Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 369: Have you tried cucumber?

"It's me who lost my mind."

After all, it was Oshe Maru, and he calmed down quickly, although his gaze at Dragon Blood still couldn't hide his enthusiasm.

"I don't know how you will give me the dragon blood? Just say, as long as I can do it, I will do it well, even if you want all of my research results."

Compared with eternal life, everything in the past is something that can be discarded for Oshemaru.

This one is for longevity and doesn't even care about gender. If it weren't for a person with good talents to look good, I am afraid that even an ugly monster, as long as the talent meets his requirements, he will reincarnate indifferently!

Suddenly thinking of the female version of Dashewan in the original work, Yi Shuihan wanted to ask, what is the difference between being a woman and a man? How much perseverance is needed to make Dashewan, who was originally a man, used to a woman’s lifestyle.

"Have you tried cucumber?" Yi Shuihan's mouth suddenly said this.

"Cucumber?" Dashewan looked at Yi Shuihan blankly, and then his expression changed. "Are you saying that the ingredients of cucumber can be used? I haven't tried it before, but I will try it when I go back."

The corner of Yi Shuihan's mouth twitched, looking as if he had been prompted, the excited Dashewan was full of horses in his heart.

"Dragon blood can be given to you, provided that if you really work out how to replicate dragon blood, give me a copy of the research results, and owe me a favor."

Yi Shuihan doesn't think that dragon blood can be researched so easily, but this does not prevent him from investing in Dashe Pills, in case it really gets out!

There are still a lot of dragon blood Yi Shuihan, but in fact, it has used nearly one-third of it compared with the first time, and it will be used up sooner or later if it continues.

For now, dragon blood is still very useful. There are really ways to increase dragon blood. Of course, Yi Shuihan wants to try it.

As the world's top scientist, Dashemaru can even improve on a theory and develop a ninjutsu that transfers blood stains. If you do your best to study dragon blood, it is very promising to study some famous ones!

"Is there only these?"

For Yi Shuihan's request, Dashewan didn't feel too much, but less. For him, the dragon blood was too easy to get, but it was a little uneasy.

With a slight smile, Yi Shuihan shook his hand, and then threw the crystal bottle out.

Da She Wan hurriedly caught it, holding the baby in the palm of his hand with joy. At this time, his vigilance had dropped to the lowest level. At this time, any Shang Ren might succeed in a sneak attack.

"Well, if it's okay, go and research quickly. I'm waiting for your research results."

Yi Shuihan put the crystal bottle on his tongue and swallowed it in his stomach. Then he summoned a big snake with a thick waist. The big snake swallowed the big snake pill with one bite, and then the bang turned into white smoke and disappeared from the place. .

"It's really disgusting as always!"

After watching all this, Yi Shuihan felt that the taste of Dashewan was indeed a bit low, and he couldn't become Hokage, which probably had a lot to do with it.

A black shadow suddenly soared into the sky, just standing in the place where Oshe Maru had stayed before.

"Excuse me, did you find any possible characters appear before?"

"There seems to be a suspicious character!"

"Please tell me where he is now?"

Facing the unknown Anbu's question, Yi Shuihan just glanced at him in surprise, and after confirming that the other party did not seem to know him, he shook his head and left a back of his head.

"Isn't the suspicious character you?"


Unknown Anbu looked at Yi Shuihan's back, trying to suppress his predominant power, so Xuan did not make a move.

"I've been busy for so long in the middle of the night, so it's time to catch up."

Answering his own room, Yi Shuihan fell asleep at the end, completely ignoring the chaos outside.

Kyuubi did not succeed in breaking the seal, but this does not mean that the ninjas have nothing to do. After a series of orders, Konoha groups of ninjas hopped around on the roof, looking for intruders. Now as long as you go out, you can basically encounter the dark part with a mask.

The next day, by the time Yi Shuihan woke up, it was already three rods in the sun.


After yawning, Yi Shuihan found that Uzumaki Jiuxina had been waiting outside for some time, and it seemed that the waiting time was not short.

A soft touch flashed in her eyes, and Yi Shuihan knew that she was waiting here by herself because she was afraid to interrupt her rest.

"What are you doing so early? Even in the system of the whirlpool clan, you still need to rest at this time. Besides, your son still needs your care! This fellow Watergate does, I don't know to accompany you."

"Watergate is Hokage. Now there are many things in the village for him to deal with."

Uzumaki Jiuxina helped her husband speak, making Yi Shuihan difficult to continue talking.

Hokage's pitted position, that is, he likes to be in the second grade. There is no time to accompany his son every day, and he is busy with things all day. It can be said that it is the most difficult job.

Yi Shuihan thought that after Naruto became Hokage, he even used the shadow clone for his son's birthday, and felt that the position of Hokage was really boring.

Compared with the daimyo enjoying every day, thinking of the name of the medal when fighting, Naruto is a battle that not only dispatches the power of ninja, but also takes the lead when necessary. It can be said that the difference is not a star.

Well, even though that said, if you really do a wayward Hokage is still very good, only this kind of dedicated Hokage is the most difficult existence.

"Then you came to me to learn how to unseal the new seal?"

Uzumaki Jiuxina nodded. When she woke up today, she found that the new sealing technique was completely different from the one she had seen before, and it was not even maintained by Chakra.

This peculiar energy far surpasses Chakra in her senses, and she absorbs energy from her surroundings instead of herself, which is simply better than the original seal.

With this seal, even if you are pregnant again, the seal will not weaken. ,, ..

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