Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 368: Dashewan wants to replicate dragon blood

The Nine-Tailed Rebellion, because of Yi Shuihan's interference, was so overwhelming. Nine-Tailed couldn't even get out of Uzumaki Kushina's body, let alone go to Konoha.

"Oshe Maru, what are you doing with me?"

In the open space not far from the hot spring field, Yi Shuihan looked at the expressionless Dashewan in front of him, and asked suspiciously.

Da She Wan was a betrayal at this time. In order to live forever, he did a human experiment and was found out.

Of course, in fact, Dashewan did a human experiment. There were a lot of insiders. Even if he was found out based on his status, as long as he admits a mistake, he will be treated leniently and will not defect.

After all, most of the people he did experiments were provided by Danzo. Danzo can tolerate so many dark things for three generations, not to mention Dashemaru, which is a direct disciple of the third generation.

The most important thing is not that Dashemaru does human experiments, but because he has the handle in Danzo's hands. If he is really made into Hokage, maybe the real power of Konoha will fall into Danzo's hands in the future. This is the third generation. The reason for choosing wave wind water gate.

It is true that Danzo has the power, can it survive three generations later?

People who take tea to cool, even three generations have to consider themselves.

As for people’s public opinion, Bofeng Shuimen is a small sun and is kind. It has a better foundation among the people than the indifferent Dashemaru. This is just a side detail and does not play a big role. From the upper level, it is basically Not a big problem.

"Han Jun, I want to make a deal with you."

"Oh? You are not afraid that I will catch you now, there are a lot of bounties for S-level rebels."

Yi Shuihan's words made Dashewan's snake eyes tighten. Even if he could make hundreds of tricks with ninjutsu for his life, he was very stressed in the face of Yi Shuihan.

The more people who understand Yi Shuihan, the more pressure they will face in the face of Yi Shuihan, and Dashewan just belongs to the kind that knows Yi Shuihan better, once for Yi Shuihan’s Thunder-Dance Ninjutsu, and the magical hot spring , Dashewan did not deal with Yi Shuihan less.

Yi Shuihan can always come up with something that interests Dashe Wan, and the deal between Dashe Wan and Yi Shuihan is not once or twice, and both sides have obtained something they want.

Dashewan, a scientist, is really good at research. Many things that Yi Shuihan is just guessing. Let Dashewan study it, and he has really produced some good things.

"Just kidding! Come on, what do you want?"

It's really just a joke, Yi Shuihan doesn't care whether Dashewan is rebellious or not, he has a relationship with wool.

"This kind of joke is not funny" Oshe Maru's magnetic voice sounded. "I need some dragon blood to study. In exchange, I will give you a copy of my research results."

"Dragon blood? Where did you know it? I don't remember who I told you that I have this thing." A little bit surprised, Yi Shuihan is really curious, after all, dragon blood is just put in the hot spring. I did some, but I never told anyone else.

"Really it is dragon blood?" Da She Wan looked shocked.

At this time, Yi Shuihan didn't understand that Dashewan was originally uncertain, but just lied to himself.

"I just took away some hot springs. I wanted to study the ingredients, but finally found out that it contained a special kind of blood. I wanted to replicate an unknown blood, but I didn’t succeed. I found that kind of blood. Blood can even evolve snakes, and then guessed that the blood belongs to the snake's evolutionary dragon, and that is to say, it is dragon blood."

Changing to someone else's Dashewan wouldn't explain so much, and Yi Shuihan was an exception.

"Then what do you want dragon blood to do?"

"The content of dragon blood in the hot spring is too low. If I can get a lot of dragon blood, I can completely analyze the ingredients and make dragon blood."

Oshemaru said with a face of enthusiasm. The reason why he wanted to make dragon blood was entirely because his experimental data showed that a large amount of dragon blood can prolong human life. This is not attractive to him who is dedicated to pursuing immortality. It's not that big.

"Nima, isn't this script taken wrong? Shouldn't he study the art of reincarnation? How come he wants to copy dragon blood."

Yi Shuihan's face was "stunned", feeling that this world of Ninja had been completely destroyed by him.

"As long as a little, 1 ton, no, 100 catties, I can work out how to replicate dragon blood."

Although the more dragon blood, the better, but because of the preciousness of dragon blood, Da She Wan did not believe that Yi Shuihan would have such a large amount of dragon blood.

For Yi Shuihan's act of incorporating dragon blood into the hot spring, Da She Wan felt it was too wasteful.

"You really dare to ask for it! For 100 catties, it would be easy to extend the life span of one or two hundred years."

Sure enough, he knew the true function of dragon blood, and Da She Wan's eyes became more and more enthusiastic. He personally learned that dragon blood can prolong life, even if he had already expected it, he could not calm down.

100 catties can prolong life for more than a hundred years. If you say that, one catty is equivalent to more than one year of life. As long as a few tons of dragon blood can live for thousands of years.

Da She Wan had an abacus in his heart, his excited body wanted to tremble, and it was very hard to suppress it.

Looking at Yi Shuihan eagerly, Da She Wan took a step back. "If 100 catties are not enough, at least give me 10 catties, otherwise I'm not sure."

It was reduced by one-tenth all at once, and Dashemaru was also very sincere.

"No 10 Jin, only one bottle, do you want it." Yi Shuihan took out a crystal bottle, about the size of a palm.

Seeing the crystal bottle, Da She Wan's eyes have not been removed, but the amount is too far from what he expected. This kind of small bottle doesn't even weigh a catty.

"This is purified dragon blood. This bottle is equivalent to a few hundred kilograms of unpurified amount."

Yi Shuihan's words made him wonder how to make his eyes light up instantly when he took out some dragon blood.

If there is such an effect, as long as you own this vial, your goal of immortality will be greatly expected.

The excited Dashewan grabbed the dragon blood in Yi Shuihan's hand, but was gently avoided by Yi Shuihan.

"What are you doing in such a hurry, the conditions are not finished yet!"

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