Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 372: Snap Finger

"Isn't the understanding of the rules in the skill system?"

Yi Shuihan keenly discovered this, and even his thundering supernatural power can be found in his skills, which surprised him a little bit.

But maybe it was because of too little understanding, it didn't show it!

After getting acquainted with his body, Yi Shuihan discovered the surrounding situation.

"What kind of situation is this? So many psychic beasts." Under Yi Shuihan's mental scan, he clearly saw the million-large psychic beast respectfully worshipping in his direction.

"Could it be that because I broke through, they also benefited."

Not stupid Yi Shuihan guessed the answer, a little bit dumbfounded, but didn't care too much. After all, this kind of thing is also their own fortune. If their breakthrough is the same as last time, they may not benefit from it, but because of it. And death.

He didn't have the thought of meeting these psychic beasts, even if he knew that as long as he went out and talked about it now, this power that was sufficient to rule the psychic world, and even the ninja world, would belong to him.

"It's time to come back. I don't know how the Ninja world is raised now. If Naruto's parents are still alive, will Naruto still be the original Naruto? And, Tsunade, how is she now, I Dai has been instructed to help her pay off her debt if Tsunade loses gambling, there should be no problem!"

Thinking of Tsunade, Yi Shuihan wanted to see her soon, but at the same time, he felt weak. After all, it was a bit unreasonable to disappear all at once for so many years!

The strength has grown a lot, and Yi Shuihan disappeared into the psychic world when his mind moved. Compared to the original, he didn't know how much, and it took at least a few seconds to determine the position before breaking through.

"The breath of that great being is gone."

"Huh, he finally left. Although he did not release the pressure, he felt uncomfortable all over his body just by feeling."

"I must remember this kindness in my heart."

Some psychic beasts are happy. After all, Yi Shuihan is too strong. If he is there, he will be frightened. There are also psychic beasts who feel sorry. Many psychic beasts who have been blessed by Yi Shuihan simply break Yi Shuihan. The place is protected as a forbidden place.

Yi Shuihan naturally didn't know what happened in the psychic world because of Yi Shuihan. Now he has reappeared in the Ninja world.


Wanjie Hot Springs,

Compared to before, the place is deserted and I don’t know how much. There is no Yi Shuihan. Under the continuous persuasion of three generations, Matdai and the others will not change their attitude towards Yi Shuihan, but the number of hot springs is almost the same. Has been completely controlled in the hands of the senior Konoha.

Basically, it is impossible for people from other countries or civilians to enter the hot springs.

Even if they had this idea, they would be blocked by Anbu outside the Ten Thousand Realms Hot Spring Field.

"Stop, no entry in front."

Yi Shuihan was taken aback and looked at the two dark parts in front of him. Although he had long discovered that there were a lot of dark parts around, he really didn't expect that they would not let himself in.

"You two are new here? You don't even know me anymore."

He said with dissatisfaction that Yi Shuihan could have returned to the hot spring directly, but he only wanted to see Konoha's development over the years before he did not directly transfer to the hot spring. He did not expect that he would not be allowed to return on the way home. Home thing.

"Please leave, otherwise I have the right to kill you directly."

The two Anbu directly took out Kuwu, and the killing intent immediately locked Yi Shuihan.

Now Yi Shuihan is completely upset. My sister, I haven't gotten angry yet, but you guys gave me an offense first.

"It seems that besides you don't know me, you are still roots! With this style of acting, the old guy Danzang is still alive, and Watergate is really useless."

"kill him!"

Dozens of Kuwu and Shuriken quickly shot at Yi Shuihan, and they were all targeted, obviously with the goal of killing Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan did not move, but lightning suddenly appeared in the void, and the thunder with thick fingers struck the weapon that shot at Yi Shuihan without warning.

Kuwu and Shuriken gasified directly in the air, leaving only scorch marks all over the ground.

This weird scene directly caused these dark parts that belonged to the roots to step back involuntarily.

People who can make these even the feelings disappear, and only those who are left with the task become like this, completely because this thunder is not an ordinary thunder, it contains the breath of Tao, and in essence makes life awe, even if they don’t want to, their body is even more honest.

The cell instinctively tells the nerve that if it touches or just touches it, it may die without leaving any dust.

Using this method to stop the attack, Yi Shuihan was also overkill.

With the strength of his body, even if he stood there and allowed them to do anything, he would not be hurt by a single vellus hair.

"Using ninjutsu, the art of fire escape from the fireball."

"Water escape with water bombs"

"Water Escape Water Archery"

"Wind Escape Wind Blade"

"Soil Escape Coyote"


All kinds of ninjutsu were thrown at Yi Shuihan for no money, and there was a rhythm to pile Yi Shuihan to death.

"Up and down, left and right, BABA, ninjutsu is ineffective."

If he yelled and didn't match his actions at all, Yi Shuihan didn't retreat but instead rushed into the range of ninjutsu, looking like he was going to die.

However, the next moment these roots discovered that they were wrong, because those ninjutsu hit Yi Shuihan's body, and they didn't even play the role of delay.

All ninjutsu is really invalid to him as Yi Shuihan said.

"Dare to take action against me, which means that you have the consciousness of sacrifice, then I will satisfy you."

"The art of finger escape"

He rushed to the root quickly, bent and straightened his fingers, and repeated the action. Every time, a person flew out and exploded directly in the air, flying with flesh and blood.

After a while, all 13 Anbes were destroyed, and some ninjutsu hadn't completely dissipated yet.

"I'm kind enough, I didn't directly annihilate your soul."

Others can't see the soul, but Yi Shuihan can clearly see the spirit bodies in the sky. If he wants to, these souls can completely disappear from this world.

For killing these people, Yi Shuihan has no psychological burden at all. ,, ..

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