Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 377: Want to cultivate

"I'll probably tell you what I will do, so that you have an understanding."

"Well, first of all, everyone knows that I am not a ninja, and I don’t know how to chakra, but I think no one has the deepest understanding of ninjutsu except six immortals, so I point to ninjutsu, illusion, or physique. , I can do it all."

Not a ninja? Will not chakra. No one believed that except Yi Shuihan himself. As for Yi Shuihan's understanding of ninjutsu, everyone only regarded him as boasting, but even if he was boasting, they believed that Yi Shuihan was about ninjutsu. , Illusion and physical skills must have certain control, not ordinary control.

"In addition to the ninja, I also involved in swordsmanship. I won't say too much. If you choose swordsmanship, I will definitely believe that you will become the world's strongest swordsman."

"I am still in calligraphy, tea ceremony, bow and arrow, cooking, refining medicine, chemistry, physics, psychology, interpersonal communication, scientific research, politics, astronomy..."

After enumerating nearly a hundred skills, Yi Shuihan stopped, and at this moment everyone looked at Yi Shuihan with a dazed expression.

There are so many things that they have not even heard, but if one tenth of what Yi Shuihan said is true, Yi Shuihan is an almost omnipotent person, or it can’t be called it. God, there cannot be such a perfect person.

If someone says that he knows so many things, no one will believe it, and will think that this person is a fool, but if the object is Yi Shuihan, people will be suspicious.

"Wow, it's amazing, there are so many things." The one who was present would believe so quickly that Naruto was this little guy. At this time, he looked at Yi Shuihan with bright eyes, full of worship.

"Hey, uncle, you also accept me as a disciple."

"You are going to be a Hokage. Just learn from your father. If you learn from me, you can't become Hokage."

"I can't learn from you to become Hokage? Then there is no way. Who told me to become Hokage."

Naruto Nakaji's speech made all the adults present suffocate with laughter, and Bo Feng Shuimen was also a little embarrassed.

son! You lost the watermelon and picked sesame seeds! If he was accepted as an apprentice by this one, his future achievements would definitely not be under Hokage. It couldn't be easier to become Hokage.

"Apprentice! I can teach you everything I know, but you have to think carefully about it. After all, your talent is not very good. I accept you as a disciple only because you are pleasing to your eyes. If you are greedy, you will be able to succeed in the future. It’s only better than the shadow level, then the gain is not worth the loss.

Not very talented? You were accepted as a disciple only when you were pleasing to your eyes. This made everyone slander. Uchiha Itachi is a genius well-known for Konoha. Such a talent is not good.

The final achievement is only stronger than the shadow level, making people wonder what to say? Have you ever considered everyone's feelings when you said this? Most of the people present didn't even touch the side of the movie class.

After the slander, they were deeply envious. They didn’t doubt that Yi Shuihan’s words really became this land, and it was really simple to become a shadow class. Even a pig can be directly piled into a shadow class. It is stronger than the shadow level, that is also an undoubted fact.

"I don't know what the master is best at?"

Uchiha Itachi is worthy of being a genius, and he can still ask questions calmly, and he asked the core point when he asked, shouldn't he learn the best things to learn?

"The most powerful one? Huh" Yi Shuihan dragged his chin. "For now, it should be Xiuxian!"


This term has been mentioned for the first time in this world, and everyone is inexplicable and does not know its specific meaning.

"Simply put, it is from human cultivation to immortality."

"To become a fairy? Is it to be like a six-dao immortal?"

"No, six immortals, his title of immortal doesn't mean a real immortal, and he doesn't go to the cultivator. His strength is far from the real immortal, well, farther than me."

The meaning in Yi Shuihan's words once again made everyone feel confused. This is because Yi Shuihan is suggesting that he is much better than the Six Dao Immortals!

Moreover, the six immortals have all come out, which is now regarded as a legend.

People can actually cultivate to become immortals. Such unheard of things have opened everyone's eyes.

"Xianshu I think some of you should have heard of it! And Xiuxian uses natural energy throughout the process, completely giving up chakra.",

Speaking of Xianshu, the three generations and four generations present know more about it. After all, the three generations of disciples and the four generations of master Zilai also succeeded in cultivating the fairy model.

Once Jilai told them about immortality, so I also know the difficulty of immortality cultivation, and Yi Shuihan means that cultivation of immortality is even more difficult than cultivation of immortality. This can already explain the difficulty of immortality, as for the success of cultivation. It's not surprising that you will gain more power later.

"I won't talk about the specifics. If you want to learn from me, I can teach you, but it is very difficult to cultivate immortals. It takes more time than other roads. If you are not qualified, you may be able to do it in one year. Level, for decades, it can’t reach the same level of cultivation as an immortal.”

Uchiha Itachi can go a long way along with the ninja, and the bloodline actually accounts for a large part. If you choose to cultivate immortals, even with the help of Yi Shuihan, it will be an extremely difficult road.

Of course, the future of Xiuxian must be better.

Yi Shuihan's words had a great impact on everyone. After Yi Shuihan finished speaking, everyone was silent with different thoughts.

Our other protagonist, Itachi Uchiha, was also upset at this time, feeling that his values ​​had been subverted. The newly recognized master was actually a cultivator, and he could tell that the master was extremely disdainful of the ninja system.

Uchiha Itachi was very interested in cultivating immortals, but he was also a little worried about his aptitude, and if he chose to cultivate immortals, wouldn't his blood of the Uchiha clan be wasted.

"Master, can you let me try to cultivate immortals first?"

In the end, Uchiha Itachi made this request. To be honest, even he himself didn't know why he was so interested in Xiuxian.

"Of course, you can try it."

Yi Shuihan readily agreed, thinking in his heart what it would be like if Uchiha Itachi really walked along Xiuxian.

While cultivating immortals, teaching ninjas can also be carried out at the same time, so that your strength will not stagnate.

Perhaps what he needs is more politics, maybe, to be a person who is not easy to fool, and avoid righteousness and extermination. ,, ..

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