Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 358: You fart in the battlefield

In a short moment, a huge tortoise, with three nondescript tails behind it, appeared in the sight of everyone.

In the full-tailed beast mode, Yakura’s previous injuries seem to have disappeared, exuding amazing chakra fluctuations, which are more than several times stronger than the previous human-shaped chakra mode.

This kind of monster that is basically unkillable, unless it is completely crushed in power or sealed control, there is really no other good way.

Compared to tail beasts, human chakras are indeed less.

However, it is understandable that after all, the entire ninja world is derived from the sacred tree, and as a tail beast that split from the sacred tree, Chakra Dot is extremely normal.

As a water-based tail beast, Sanwei directly created a small lake as soon as it appeared on the scene. Only the tailed beast appeared in such a big scene. Chakra was completely free of money.

This scene is changed to another movie level, I am afraid that it will be exhausted and collapsed.

A group of ninjas stepped on the water, it looked a bit unpredictable, but their expressions weren’t the same. Facing the tail beasts, most of them showed horror, even if they knew it was their own is also like this.

"It's troublesome now."

Toyota Green looked at the behemoth and wiped a cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead.

"Oh, this transformation has been resurrected on the spot. It's really a good skill!" Yi Shuihan said frivolously, and his eyes did not change at all.


Three tails roared, and the vibration caused by the sound spread through the air, causing a series of splashes and the collapse of many buildings.

A few water columns rose from Yi Shuihan's feet without warning, encircling Yi Shuihan tightly, leaving nothing at all.

Not only that, the water column was still shrinking, and it was about to engulf Yi Shuihan.

Sanwei's eyes were bigger than humans, revealing a touch of human cruelty, as if he wanted to see Yi Shuihan's desperate fear.

It's just that it is going to be disappointed after all. Facing this perilous situation for ordinary people, Yi Shuihan didn't change his face, and even looked at the approaching water column with interest.

"Is it just ordinary water? If it is changed to boiling water, or better."

While thinking, the water column finally came into contact with Yi Shuihan, and he swallowed Yi Shuihan in the blink of an eye. With Yi Shuihan as the center, a water column with a radius of tens of meters penetrates the sky and the earth, making people invisible.

"Dead? Under this kind of water pressure, even the iron hit will be crushed."

The ninjas in Wuren Village showed joyful expressions. After all, Yi Shuihan was an alien invader after all, and was defeated by their Master Shuiying.

"Can the water warm up? I feel a bit cold."

The sound was transmitted outside through the water column, making the happy expressions of those Mist Shinobu all stiff.

"I just said, how could something happen to the boss."

Toyota Qing's eyes flashed, and he was very excited. He was really scared before. After all, Yi Shuihan was dead, and he was not easy. For the tail beast, even if his strength is greatly increased at this time, he does not think there is any The winning opportunity.

"What a monster."

There is another person who didn't think that Yi Shuihan would have an accident from the beginning, that is, the dried persimmon ghost shark. At this time, he is no longer the original appearance, but used the transformation technique to transform into an ordinary mist ninja, mixed in. In the crowd, that shark muscle was also hidden by him in an unknown way.

The water column slowly disappeared. When Yi Shuihan's figure appeared again, everyone took a breath after seeing that Yi Shuihan was intact, and even his clothes were not wet.

At this time, Yi Shuihan was floating in mid-air for no reason, like a fairy.

"He, he was actually in the air."

Knowing how to fly, when the word appeared in everyone's mind, it immediately caused a stir.

Although this ninja can fly is not an invisible thing, it is definitely not an easy task. The ability to fly has left countless ninjas helpless, and there are too few ninjas who truly have anti-air capabilities.

It can be said that the ninjas of Mizumi were thinking about **** Yi Shuihan before, but now, they hope to get rid of Yi Shuihan quickly. As for killing or even catching alive, they are indifferent. A lot.

"Damn little bug."

When Sanwei saw Yi Shuihan unscathed under his attack, and even looked down at him from a place higher than it, his anger suddenly soared.

"Guru Guru"

The lake was constantly churning, and in the blink of an eye, there were countless bubbles that were bigger than human beings constantly emerging from below and flying into the sky.

This is not an ordinary bubble, it will explode when it encounters an object, and its power is a little stronger than the detonation talisman. Such dense bubbles are intended to blow Yi Shuihan to death!

"You fart!"

A shocking humming sounded from Yi Shuihan’s mouth, and he looked at Sanwei with a distressed look.

"Naughty animal, what do you think I should say to you, fighting such a serious place, you actually did not think about countermeasures against the enemy, but fart boringly."

Three tails were silent for a moment, and then erupted, "You are farting, you are bored, this is my attack."

"Oh, that's the case. I blamed you. You are using fart to cover up your attack. That's a good idea."

Yi Shuihan said suddenly, but the words almost made it angry in Sanwei's ears.

"However, it seems that your attack has no effect!"

"No effect, you can try if you have the ability..."

Sanwei's voice stopped abruptly, because it saw the bubbles burst by Yi Shuihan with his own eyes, without any change.

What about the explosion? Not at all, it's like a blister that is bigger than a normal bubble.


Mio wondered if he was in a illusion, but this suspicion floated to the side in a certain bubble, made contact with the ground, and disappeared after a violent explosion.

This person is hard to deal with!

This was the first time that Mio had such an idea after he came out, because it didn't even find out what was going on.

In Sanwei's body, Yakura's consciousness is also here. At this time, he is staring at Yi Shuihan closely, and while his eyes are murderous, he is also deeply jealous. ,, ..

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