Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 370: 9 years of Hedao

"In fact, there is no need to worry. The seal I placed is much more stable than the previous one. Even if the masked man comes back, for now, there should be no one else but me and a certain old man who has no body can unlock."

Yi Shuihan said quite contentedly, although it was only a one-minute job, it would be troublesome to look down upon it like this.

"Yes, Brother Yi's seal is really powerful. I have never seen such a powerful seal."

Uzumaki Jiuxina's eyes showed a radiance of worship. As a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, he was best at seals. Most of the most powerful seals in the Ninja World came from their clan.

Although Uzumaki Jiuxinai is not the most powerful seal of the Uzumaki clan, she considers herself to be the top one in the current Ninja World. However, she is completely helpless in the face of Yi Shuihan's new seal. I couldn't understand it a little, this was the reason why Uzumaki Kushina was here in such a hurry today.

She felt that if she could really understand this seal thoroughly, her sealing technique would improve a lot, and her strength would also improve a lot.

Yi Shuihan gave Uzumaki Jiuxina a look that you know very well.


"Uh! Brother Yi, I'm sorry."

Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai felt that his face was burning, and unexpectedly showed this embarrassment in front of Brother Yi.

"It's okay, you shouldn't have eaten! How can people do without eating? It happened that I didn't eat either. Let's have a meal together, and then talk about the seal!"

After saying this, I randomly created a dining table and two seats, with a table of dishes, and the aroma instantly increased the appetite.

"Eat! You're welcome."

Uzumaki Jiuxina hesitated for a moment, after all, he picked up the tableware and ate sweetly.

After a short meal, Yi Shuihan began to tell Uzumaki Jiuxina about the seal.

"You can feel it too? This seal is different from ordinary seals. Its operating energy is not Chakra, but another kind of more advanced energy. Maybe you have heard of it, it is natural energy."

"Natural energy? Is that energy necessary for practicing fairy art? I have heard from Watergate."

"Yes, that's the kind of energy."

"Could it be that you are in fairy mode?"

"I can be much better than the fairy model."

What Yi Shuihan said, Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai was a bit of doubt, she couldn't imagine what was more powerful than the fairy mode.

"Well, let's go on to say that this seal uses the natural energy between the heavens and the earth to produce according to a certain arrangement..."

Yi Shuihan explained the principle of the seal unhurriedly, and Uzumaki Kuzina listened very carefully, and he didn't shy away from asking questions when he didn't understand, and got a timely answer.

In this way, the whirlpool Jiuxina spent the whole day in Yi Shuihan's hot spring field, and did not go back until very late.

For the sealing technique that Yi Shuihan produced in less than a minute, it would take a day for everyone to understand the sealing technique of Uzumaki Jiuxina, which was enough to explain the gap between the two.

"There has been no breakthrough in strength for so many years. I didn't expect it, but today..."

The opportunities for breakthroughs always come so unexpectedly. After coming to Hokage for so many years, Yi Shuihan's strength has finally reached the time to go further.

However, this breakthrough to the last realm below the immortal seems to be quite different from before. Yi Shuihan’s spiritual sense told him that this breakthrough may be unexpectedly long, perhaps a few months or longer.

After spending a long time arranging other things, Yi Shuihan disappeared from everyone's sight, and even Tsunade didn't know the location of Yi Shuihan's retreat.

"The psychic world, this may be the best place for me to break through."

Taking into account the huge movement of the last breakthrough to the return of the Void, Yi Shuihan chose the location of the breakthrough to the psychic world. In this way, even if there is an accident, it will not affect people.

If you change to the Ninja World, maybe the whole world will know it once you break through.

The disappearance of Yi Shuihan did not affect the hot spring field and the development of national arts. At first, some people broke into the hot spring field and wanted to try it out. As a result, when Matdai, Hagi Sakumo, and Fengtian Qing exploded in strength. After coming out, everyone died down, joking, three battle strengths comparable to Uchiha Madara's level, who would dare to provoke them.

With these three people, if you want to contend, you have to integrate the entire Ninja World.

Not to mention these three people who belonged to the hot spring field, if there is a problem with the hot spring field, Tsunade and Ye Gucheng will not stay out of the matter.

Even without Yi Shuihan's shock, the hot spring field still has enough power to maintain a transcendent position.

However, because Yi Shuihan did not leave dragon blood, even Konoha’s hot spring field only relied on formations to operate from now on, and could only maintain the promotion of people below the shadow level for a while. Ye's people's strength increased a lot less.

It's just that Konoha's overall strength is still the strongest among the five major nations.

But because of the masked man, the Uchiha clan's position in Konoha became embarrassing, and undercurrents surged for a while. If this continues, Uchiha's clan will be destroyed just like the original.

In the first few months, many people still remember Yi Shuihan, but as time went by, a few years later, the new generation of youth made you completely lost the impression of Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan also didn't expect that his breakthrough this time would be so long.

9 years later,

A certain person in the psychic world sits on top of a mountain, with a figure sitting in a circle, like a sculpture.

This person is Yi Shuihan. He hasn't moved for 8 years. Fortunately, because of the faint pressure on his body, there is no creature around to bother him.

And in the third year when he sat withered, all the thousands of miles centered on him began to rain, and the creatures who came to this area would fall into a state of inexplicable epiphany.

After six years, nearly a million psychic beasts have benefited. They also know that Yi Shuihan is the cause of all this, so they have firmly remembered Yi Shuihan's breath. I am afraid that when Yi Shuihan wakes up, they will give orders Their words are completely fine.

Of course, Yi Shuihan would definitely not care about this force.

One person gains the Tao, the chicken and dog ascend to heaven, these psychic beasts are also considered lucky.

Unfortunately, here is the psychic world, which is full of aura. If you change to the world of Mr. Zombie, I am afraid that they will not benefit, but suffer. ,, ..

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