Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 365: Isn’t there a way to unlock the seal without touching the body?

"how do you know?"

The Six Dao Immortal's complexion changed, and he subconsciously hid his hands behind his back. This kind of obvious protection is something that everyone can see that he attaches importance to things in his opponents.

Actually, he really guessed it right, so that said, Liu Dao Xianren is really a cunning fellow!

In other words, how could it be possible that he had sealed his mother and became the strongest existence in the entire Ninja World, so how could it be possible that he was just watching a movie behind the scenes.

"Guess it!"

Showing white teeth, Yi Shuihan said calmly.

The six immortals looked at Yi Shuihan suspiciously, and of course would not see that Yi Shuihan was lying.

"Is it really a guess?"

Although the vigilance against Yi Shuihan was not completely put down, there was no hostility either.

"Since you are here to bring your son to reincarnation, why are you still watching the show, hurry up! If this goes on, your son's mother will die in pain."

Your son's mother! The six immortals that Yi Shuihan said were also a bit embarrassed.

"The old man now has only his soul left. Don't talk nonsense."

This is proving your own purity!

The words of the Six Dao Immortals amused Yi Shuihan, but he didn't expect this old guy to still care about such things.

But what I really want to say is that this Naruto is also considered the son of the Six Dao Immortals, so how should his relationship with Bo Feng Shuimen be counted!

In Yi Shuihan's curious eyes, the eyes of the Six Dao Immortals became complicated, slowly raising his hand, and the will aggregation in his hand floated.

The volitional body seems to be very nostalgic for the Six Dao Immortals, and has no intention of leaving.

"Go! Go and do what you should do."

The volitional body trembled, sending out unexplained mysterious waves, as if conveying something.

The Six Dao Immortals didn't speak, but their eyes softened a lot, and they looked softly at the volitional body. After a while, they finally threw it away cruelly.

The volitional body turned into a light that ordinary people couldn't see and plunged into the belly of Uzumaki Kushina, and merged with the newly born soul in his belly.

That's why the so-called succession of will means this! This can explain why Senju Junma and Uchiha Madara are also the heirs of the will of the son of the Six Ways.

The will they inherited is actually only part of the soul of the true son of the six ways of immortality. The heir is not a reincarnation, so it will not have uniqueness. Only Chijuma and Uchiha Madara can be moved when Naruto and Sasuke exist. Reincarnated.

"I will leave the rest to you."

Looking deeply at the direction of Uzumaki Jiu Xin Nai, the Six Dao Immortals said to Yi Shuihan sternly.

"Don't worry, I'll treat that little guy preferentially, but I just don't know if he can learn to hide."

When Yi Shuihan's voice sounded, his body was already disintegrating, and his consciousness completely returned to his own body.

"Mouth escape! What kind of escape is that?"

The doubts of the six immortals are destined to be answered by no one.

In reality, when Yi Shuihan's consciousness completely returned, a cry sounded, and our protagonist Naruto Uzumaki finally arrived in this world.

"Wow wow wow"

Naruto, who was just born, seemed to be inexperienced for the first time as a human being. Facing the complicated environment outside, he couldn't stay adjusted for the first time, so his crying never stopped.

Naruto’s safe life obviously made Bo Feng Shuimen very happy. The excitement in his eyes could not be concealed. However, considering the current situation, Bo Feng Shuimen did not hug his son in the first place, but rather the characteristics of his hand. The grip became tighter.

"Good...good! Naruto, mom is here, and dad is here. I will definitely protect you."

Even if the enemy is currently, Uzumaki Kushina focuses more on her son. She was caught in the blood in the car, and when faced with her son, she showed her motherhood just like an ordinary woman. Brilliant, become extremely gentle.

Under the comfort of Uzumaki Kushina, Naruto gradually stopped crying and quieted down, and finally fell asleep directly, apparently still sleeping very peacefully.

The system of the Uzumaki clan is indeed very powerful. If you change to another person, you will not have the strength to move after giving birth, but Uzumaki Kuzina can barely stand up. Although it is definitely impossible to say battle, it is enough. It's amazing.

"Now, it should be fine!"

Some hoarse voices came out through the mask, which immediately made the atmosphere tense.

Hearing the words of the masked man, everyone else turned their attention to Yi Shuihan. Compared to the masked man, Yi Shuihan's will is more important at this time.

No matter how confident Bo Feng Shuimen is in his own strength, he has the confidence to defeat the masked man by himself, but if Yi Shuihan really wants to interfere, Bo Feng Shuimen knows that he has no way to resist.

Relying on Fei Lei Shen, he might be able to escape, but thinking about it this way, he didn't dare to do so. He even had a very strong premonition that Fei Lei Shen would fail because of the existence of Yi Shuihan.

"Kushina, come here and let him try if he can get Kyuubi out."

Waved to Uzumaki Jiuxinai, Yi Shuihan said the words that made Bo Feng Shuimen's heart tighten.

"Jousinna, don't you..."

"Shuimen!" Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai made a worry-free expression to Bo Feng Shuimen, and then said to Yi Shuihan, "Yes, I'll be here."

Holding Naruto Uzumaki Kushina walked to the Bofeng Water Gate, and after passing Naruto to the Bofeng Water Gate, he walked to the masked man under the stunned gaze of the Bofeng Water Gate.

"Master?" Ye Gucheng couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to ask for love.

"I have my own opinion."

After this time, it shouldn’t be easy to provoke me again!

Actually did this? What is he thinking!

Uchiha took the soil to look at the Uzumaki Kushina in front of him, and he was overwhelmed with joy.

"and many more!"

Just when Uchiha brought the soil seal to destroy the seal, Yi Shuihan's voice finally sounded.


Bo Feng Shuimen shouted loudly, his body had disappeared in the same place, and he was still planning to use Flying Thunder God to save people.

However, Bo Feng Shui Men was one step late after all, or someone was faster than him.

"what do you mean?"

Uchiha's soiled wrist was held by Yi Shuihan, just a few centimeters from the seal.

"Isn't there a way to unlock the seal without touching the body?",,..

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