, the already good Riki Pill has exerted dozens of times more power on Toyota Green.

Toyoda Ao and Anbe handed over. If only his own strength, I am afraid that he will be killed instantly. Now, facing a strong man several times his own, he has the upper hand for a time, and it seems that if no accident occurs. If that is the case, he will be the one who wins in the end.

"It's a bunch of trash."

Yakura was a little bit embarrassed into anger, but the surprise in his eyes was hard to hide. This kind of medicine that greatly increased his strength made him feel threatened.

"In that case, I'll do it myself."

As he spoke, his body released a large amount of chakras, which turned into clothes to wrap him up.

"Tailed beast clothing? My suggestion is that you'd better use the full-tailed beast form from the beginning, otherwise, don't regret it if you lose."

Ordinary people's terrifying tail beast clothing did not have the slightest deterrent in Yi Shuihan's eyes.

It's not just Yakura, as long as everyone here hears this, they feel that Yi Shuihan is a little arrogant, that's a tail beast! Known as the existence of natural disaster level.

The power of any tail beast is enough to destroy the world. To capture the tail beast, all the villages need to be dispatched, and it is possible to succeed at a great price.

"You still worry about yourself! I will use it when it's time to use it. I'm afraid you won't even give me the opportunity to do it."

Yakura sneered, his hands began to seal,

A large number of chakras began to surge, converging to a point.

"Water Escape Water Mirror"

A water mirror appeared in the void, and then Yi Shuihan appeared in the water mirror. In the end, there was no two people like Yi Shuihan.

In addition to the power of the tail beast, Yakura still has a signature ninjutsu. This water escape is indeed very powerful, reflecting the same human form as the opponent, and has the same power as his own.

This trick will feel very tricky no matter who it is facing, it can be regarded as a difficult ninjutsu.

A person who doesn't lose to his own strength, plus Yakura himself, will be killed if he doesn't pay attention.

It's just that this ever-unfavorable ninjutsu seems to have a problem this time. The duplicated Yi Shuihan, only a few seconds after appearing, began to become illusory, and then burst into a cloud of water and dissipated.

"How is this going?"

Yakura was taken aback, looking at the remaining water for an unknown reason, his own technique disappeared by himself. Since he learned this technique, he hadn't encountered such a thing for many years.

"Water Escape Water Mirror"

The non-believers performed ninjutsu again, but the result was still the same as before. A copy of Yi Shuihan appeared, but immediately dissipated after it appeared.

"Hey! You still can't fight, don't play there, OK? Even a ninjutsu is wrong. You can count as a water shadow like this?"

Yi Shuihan said tauntingly, of course he could faintly guess why this situation occurred in his heart, not because his strength was too strong and he exceeded the upper limit of Yakura, but because he did not have Chakra. After all, this ninjutsu Ninjas should be developed to deal with, but isn’t the ninja’s common denominator chakra?

"Although I don't know why my ninjutsu has failed in your body, don't think that this is the end. In that case, let you feel the real power."

Yakura's form began to change, an unspeakable terror Chakra appeared, and it was constantly compressed.


The ceiling began to crack, and the ground began to sway. This transformation was far more terrifying than before. The Shuiying Building became tattered in a blink of an eye, and it was in a state where it could collapse.

There is no doubt that if the battle continues like this, the building will only be broken into ruins.

"Is it too forced to compress the beast-tailed type into a humanoid body? You can still stay awake if you lose it!"

Yi Shuihan still has time to comment, and is dissatisfied with the surrounding Anbu, Fengtianqing, and the distance from the dried persimmon ghosts.

"That guy really wants to fight against the Shuiying-sama in the tail beast state. I really admire his courage, but this kind of chakra seems to be really wanted!"

The dried persimmon ghost shark was already a hundred meters away, staring at Yakura with excitement in his eyes, but he did not act sensibly, and forcibly held the knife behind him about to move.

"If you don't play with you anymore, I will help the boss if you get rid of you!"

In the gap between the battle, Toyota Ao faced the bottle in his hand, and then the speed skyrocketed again, killing several Anbe in a few moments. It turned out that he didn't use all his power before, and this stalemate with Anbe, and now all his power burst out. He directly defeated the Anbu and was unable to form an army, and it seemed that the killing was about to be finished. ,, ..

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