Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 367: Re-seal Nine Tails

Originally, it was very easy for Yi Shuihan to leave Uchiha's dirt, but he didn't have that idea. Even without Uchiha's dirt-chucking stick, Hei Jue would still find someone to mess up the Ninja World.

Unless Yi Shuihan directly kills Heijue, otherwise, it makes no difference whether Uchiha takes the soil or not, so this is how he is let go.

And speaking of Uchiha, the middle and second teenager was also a victim! Now Ye Yuan Lin is not dead, and I don't know how he was blackened.

"Jushina, how about you?"

Compared with the Uchiha belt soil, the current Hafeng Mizuno is more concerned about his wife, even if the nine tails are still in Kushina, but he has just given birth, and then there is such a continuous toss. Look at the situation of Kushina. It's not so good to go up.

"Watergate, what happened?"

The three generations and others were late at this time and did not find the enemy. While breathing a sigh of relief, they also discovered something wrong with Uzumaki Kushina.

"A man with a mask appeared before and wanted to lift the seal and release the nine tails," Bo Feng Shuimen said and glanced at Yi Shuihan. "For some reason, the seal was cracked. Fortunately, there was Brother Yi, so the nine tails did not appear. The masked man also escaped."

"Why not keep the invaders? It shouldn't be difficult with your strength."

"He has a kaleidoscope of writing round eyes, and controls an unknown time and space ninjutsu."

When it comes to writing round eyes, everyone fell silent, and subconsciously looked at Uchiha's visitor, with doubts and scrutiny in their eyes.

"It is absolutely impossible to be our people, who should have captured the eyes of our clan." Uchiha Tomokazu's face was gloomy, and his heart was very restless. Kaleidoscope writing round eyes is the top power even in their clan, as a killer. The existence of, even he almost could open it.

If such eyes do appear, the first person to know must be Uchiha Tomokazu, but now he has no impression at all, which makes Uchiha Tomokazu extremely annoyed.

Of course, in addition to this, there is also the hidden deep desire. The power of the kaleidoscope to write the wheel eyes, the pupil power that is sufficient to control the tail beast, is extremely attractive to Uchiha Fuqiu.

"Speaking nicely, who doesn't know that only the owner of Shalunyan can exert the greatest power."

As the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, which is opposed to the Uchiha clan, Hyuga Hizusaki said in a weird manner, but his words were not wrong.

If the writing wheel is transplanted, the power will not be as powerful as the owner of the writing wheel itself, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel is so precious that it will be spread so easily, which is also a big doubt.

Uchiha Tomioka could only express his silence about this, staring at Hyuga Hizus with dangerous eyes, but others were not afraid of him, and they stared back.

"I believe that what Fuqiu said was made inside the village." It was the three generations of old men who spoke in the end.

There are two reasons for helping the Uchiha clan speak. The first is that they don’t want to see a civil war break out. The second is that the Uchiha clan has been strictly monitored by Anbe and Gen, and they are in control of every move. In, it is very clear whether this sudden mask man is theirs.

"The most important thing now is to re-seal to save Jiuxinai's life."

"If it is sealed, I can help."

Yi Shuihan suddenly said, attracting everyone's attention, no one would suspect that Yi Shuihan would lie, since Yi Shuihan spoke, he would be sure of it.

"Mizumi, you decide on this matter." The three generations gave the decision to Bofeng Shuimen. Although he is the third generation of Hokage, it is the fourth generation of Bofeng Shuimen who is in charge now, and Uzumaki Kushina is his wife. Bo Feng Shuimen's decision couldn't be more appropriate.

"Hurry up and promise!"

Ye Gucheng touched Bofeng Shuimen with his elbow, thinking that Bofeng Shuimen was letting Yi Shuihan untie the seal.

"Then I beg you, Brother Yi." Xinyue Xiong of Bo Feng Shuimen is still very broad. In fact, I have never blamed Yi Shuihan. After all, everything he did after Yi Shuihan can prove that Yi Shuihan actually wanted Look at the jokes of the masked man.

The reason for the hesitation was actually because he himself had a peculiar idea, that is, to seal Kyuubi in his newborn son Naruto.

After thinking about it, I knew that other people would definitely not agree to doing this. Even if he was Hokage, he couldn’t decide alone. Besides, losing Kyuubi would eventually have some impact on Uzumaki Kushina. Just give up.

"Leave it to me, don't worry, give me half a minute to prepare."

After Yi Shuihan finished speaking, he took out a book and began to turn it over.

"Found it, this is it!"

In the inexplicable eyes of the crowd, Yi Shuihan read the sealing technique he wanted in a glance.

That book is the basic ninjutsu encyclopedia given to him by the Six Dao Immortals. It was usually handed over to Tsunade for safekeeping, but Tsunade later found it troublesome and put it on Yi Shuihan. If she wants to read it, she can always find it. Yi Shuihan will do.


After a few seconds, Yi Shuihan closed the book and put it in the portable space. In the eyes of everyone, everyone paid more attention to Yi Shuihan.

"Seal of Law Yin and Yang"

With a cry at the bottom, a yin and yang figure suddenly appeared in the sky above Uzumaki Kushina, a black and white light, making the entire room become coquettish.

Uzumaki Kushina slowly floated. After about 1 meter in the air, the yin and yang picture above began to fall and shrink, and finally merged into Uzumaki Kushina's body.

After the seal was completed, even though Uzumaki Kushina was still in a coma, anyone could feel the rapid recovery of vitality in her body.

After reading a seal technique in 10 seconds, and then using it in a few more seconds, I improved it with aura. No one believed it.

The techniques that can seal the tail beasts are at least the category of forbidden techniques, and the most powerful nine tails of the tail beasts can be sealed, which is even more of a forbidden technique in the forbidden technique.

"Well, that's ok, when Kushina wakes up, let him come to me, and I will tell her the release of the seal. I'll leave first."

While speaking, Yi Shuihan went out, leaving behind a group of people who hadn't recovered.

This is the Seal of Nine Tails! It's that simple and it's over, no matter how it gives people a very unreal feeling, you must know how to toss for a long time when it was sealed before. ,, ..

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