Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 361: Twenty-seven percent of the draw increases the success rate

"Originally, I only needed to defeat 3 people. Now I have defeated 27 people, which is a full 9 times. I don't know what the final reward will be?"

With great expectations, Yi Shuihan opened the task submission interface.

"Are there only 3 days left? It's really fast after one year!"

Probably after reading the task again, after confirming that there was nothing missing, Yi Shuihan chose to submit it.

"Ding, the task is being submitted..."

"Submission is complete, rewards are being generated..."

The interface stayed here for a few seconds. This has never happened before. In the past, the rewards were submitted directly after the task was submitted. Of course, this may be because the rewards this time are based on the degree of completion.

Looking forward to it, I want to know what the reward is, every second is like the year Yi Shuihan feels at this time.

"Ding, the reward is finished, please check it yourself."

With a heartbeat, I quickly switched to the reward distribution interface, my eyes condensed slightly, and I saw the answer I wanted in 01 seconds.

"It's this!!" A smile was uncontrollable, and Yi Shuihan felt that the hard work he had done these days was totally worth it.

There are 2 task rewards. One is 2 lucky draw chances. It is the kind of chance that can be stored. It is not a lucky draw that has to be carried out in this world. The first reward makes Yi Shuihan feel that his trip is worthwhile. What excites Yi Shuihan is the second reward.

A 27% increase in the success rate of the lottery. This is the second reward. As for the role, it is very simple and rude. When choosing the lottery, no matter what lottery you choose, you can change the chance of the original lottery. , Increase the success rate by up to 27%.

Not only that, the 27% success rate can still be split and used multiple times. For example, if your silver lottery probability is originally a 50% success rate, you can increase it by 2% at one time. A success rate of 17 to 77% can also be increased by 27% or less. For example, an increase of only 10% makes the success rate 60%.

Of course, after becoming 60%, only 17% is left.

"Applicable to all lottery draws, decisively use it in the golden lottery! It is absolutely wasteful to use it in other lottery draws, or the silver draw rate is more than 90%, and let it become 100%. The probability of taking time out is two-in-one!"

"The system is 27%, isn't it because the number of shadows I defeated is 27?"

Yi Shuihan asked suddenly.

"Not bad."

"That is to say, if I beat 100 movies, it will directly increase the success rate of the draw by 100%?"

"It is not calculated like this. The number of defeats is in the range of ten, and the reward will be changed. If there are less than 10, there will be only one chance to draw. Then there will be 2 chances of drawing for 10 to 19, and 20 to 29, 2 chances of drawing. , Plus the lucky draw success rate, if the highest is 29, it is going to increase the lucky draw success rate of 2 draws plus 29%."

"When it reaches 30, a reward will be added again on the basis of 29. As for the specific host, because it has not been reached, the system has not calculated it either."

System Balabala said a lot, and then Yi Shuihan's originally very good mood suddenly disappeared.

His regret! There are only three people short of it. If you beat three more people, there will be one more reward. The third reward may be better than increasing the success rate. Directly designate a 100% gold draw to succeed. This conjecture appeared in Yi Shuihan’s mind. At that time, his heart suddenly convulsed again.

After regretting for 10 minutes, Yi Shuihan cheered up again.

"Forget it, I have tried my best. I can't help it! Who said this reward is opaque? Even though I have taken it seriously, I still underestimate the preciousness of the reward."

Shaking his head, Yi Shuihan smiled freely, finally returning to normal.

He didn't plan to use it now for the second lottery, and since he didn't plan to draw a lottery, there was no room for the second prize.

After being outside for so long and returning to Konoha, why would I have to rest for a few days? So, for the whole week, Yi Shuihanchou is in the leisure mode, watching the girls all day, basking in the sun. Playing with Tsunade, I had a very easy life.

"Master, when will you start training me?"

"And me, don't want to go wrong after 3 days of advice."

In front of Yi Shuihan, Ye Gucheng looked at his master with a black line. Next to him, Bo Feng Shuimen also had a similar expression.

In fact, the second day after returning from Yi Shuihan, they found Yi Shuihan in front of them, and wanted Yi Shuihan to give them pointers, but they were all caught by Yi Shuihan because they had to work hard outside and needed a good rest and recovery. The energy was delayed, and a week passed in a blink of an eye.

"Xiao Ye Zi, are you the master or I am the master? Are you urging the master like this? As a disciple, we should not share the worries and solve the problems for the master. When there are difficulties, find ways to solve them. If there are no difficulties, find ways to make the master happy Is it?"

Little leaves!

Hearing this name, Ye Gucheng's mouth twitched, and there were more black lines.

And master, your requirements for apprentices are too high. Are you sure you are not looking for slaves instead of apprentices?

"As for you, Bo Feng Shui Men, you are still afraid that I won't be able to break my promise. Three days are three days after you tell you, but you can't wait for the right time to come to me again. See for yourself, how tired I am now, dark circles They have all appeared, and you are ashamed to make me more tired in this state."

Yi Shuihan pointed to his face, speaking nonsense seriously.

Dark circles, that kind of thing will appear on your body?

Just knowing that Yi Shuihan is perfunctory, Bo Feng Shuimen can’t do anything about it. After all, it’s him who asks for help. Even if Yi Shuihan reluctantly agrees because of his promise, if Yi Shuihan gives any pointers, he will not lose money. , It might as well wait until Yi Shuihan is in a good mood.

Bo Feng Shuimen and Ye Gucheng turned around tacitly, planning to come back to Yi Shuihan tomorrow.

"Wait, since you want to get my guidance so much, you can start today. I suddenly have some energy."



Looking at the two excited faces, Yi Shuihan also showed a smile. In fact, from the beginning, Yi Shuihan planned to start training them today. He just teased the two of them. ,, ..

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