Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 360: Submit task

"After the competition, whether you win or lose, will you leave?"

The voice of the three generations of Shui Ying carried a trace of tragic and solemnity. In any case, he could only follow Yi Shuihan's thoughts. After all, the strong one was Yi Shuihan, not Wuren.

Once upon a time, Wunin Village, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages, was so powerful, is it now reduced to a person's face and acting? First generation adults, I have failed your expectations!

"Three generations of adults, don't! How can you believe what the devil said? You should leave quickly and we will hold him."

"Yes, you go, the village still needs you!"

The Wu Ren people shouted loudly, they should have been thinking of escaping. At this time, they seemed to have changed, becoming the guardians of the home and the country. They looked at the black line full of Yi Shuihan.

Is this really good? As if I were the devil who destroyed the world.

I'm really just here to discuss it. If it weren't for the four-generation guy who was not polite at first, it would not cause such a big damage.

The explanation was forcibly left in his heart, and Yi Shuihan knew that even if it was said, it would not have any effect, this man! As long as there is a subjective judgment, no matter what you say, he will think in the direction of his judgment.

Making a posture that was completely unaffected by this touching scene seemed to be more in line with the impressions of other people's hearts.

"Boss, isn't it about destroying Wunin Village?"

Fengtian Qingdu was puzzled by Yi Shuihan's current appearance, and couldn't help thinking about it in a random manner.

Of course, even if Yi Shuihan really did that, Fengtian Qing would not have any other thoughts. He has been wounded deep enough here, and he has no fetters. Now he is Yi Shuihan, at most Yi Shuihan died. When Wu Ren didn't make a move, it was for the sake of his hometown.

"After the discussion, I will leave."

"Your Excellency, I have agreed to the discussion, and I hope you won't break your promise."

Under the unbearable gazes of the Wu Renren, the battle ended very quickly. It is true that Yi Shuihan was distracted from the fight, and a flash appeared behind the three generations of Shui Ying, plus a hand knife, Its knocked out.

In less than a second from the beginning to the end of the battle, Yi Shuihan won.

Without leaving a word, he took Fengtianqing to leave. The process of leaving was not hindered and went very smoothly.

And after the village, there was a shocking sound of celebration, as if it were a Chinese New Year, it was strange that Toyota Qing looked at Yi Shuihan.

"Boss, you are really not interested here. If you come to Shuiying, I would raise my hands in favor."

"When Shuiying is so good, don't give me this mess."

"Then can you tell me how to become a hot spring shop owner?"


Yi Shuihan felt inexplicable about this problem of Toyota Green.

He wants my usurper? This thought was extinguished just when it appeared. He could see that Toyota Green didn't mean it.

"Why become the owner of the hot spring shop?"

"Isn't the hot spring shop owner a profession more powerful than a ninja? I don't want to be a ninja, I want to change my job."

"Change job!?"

Yi Shuihan looked at Fengtian Qing speechlessly, and didn't know how to explain to him that his strength had nothing to do with the owner of the hot spring shop. This was not a profession, it was just a literal meaning.

There are also job transfers, are you sure it’s not in the game? If there is such a career, I would like to try it!

"When your ninja's strength surpasses Kage, I can consider helping you transfer."

"Really? Great, I must work hard to get an early transfer."

The appearance of Feng Tianqing's second product made Yi Shuihan feel guilty of bullying children.

Well. It's not a lie to him. When his strength really surpasses the shadow, how about letting him be the owner of a hot spring in a branch? When I leave in the future, it can be considered to give him my position.

"Is Konoha here? It's really bustling!"

Feng Tianqing looked around like a dumpling, making Yi Shuihan in front of him speed up.

"Hey, boss, wait for me, don't go so fast."

Wait for you to blame.

Originally, Yi Shuihan intended to send it back directly after the discussion, but then he changed his attention, and instead drove back with Fengtianqing along the way, because he could get some medicinal materials along the way and researched some usefulness for Fengtianqing. medicine.

Of course, the most important thing is that Yi Shuihan wants to see if Toyota Green's bloodstain limit is really as good as he thought, and whether there is any possibility of evolution.

The results proved that this bloodstain limit can still continue to evolve, and with continuous use, the control over the efficacy of the medicine is also increasing little by little.

For example, Zhanliwan originally could only endure one month, but when he returned to Konoha, it had already become two months, which had doubled the time.

This level of evolution is already somewhat beyond Yi Shuihan's imagination. Yi Shuihan can imagine, and if he can evolve in the future, he might even be able to fight Li Pills indefinitely.

Even Yi Shuihan was a little envious of Fengtianqing's bloodstain limit, but he didn't want it so much when he thought that the bloodstain limit was based on Chakra.

Chakra is always a relatively low-end energy, no matter how powerful it is, it will not be too bad. This blood stain is okay for the silver below, but the silver above is probably useless.

Toyota Green's strength is the strongest, and it is impossible to surpass Otsuki Kaguya, unless there is some shocking adventure that makes the bloodstains fundamentally transformed again.

"The boss is back!"

"Have anything big happened recently?"

"Big thing? It seems not."

Why would I ask him? This guy Dai basically has nothing to do with things outside, unless it is something that everyone knows, otherwise he doesn't know as much as an ordinary person.

"Forget it, he is Toyota Youth, and he will be the same as you in the future. You can arrange for him and I will leave first."

After throwing Toyota Green to Matt Dai, Yi Shuihan came to his room alone.

"Huh, time is almost there, submit the task and forget it."

There was not much time left before the one-year deadline, and Yi Shuihan knew that it was basically impossible to regain the completion degree, so the idea of ​​handing in the task arose. ,, ..

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