Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 373: Amazing breakthrough speed

"But it seems a bit too unsightly!"

Looking at the bloodstains around and the terrible corpse, Yi Shuihan's brows were slightly frowned.

Originally, Yi Shuihan actually intended to directly smash their insides, but on the surface they couldn't see it, but it seemed that the force control was not so good because the breakthrough was not stable enough.

"Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise I would pretend to be too low."

Controlling his power carefully, a corpse disappeared, and the debris on the ground was used as a target for power control.

Don't say it, after the work is over, the control of power is really better. If you die at least one more time, you should be able to walk to only destroy the inside instead of the previous one.

"When will you come back anyway?" Tsunade muttered to himself as he looked at the picture of Yi Shuihan, wearing a thin dress, supporting his chin with his right hand.

Nine years is also extremely long for her, but her feelings for Yi Shuihan have not faded due to the passage of time, but have grown stronger.

Ever since Yi Shuihan broke through, Tsunade often came to Yi Shuihan's room to clean, and finally made it a home, except for occasionally staying in the family for a few days.

Just as Tsunade was sinking into sweet memories with Yi Shuihan, a pair of powerful hands suddenly held her from behind, and then she felt that she had entered a warm embrace.

"I... I am frivolous!"

Tsunade's mind went blank for a while, and then she was extremely angry. Her body was Yi Shuihan, no one could touch her except him, and anyone who touched her would die.

"Weird power..."

Chakra's cohesive strength made the void bend, Tsunade's entire body was ready to go like a cheetah, and he was about to blast the nasty gangster behind him into scum.

"It doesn't need to be like this! My little Tsunade."

Yi Shuihan's voice sounded at the right time, and Tsunade was startled, and then a bright light flashed in his mind. This voice completely merged with a certain voice in his memory.

"Yes... it's you, a heartbreaker."

Turning around, Chakra's fluctuations have disappeared, but Tsunade's fist still fell on Yi Shuihan's body. He just said it was a hit, rather than a massage, with no strength at all.

Seeing Yi Shuihan, Tsunade's accumulated emotions finally broke out, and water began to gather in his eyes.

Yi Shuihan allowed Tsunade to vent. He knew that he was wrong. When Tsunade stopped, Yi Shuihan held Yi Shuihan extremely tenderly and stroked his hand on his back to help calm Tsunade's emotions.

"If you want to leave in the future, will you take me? I don't want to be separated from you for so long."


Plain, but there is a kind of warmth, in this atmosphere, Tsunade actually fell asleep directly.

Tsunade was asleep, and Yi Shuihan couldn't do anything. He took Tsunade to the bed with pity, covered him with a quilt, and then sat next to him, quietly looking at the beautiful woman. At this moment, Yi Shuihan's heart was very strong. peaceful.

During the time that Yi Shuihan was with Tsunade, news of Yi Shuihan's return has quietly spread in Konoha.

Although 9 years have passed, Konoha’s people have never given up looking for Yi Shuihan. Some people still remember Yi Shuihan’s appearance. Moreover, Yi Shuihan did not hide his meaning. It appeared in Konoha. Soon his whereabouts were reported.

The patriarch's room of the Sarutobi clan,

The spirit of the three generations is strong, and you can vaguely see the demeanor of Shinobi. It can be seen that he has lived well these years. Even if he is relieved of the heavy responsibility of Hokage, he still plays the role of elder, secretly checking and balancing with Danzo and controlling power Although not as good as before, it is definitely not small.

"Are you sure you didn't admit your mistake, really that person?"

"The subordinate is very sure, has confirmed more than once, it is indeed that person."

The appearance of Yi Shuihan was not a trivial matter, and this news could stir up the Shinobi world, and even if Yi Shuihan caused something to happen, the pattern of the Shinobi world would change.

"Is it going to start the eventful season again?"

With a murmur, three generations fell into contemplation.

Root's headquarters,

Danzang received the news of Yi Shuihan's return three generations ago, and he already knew that Yi Shuihan had killed many of him. Although no one saw him, this kind of speculation was too simple.

Half of Tuan Zang's face was covered, and the only exposed eyes were pitch-black and scary, as if they were releasing endless darkness.

"Finally waited until this day, the demon plan officially started."


The room became quiet again, and Danzo's eyes burned with a flame called ambition. Since knowing the power of Uchiha Shisui's eyes, he has been waiting for this day.

"The power of other gods, it's time to use it."

The third one to get news is the fourth-generation Naruto Wave Fengshui Gate. I have to say that the Wave Fengshui Gate is still too young. After these years, the real power of control is not as good as the retired three generations and Danzo.

Unlike the third generation and Tuanzang, the fourth generation had no other ideas about the news, but felt very happy. In his opinion, Yi Shuihan's return should be a good thing.

Of course, in addition to the three giants of Konoha, some people have also received news, so I won't mention it for the time being.

"Boss, seeing you, my youth is back."

"Boss, where have you been all these years? It's been 9 years since you left?"


Matt Dai, Toyota Qing, and Shumao Hagi were very happy to see Yi Shuihan.

"You have been working hard over the years. I thought I would go there for a few months at the most, but I didn't expect a slight accident, and this is only now."

From the expressions of the three employees, it can be seen that these three have not betrayed themselves, so Yi Shuihan is still relatively gentle to them.

"I don't know what the accident was. It will take you so long to solve it, boss."

Fengtian Qing asked curiously, he really couldn't think of anything in this world that could keep Yi Shuihan for so long.

"Uh" Yi Shuihan didn't know what to say. After all, it took him so long just to break through. It was too bizarre. I'm afraid no one would believe it!

"Actually, I just went to break through the strength, but this breakthrough has broken through for 9 years."


Not to mention Toyota Green, even Hamu Shumao looked at Yi Shuihan with a dazed expression, breaking through his strength and going to break through 9 years?

What kind of breakthrough speed is this? Not too short, but too long.

Such unheard of things, as long as the mind is slightly normal, they can't accept it! ,, ..

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