Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 371: Soaring strength

In Yi Shuihan's body, a golden pill full of apple laughter exuded a majestic power.

Most people breaking into Hedao Jindan is just like a pill, and it is completely incomparable with Yi Shuihan's. From here, it can be seen that Yi Shuihan is extraordinary.

Logically speaking, Yi Shuihan should have ended his breakthrough a long time ago, but now he is still in a state of breakthrough.

His spirit is still undergoing constant transformation, and it takes longer than the transformation of his own cultivation base.

The spiritual energy of this world is enough to support Yi Shuihan's energy breakthrough, but the rules of heaven and earth have restricted Yi Shuihan's spirit.

The spiritual realm of Hedao may already be the highest that this world can accommodate, and it is equivalent to the saints of the prehistoric world, and there are countless ones.

No matter how great Datongmu Huiye is in the spiritual realm, it might not be as good as Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan was breaking through a realm that had appeared for the first time in this world, so the obstacles he received were particularly great.

As a forerunner, it is naturally more difficult than those who only need to follow the experience of their predecessors to practice, and this is the current situation.

But fortunately, this world can just accommodate Yi Shuihan's breakthrough. Otherwise, Yi Shuihan will probably only become a half-step fit, the energy is reached, and the spirit has not changed.

The rain of spiritual energy was still falling, but suddenly the situation suddenly changed, and the whole psychic world could hear a long and continuous roar.

The ape demon clan, the toad clan, the big snake clan, the dragon eagle clan...

All the psychic beasts in the psychic world looked at Yi Shuihan's direction in horror.

"What sound is this?"

"It's terrible, is the owner of this voice an immortal?"

"It is far beyond our powerful existence, I am afraid that even the one who was a thousand years ago can't match it!"

When it was quite magical, with Yi Shuihan’s radius of thousands of miles as the center, the spiritual energy rained faster and faster, but the psychic beasts fell into a certain state of enlightenment by coincidence, each with their eyes closed, as if there was nothing at all. Hear that long howl.

Breakthroughs continue to happen to these psychic beasts. Some psychic beasts that originally only had the strength of Zhongren had directly soared several realms in succession and entered the shadow level under this opportunity.

Even Uchiha Madara’s super shadows, which are above the shadow level, have been born. It can be said that because of Yi Shuihan’s breakthrough, the overall power of the psychic world has completely surpassed the ninja world, of course. Excluding six immortals and the **** situation.

"Finally broke through, this time I have been sitting for a long time!"

The muttering opening, the breath of breakthrough on his body has not subsided.

"Nine years have passed, and I have only broken through a realm. It's already like that before I become immortal. If I become immortal, wouldn't it take dozens or hundreds of years to break through one? This doesn't count the intermediate practice."

When you reach the realm of Yi Shuihan, the control of time is the most basic, so you can know how long has passed since you are awake.

"Well, how should I put it, although the time has been a little longer, the increase in strength is indeed enough. Compared with the current before I did not break through, I can easily play a few hundred!"

The difference between Hedao and Return to Void is that Hedao can already mobilize the power of a trace of Tao, which belongs to a higher level of power system.

Tao exists in all worlds. It can be said that as long as you have an understanding of Tao, you can display your original strength no matter what world you are in.

It's just that if you want to use the power of Tao, you must first strengthen your body's strength. If your body's strength is not strong enough, it will definitely be the end of your body's collapse.

Only by becoming a real immortal can you really begin to use Tao, that is because the body has transformed into an immortal body.

Although He Dao cannot really use Dao, using it occasionally is enough to easily defeat Return to Void.

This Tao is actually so mysterious, but it's actually a representative of the rules of heaven and earth, and it's just an understanding of nature.

In fact, at the beginning of the practice, you have already begun to understand it. It is only at the stage of harmony that it is the real beginning. The power of understanding is beginning to be used.

"Is it the rule of thunder? It should be because I understand the relationship between the power of the thunder god!"

Yi Shuihan could feel that the power of Dao he had used was more related to thunder. As long as he used the power related to thunder, the power would directly increase by a hundredfold.

A hundred times the power gap, it is no wonder that it is too difficult for mortals to compare with immortals.

"System, open the attribute list"

With primary intelligence, voice control can naturally be achieved.

"Name: Yi Shuihan

Life: 54/9999

Strength: Bronze 7 stars

Speed: Bronze 7 stars

Spirit: Bronze 8 stars


Black Iron: Chopping (Consummation), Basic Body Technique (Consummation), Basic Boxing Technique (Consummation)...

Bronze: Language (consummation), flashing (extraordinary), violent qi (consummation)...

Silver: Plasma beam punch (consummation), corpse energy underworld wave (consummation), observe the mark (consummation)...

Gold: Air Luck Trading (Successful)

Practice point: 1650

Fusion point: 200

Merit Points: 134563

Realm: Early stage of Hedao (cultivation system)

Character overall rating: Bronze 7 stars


The merit points have increased a lot. It should be because the follow-up merit points in the world of Mr. Zombie have been received. However, it has continued to increase for so many years. It seems that the development of Mr. Zombie's world is still good!

Jie Lei's supernatural power still maintains the initial state of entry. It is really because this skill is not easy to improve. If you want to practice, you must at least be at the level of an immortal, but it seems that you can try it now.

When I use Jie Lei to completely transform my body into an immortal body, it should be almost small!

Alas, in a blink of an eye, they are all over half a hundred years old. If I were an ordinary person, I should belong to the elderly now! But now, I am afraid that in the eyes of some great powers, it is still a teenager. Well, it may also be in the infancy, relative to the remaining life. ,, ..

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