Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 374: Open parents?

Looking at their three expressions, Yi Shuihan knew what they were thinking, and his face sank instantly.

"To tell you the truth, you still don't believe it. Wouldn't it be possible that I would lie to you? It's really ignorant. When I reach my realm, the retreat is calculated based on dozens of hundreds of years. It takes nine years to break through.

A trace of coercion belonging to the realm of Hedao was released, and the three of them immediately changed their expressions.

Even though the three of them are the pinnacle ninjas in the entire ninja world, even at the level of Naruto, they can all be slammed, but in the face of the slightest coercion, they still kneel.

He is really kneeling!

The floor was broken by kneeling.

"So strong."

"The gap is too big."

Can you kill us just by taking the momentum? How strong is he?

Could it be said that what he said is true? It's just because our strength is too low that we don't know what that realm is, and it takes dozens of hundreds of years to close the door.

The legendary six immortals are not so terrible, are they? Could he have surpassed the realm of six immortals.

The one who thinks the most is Sakumo Hagi, followed by Toyota Green, and Matt Dai the least, simply happy for Yi Shuihan's strength.

"Golden thighs, or the number one golden thighs in the Ninja world, definitely hold them firmly." Toyota Qing screamed in his heart.

"Do you believe it?"

After receiving the momentum, Yi Shuihan asked faintly. In fact, just by looking at them, Yi Shuihan knew the answer.

"I believe it, I believe it."

If you do this, let alone not thinking carefully, even if it is there, it will disappear.

"Um, boss! I don't know if I should say something."

Toyoda Ao seemed hesitant to speak, and as he spoke, Matt Dai and Sakumo Hagi became silent as if feeling something.

"Oh?" Yi Shuihan glanced at Fengtian Qing. "Then you can talk about it."

Toyota Qing pondered for a while, as if he was organizing the language, and then slowly said, "Since you have left, some people have started to pay attention to our hot springs, but with a few of us, they naturally did not succeed. But later, the three generations of Hokage often came to the hot springs to chat with us."

Speaking of looking at Yi Shuihan’s face, I saw that Yi Shuihan’s expression remained unchanged before continuing, “The content of the chat is how good Konoha is, saying that our hot spring is also a member of Konoha, and then it is to ensure Konoha’s We will continue to prosper and stabilize, so I want the hot spring resort to give more consideration to the people they recommend when it comes to receiving guests."

"What happened later?" Yi Shuihan didn't care much about it.

"Let me do it!"

Matt Dai looked a little guilty.

"Because of my acquiescence, later basically all the guests were arranged by them, and even they set up a checkpoint not far away, making us a forbidden zone, boss, if you want to punish me, just punish me."

"And me, I don't care about it either."

Both Sakumo Hagi and Matdai are asking for punishment.

"This, in fact, I have something wrong."

Toyota Youth League also said this.

"This incident passed, after all, I was not there at the time, but now that I have returned, the rules are still the same, and what I should do is what I should do. The outside roots stopped me when I came back. I have already killed it. If you find that someone has set a restricted zone in the future, you can just kill it directly."

Others took the initiative to confess, Yi Shuihan didn't want to pursue it any more, and this matter was really just a small matter to him.

And the attitude of Yi Shuihan made Mattdai and the others relieved. After all, what they said, in a way, they did not abide by the rules of the hot spring field, although they were only passive.

"The situation in the National Martial Arts Hall is developing..." Yi Shuihan was about to ask, but suddenly stopped. This action made the three of Matt Dai stunned.

"Did something happen?"

Matt Dai couldn't help asking.

"A guest comes."

"The guests?"

Matt Dai was stunned. He was not a perception type ninja, so he couldn't feel the person coming towards the hot spring field.

"Qing, you let them wait in the side hall."


Toyota Green nodded and left.

"Then the rest will be discussed later! Since they are all here, let's go and meet old friends together."

Partial Palace,

Yi Shuihan was also taken aback when he came out and saw the situation in front of him, not because of the identity of the visitor, but because of the familiar and unfamiliar faces.

"Big Brother Yi hasn't seen it for a long time, this is Inuzibo Feng Naruto," Little Sun is still very warm, beside him is a little boy who wears basically the same clothes as him, almost a small version of Bo Feng Shuimen.

Naruto looked at Yi Shuihan curiously, his blue eyes were very bright, and he was optimistic and cheerful.

"Little Naruto? Speaking of which I am still a witness of your birth!" He directly resorted to touching his head and behaving very kindly.

Sure enough, because the parents are still alive, have they basically changed completely? Even the name is orthodox wave.

"I've heard of uncle, my mother said you saved me." Bo Feng Naruto does not reject Yi Shuihan, but feels that Yi Shuihan has a very cordial feeling.

uncle? The corner of Yi Shuihan's mouth twitched.

"Is your mother okay now? Say hello to her for me." A serious greeting to Naruto mother! No one feels that there is anything wrong.

"Yeah, I'll talk to my mother." Naruto's head lit, and a smile appeared on his face.

"It's been a long time since the old man! It looks like you are in good shape. You have the Watergate to help you during this time. Have you had a relaxed life?"

His gaze flicked past Naruto and fell on the third generation. He glanced at Sarutobi Asma behind him a little. They were another father and son!

And isn't this Konoha's high IQ talent Nara Shikahisa and his son Nara Shikamaru?

The two fat guys over there should be Qiu Dao Dingzuo and Qiu Dao Dingci, as well as the blond-haired Yamanaka Uiichi and his daughter Yamanaka Ino.

In addition to the first time, there are three Sasuke family, four Hyuga family, Hyuga Nizu brothers, Hinata Hyuga and Neji Hyuga.

and also……

Sister, isn’t this here for a parent-teacher meeting? Everyone brings a child, and some of them have more than one. How come I feel like I’m being ridiculed and bullying my brother has no heirs? ,, ..

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