Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 366: Kyuubi, are you sure you want to come out?

Yi Shuihan's words made Uchiha who was about to blurt a meal. The expression under the mask was very wonderful, but no one could see it at this time.

Actually because of this reason! ?

"Don't you want to take advantage of others by lifting the seal. I, Yi Shuihan, will never allow this kind of vulgarity to happen."

The voice of Yizheng's words resounded in a small space with echoes.

"Understood, I won't touch her body, can you let it go?"

"Yeah! That's fine. Don't have bad thoughts. I'll watch it carefully."

Yi Shuihan let go and warned.

"Ahem" Uzumaki Kushina looked weird, "Can you listen to me, if I can, I can actually lift the seal myself."

Indeed, as a family of Uzumaki, has extremely high talent for sealing, Uzumaki Kushina is also very good at removing the seal, although she has never tried to remove the seal of Nine Tails, it does not prevent her from being able to do it.

Unraveling the seal by herself is much better than breaking the seal by others, at least after the seal is lifted, she suffers less harm.

"That's a good idea, what do you think? Masked man!"

The mask man was silent for a moment, and then took a step back, believing Uzumaki Kushina's proposal.

Ever since, under the eyes of everyone, Uzumaki Kushina began to seal the seal.

Usually separated by the seal, the other Chakras in Nine Tails are basically completely unable to feel it, but as the seal is lifted, an extremely ominous Chakra breath from Uzumaki Kushina's body begins to exude.

"That's it, this hateful Chakra, Nine Tails, you hate collection, come out and wreak havoc!"

The seal was finally lifted, Uchiha took the soil and couldn't help but become excited, his eyes turned into a kaleidoscope, and his powerful pupils were ready to go, waiting for Kyuubi to appear and manipulate it.

In his expectant eyes, Nine-Tailed Chakra gradually submerged Uzumaki Kushina, and Uzumaki Kushina, who was in a weak state, passed out directly.

An unlike giant claw stretched out from Uzumaki Kushina's body, and the appearance of Nine Tails seemed inevitable.

Terror was condensing, dark shadows enveloped the entire sky above Konoha, and many spiritually sensitive ninjas were suddenly awakened, looking at Uzumaki Kushina's direction.

"Kyuubi, are you really sure you want to come out?"

When both of Nine Tails' paws appeared, Yi Shuihan spoke lightly.

"Does he think he can manipulate Kyuubi's behavior?"

Uchiha thought with disdain, but didn't take Yi Shuihan's words to heart.

Not to mention him, even Bofeng Shuimen and Ye Gucheng didn't take Yi Shuihan's words to heart. Now, one of them is thinking about how to wait for Kyuubi to appear and solve Kyuubi, and the other is about how to save Nine Sinna.

"this is……?"

However, things were moving in a strange direction. Kyuubi, who was about to come out, suddenly stopped moving, as if he didn't want to come out.

How can it be? Could it be that……

Three pairs of incredible eyes gathered on Yi Shuihan's body.

None of the people present were stupid, and it was natural to think that this might have something to do with what Yi Shuihan said before.

But is this kind of thing really possible? That nine tails unexpectedly gave up escaping from the cage and gave up freedom because of Yi Shuihan's words?

"Could he say that there is also a writing wheel? Controlled the nine tails?"

Uchiha Daito wanted to see the traces of Shaolunyan in Yi Shuihan's eyes, but he was destined to be disappointed.

In Uzumaki Kushina's body, Nine Tails remained motionless, like a sculpture.

"How could it be him? Damn, I thought today was a great day for me to get out of trouble, but I didn't expect to meet the owner of the original breath again."

Freedom is precious, but when he thought that he might die once he went out, Kyuubi gave up the freedom in front of him.

It's too dangerous outside, so I'm still comfortable here.

After making a decision, the nine-tailed Chakra outside also gradually re-entered the body of Uzumaki Kushina.

Seeing this scene in everyone's eyes, it was a shock.

In one word, Kyuubi gave up his freedom and was willing to be sealed. If this kind of thing is not seen with their own eyes, no one will believe it, and even if they see it with their own eyes, Bo Feng Shuimen and the others are wondering if they have fallen into illusion. in.

"It seems that Kyuubi thinks it's good to be sealed, and he doesn't want to come out!"

Yi Shuihan felt very comfortable seeing Uchiha's worldview collapsed.

"No? I have to ask you to come out."

The pupil power that Uchiha gathered with the soil came out of his body, and even if Kyuubi hadn't gotten out of trouble, he entered directly into Kushina's body and wanted to force it to control it.

"Is this feeling the Uchiha group of guys? Want to control me again and dream."

Nine Tails struggled, but its struggle did not play a decisive role. Its eyes gradually became the Shalunyan, and when the Shalunyan completely occupied its eyes, it was when it was completely manipulated.

"Don't want to succeed."

Outside Bofeng Mizumon realized that something was wrong, Hiraijin approached Uchiha's belt soil, trying to interrupt Uchiha's belt soil.

"You can't stop me."

Shenwei activated, immune to Bo Feng Shuimen's attack, and continued to manipulate Kyuubi.

Kyuubi's claws appeared outside Uzumaki Kushina's body again, and at a faster rate than before, Kyuubi seemed to have become even stronger after the violent rage.

Yi Shuihan smiled and mobilized his mental power to instantly isolate Uchiha's control over Kyuubi.

The writing wheel eyes in Kyuubi's eyes disappeared, and after realizing his actions, he quickly withdrew back, while outside, Uchiha covered his eyes with dirt, and he could see blood flowing out of it.

"How is it possible? I was actually backlashed, no more. It seems that today I can't complete the task. If this continues, even I may explain here that I have to retreat."

Forcibly exerted his power, Uchiha's body with soil was surrounded by ripples, and his body seemed to be sucked in by a hole in the void.

"Did you run? Speaking of which, who is he? The guy who opened the kaleidoscope to write the wheel.",,..

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