Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 357: Wait for three generations of water shadows

The speed of Yakura in the second state has reached the limit, much better than the average shadow level.

Although the three tails are not the strong ones among the tail beasts, the increase for Yakura is really big.

"In these days, if people don't do good things, they like to play with humans and beasts. Why don't you understand that the truly powerful are humans. Humans and beasts are all clouds."

The current Yakura is on the four corners and has a small three tailed alive, playing with a good-handed combination of humans and beasts.

"I want to tear you apart."

Yakura's voice has also become a lot rougher, and his tone is a bit irritable. Obviously he has become this state, and the tail beast still has some influence on him.


"Boom Rumble"

Following Yakura's movements, the building finally collapsed overwhelmed, and Yi Shuihan was about to be buried inside.

"Don't just hang up like that!"

Toyota Seo looked at the collapsed building in amazement and muttered quietly.

In the next instant, a red sound rushed out from under the pile of ruins, it was really Yakura.


A huge amount of chakras began to gather, forming a huge black sphere.

"Oops, it's the tail beast bomb, is Lord Shuiying crazy? This is the inside of the village."

If it's not crazy, isn't his goal...

Realizing something, Toyota Blue's eyes turned to the direction of the tail bullet, and he saw a familiar figure there. His boss, standing there unscathed, seemed to be waiting for Shui Ying's move.

The tail beast bomb flew towards Yi Shuihan like a cannonball, with amazing chakra fluctuations, causing a strong wind to blow around.

Where the tail beast bomb passed, everything that blocked it was transformed into nothingness in the air like annihilation, with an unstoppable power.

"It's terrible!"

In the face of this shocking blow, Yi Shuihan muttered, but he didn't move. From the eyes of others, it was a sign of resignation.

The tail beast bomb finally landed, and a huge mushroom cloud appeared where Yi Shuihan had stayed before.

The reason why it was before is because Yi Shuihan appeared in front of Yakura at the same time as the explosion remembered, pressing his head with one hand, and directly pressing him to the ground, smashing a huge pit. .

"So fast, I didn't see it at all."

Toyota Qing's body in the air halted and fell to the ground. Originally, he wanted to save people, but now it doesn't seem necessary.

"Sure enough, I am the boss, I said, the profession of the spa owner shouldn't just be this strength."

Well, he was still thinking that the spa owner is a special profession.

"Even the tail beast bullets are useless to him. What a strong guy, I am a little interested in his chakras!" The eyes of the dried persimmon ghost wandered between Yakura and Yi Shuihan. Met the eyes of the prey.

It was just that Yi Shuihan suddenly turned his head and glanced at him.

very scary! How could there be such a look.

The dried persimmon ghost shark only felt that all the horror he could imagine had descended on him at this moment, as if he had fallen into an endless abyss and would suffer eternal torment.

As a result, the dried persimmon ghost shark was directly frightened by Yi Shuihan and limp on the ground, Hao Xuan controlled no urine.

After returning to his senses, the dried persimmon ghost shark was panting, and even the trembling shark muscle on his back stopped at this time, as if he was also frightened.

"He won't be looking at me with that look in the future! Damn, don't you know I don't have Chakra?" Yi Shuihan said uncomfortably.

In fact, Yi Shuihan really blamed the dried persimmon ghost shark. He really didn't know that Yi Shuihan didn't have chakras, but had more advanced energy.

As for the shark muscle, others only reacted to the three-tailed Chakra, this time it was lying down.

"Oh, I'm not convinced yet!"

The resistance from under the palm of his hand was not small, causing Yi Shuihan to refocus his attention on Sanwei.

The tail behind Sanwei lashed towards Yi Shuihan suddenly, but Yi Shuihan only used a little force, with a bang, and the pit underneath became much deeper.


Blood mixed with saliva spouted from Yakura's mouth, and the tail lost its strength and fell back to the ground. Then the Chakra on Yakura began to disappear, and he was beaten back to his original form from the second state.

"That's Master Shuiying!"

"Master Shuiying was unexpectedly..."


At this time, many ninjas arrived here, surrounded the scene, and saw that Yakura, who was pressed by Yi Shuihan on the ground, showed an angry expression at Yi Shuihan.

It's just that they are also afraid of Yi Shuihan's strength, and they have not acted rashly for the time being. After all, just think about how strong Yi Shuihan is. Even the powerful Shuiying in their eyes can't help them, and the level is ready to come out.

"Hurry up and invite three generations of adults. Only three generations can save this situation."

"But three generations of adults?"

"I can't manage that much, hurry up."

Is the three generations of Shuiying still dead? Yi Shuihan was a little surprised, but he recovered in a blink of an eye, and it was no surprise that this kind of dragon set didn't matter anyway, the real world is like this, there will always be such and other deviations.

Speaking of it, isn't Yakura becoming a manjuri after Lin Nohara? Now that he has become a human pillar force, and he controls it so well, who is Yi Shuihan to reason.

Originally, I planned to leave the fourth generation of Shuiying half-dead, but after hearing the news of the third generation of Shuiying, Yi Shuihan didn't plan to leave. This is another opportunity to increase the completion of the mission!

Come out! Regardless of the third generation or the second generation, the first generation is best. The more I am, the happier I will be.

"Boss, I've hit it too, shouldn't it be time to leave."

Feng Tianqing shouted to Yi Shuihan, he is now incapable of taking drugs, but being surrounded by so many ninjas is not safe in his heart!

In addition, I heard that three generations are coming, and I feel even more insecure.

"What are you going to take! Haven't you heard that the third generation is on the road? Fight with the third generation before leaving, and the battle with him is not over!"

"Not finished? He is not..."

In Toyota Ao's stunned eyes, Yakura began to become huge.

The full tail beast mode is activated. ,, ..

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