Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 359: I really just came to learn

"Couldn't you lie to me before! Actually, this is what happened because you fart?"

Yi Shuihan's puzzled voice sounded, interrupting Yakura and Mio's thinking.

Three tails looked at Yi Shuihan in a rage, and the chakra on his body skyrocketed again. The real chakra filled the world and it was terrifying.

"I'm Mio now, um, shame is not to lose me." Yakura comforted himself.

The huge body of the three tails was extremely sensitive. A few crawling rooms came under Yi Shuihan's body, and then the three tails, wrapped in the blue chakra, began to stretch.

The tail turned into three huge palms in the air, making a grasping motion, and the target was Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan's foot was lightly tapped and instantly accelerated, and he asked the giant palm, but the giant palm changed again, starting to extend again with 5 fingers as the base point, and once again turned into a giant palm while extending.

This time it was 15 huge palms, almost covering the entire sky, almost inevitable.

"Really disgusting."

Yi Shuihan murmured, and flew upwards. He originally thought that he could easily hide in this way. It seems that Mio had expected that the scene would repeat itself again.

Seventy-five palms, grabbing them faster than before, it's called a dense cluster.

My sister, Sanwei is so tired of it all the time, this kind of big trick uses this 6.

If you can't hide, that's not much. Yi Shuihan slammed his fist in response, and blasted out with a punch. The palms that were close to him were directly crushed and turned into water and fell.

"One punch is not enough, then just a few more punches."

"Boom boom boom"

Yi Shuihan kept swinging his fists as if he was doing fist exercises, slamming dozens of fists in a short moment.


Dozens of huge holes appeared in the sky, and those huge palms turned into water and fell down like a waterfall, quite spectacular.

"Good... so strong."

The ninjas stared at the vision in the sky, Yi Shuihan actually resolved the attack in that way, and the strong image entered the hearts of everyone.

Mitsui might lose, and for the first time this thought that had never occurred before took root in his heart.

"Don't think that you will be fine with a turtle shell. Next, it's time for me to perform."

Yi Shuihan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he threw his fist again, but it was different from before. This time the target of the attack was the lower three tails, to be precise, the three tails' shells.

"What a fool, I know that I have the strongest defense here, and I still have to attack here. I will see what you do when you are exhausted."

Sanwei didn't make any extra moves, and waited quietly for the end of Yi Shuihan's attack.

Although there was pain from the back, it didn't take it to heart. This kind of attack would not be a problem even if it received hundreds or thousands of punches.

But is Yi Shuihan someone who can do unnecessary things? Of course not. If Mio was feeling it carefully, he would find that the source of each pain is a place.

The dripping stone pierced through, and countless punches hit the same spot on the turtle shell. The turtle shell, which was originally impossible to break with this kind of punch, gradually appeared a white spot, and then the white spot spread, downward, and after a while, a penetrating The point appeared.

The Dike of Thousand Miles was destroyed by an ant nest. Under the constant bombardment of Yi Shuihan, the cracks finally appeared, and it spread at a speed that Sanwei could not imagine.

At a certain moment, when Sanwei realized that it was too late, a faint cracking sound rang, and then there was a huge continuous roar.

Three tails didn't have time to react, and they were hit underwater, and the turtle shell was completely broken. So far, every punch Yi Shuihan hits, it splashed with water.

The body of the tail beast is indelible. With the corresponding attributes, it can achieve the effect of the elementalization of the Pirate World. Therefore, the physical attack effect is very limited. Even if the three tails are broken into pieces, it can regroup. stand up.

Yi Shuihan naturally knows this, but he still did not take other measures. Although the tail beast will not die, it is not the tail beast but the human pillar that is facing now. If it is really broken into pieces, Yakura must be dead. deal.

The bombardment lasted for several minutes, and almost the entire Wunin Village could feel the earth's shaking. The ordinary people knelt down in fear, and kept praying for God's forgiveness.

Even the ninjas looked at Yi Shuihan's direction in horror, with a frightened expression on their faces.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, it seems to be too hard."

Looking at the bottomless black and faint hole hundreds of meters below his feet, Yi Shuihan chuckled indifferently.

The small lake caused by the appearance of Sanwei has disappeared at this time, and it should have flowed into the big hole.


The voice of swallowing sounded constantly, and the Wu Renren saw the eyes cast by Yi Shuihan and felt that they were caught by something. They stiffly showed a pleasing expression and forced a smile, but they didn't know that what they showed was more than crying. It's just an ugly smile.

Now their only thought was to stay far away from the demon Yi Shuihan, the black and faint hole seemed to be connected to hell, exuding a black faint air.

Even the four generations transformed into complete body-tailed beasts are not opponents at all, and they are even more not opponents.

As for the three generations of Shuiying, they don't hold any hope. Yi Shuihan's strength has surpassed their imagination. Even if the three generations of Shuiying have come, I am afraid it will only be a gift.

Now they even hope that the three generations of Shui Ying will not show up here in hiding, so that Wunin Village can retain a trace of vitality, and it will not be severely injured and depressed.

"Young man, can you tell me what is going on?"

Three generations of Shuiying finally appeared, one by one with white hair, which seems to be an expression of excessive vitality. Although the aura on his body is still strong, it is only relatively speaking. Yi Shuihan can tell at a glance, his body The interior is already in tatters, and now it's just vain.

"As you can see, I just finished the match with the four generations of Shuiying. It looks like I should have won."

"What the **** do you have against us?"

"Enmity? No! Didn't I just say that I just came to compare? As long as you and me again, I will leave immediately."

Yi Shuihan's words silenced the three generations of Shui Ying. ,, ..

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