Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 378: Tsunade also cultivates immortals

"You took that kid from the Uchiha clan as a disciple today?"

At the beginning of the shower, Tsunade held Yi Shuihan's hand that wanted to continue to behave, trying to divert Yi Shuihan's attention.

This enemy has actually become so powerful, a breakthrough can increase his ability in that area.

Yi Shuihan was also quite proud at this time. Originally, he had to do his best with Tsunade to satisfy her, but now he feels that it is easy to face three Tsunade at the same time.

Breaking through to Hedao not only made Yi Shuihan's body stronger, but also strengthened his ability in that area. Yi Shuihan expressed 10,000 satisfaction.

He can still remember what Tsunade once said. If even Tsunade is not satisfied, it will be even more troublesome to accept other women.

"Yes, I think that kid is pleasing to the eye, but if you don't agree, I can push the matter immediately and drive him out of the teacher's door directly."

What Yi Shuihan said made Tsunade very satisfied, and fully demonstrated the importance Yi Shuihan paid to her.

"Forget it, you have accepted him as a disciple in front of so many people. It won't work to go back and forth. I don't want my man to be a person who doesn't believe in words. I'm just asking."

Tsunade has no opinion on Yi Shuihan's acceptance of Uchiha Itachi as a disciple. Although the village is currently extremely suppressing the Uchiha clan, the Uchiha clan is also opposed to the Senju clan, but Tsunade will not be angry with a junior.

Besides, Tsunade also heard about Uchiha Itachi, knowing that Uchiha Itachi is different from ordinary Uchiha people. It is not the kind of person who looks down on others because he is famous, and even Uchiha Itachi is more than most people. People are more likable.

"Can you tell me about cultivating immortals?"

This is what Tsunade really wants to know. From mortal cultivation to gods, just listening to it makes people excited.

Tsunade's strength hasn't improved much over the years, and he didn't spend much time in cultivation, so he also wanted to find another way. Naturally, cultivating immortality is a good choice.

Tsunade wanted to know that Yi Shuihan would naturally not fail to tell him, after all, he had revealed the matter of cultivating immortals, and even Uchiha Itachi could learn it, not to mention Tsunade.

Yi Shuihan turned into a senior Xiuxian, starting from the most basic theory, it took nearly three hours to finally let Tsunade barely understand what Xiuxian is.

Cultivation of immortals is indeed a lot difficult for people in this world, not to mention practice, even the theory is far more complicated than refining chakras, I don’t know how many times it is.

Especially because of cultural relations, it is very difficult for Tsunade to understand many terms and words that Yi Shuihan thinks are easy to understand.

But even so, Tsunade's enthusiasm for cultivating immortals is still unabated, not why, because Yi Shuihan said that cultivating immortals to a certain level can not only keep his face young, but also increase his temperament.

Dragon blood has similar effects, but Tsunade is still very concerned about Xiuxian's beauty.

Besides, after cultivating an immortal, Shouyuan can break through the 1,000th level. This is especially important for Tsunade who wants to go with Yi Shuihan forever. She doesn't want to die before Yi Shuihan.

Although Yi Shuihan also believes that there will be other ways to extend Tsunade’s lifespan in the future, he is also supportive of Tsunade Xiuxian. In addition to the benefits of life extension, Xiuxian also greatly improves his strength, and Tsunade has even more. Strong strength can also make Yi Shuihan more assured.

With the help of Yi Shuihan, Tsunade started his first practice. In order for Tsunade to enter the state better, Yi Shuihan directly controlled Tsunade’s body, allowing him to experience the so-called immortality. What it feels like.

Tsunade's cultivating aptitude was unexpectedly good. Although it was not as good as Yi Shuihan, it was still a small genius. Yi Shuihan guessed that this might be related to her system after her transformation.

It’s just that the problem arises immediately. If Reiki and Chakra exist in the same body, they cannot coexist peacefully. They both want to exclude each other. Chakra has a large amount and the essence of Reiki is more advanced. At first, Chakra must have the upper hand, but The following words will definitely end in aura victory.

The Chakra Tsunami who gave up for so many years was still a little reluctant, but finally decided to replace Chakra with Reiki.

Things like Chakra can be absorbed by the **** tree at will, and it's better to replace it with aura.

As for the possibility that there may be magic attacks that can absorb the opponent's aura, that is another matter. Compared to Chakra, the aura at least has no natural enemies in this world.

With the help of Yi Shuihan, especially taking advantage of the relationship between Lingshi, Tsunade broke through to the early stage of Qi training overnight, which was much faster than Yi Shuihan had at the beginning.

In fact, it can be faster. After all, there is Yi Shuihan, a great master of the same Dao, to help, but considering the foundation to lay a solid relationship, this is not greedy for merit.

"In the future, the time to refine chakras will be replaced with an increase in aura."

Yi Shuihan warned Tsunade, considering that if there is no Chakra, Tsunade's strength will drop a lot, and Yi Shuihan also wants Tsunade not to go out during this time.

Even if I said that, she wouldn't agree to it. Forget it, I'll still stare more at it in the future.

"It's already this time. If you continue to practice, I will also go to meet my new apprentice."

The sky is already bright, although Yi Shuihan is still sleeping at this time, but today is the first day of teaching apprentices, and since I haven't slept, I should go to see Uchiha Itachi.

There is still a lot to go before the agreed time, but Yi Shuihan can be sure that Uchiha Itachi will definitely arrive early, and maybe it will be too late if I go now.

The place they agreed upon was a training ground in the back mountain, not too far away.

When Yi Shuihan arrived at his destination, he saw that Uchiha Itachi was in contact with Kunai's throw, and it seemed that he had been practicing for a while.

"Master, you are here."

Noting Yi Shuihan's arrival, Uchiha Itachi hurriedly came over to salute.

"Well, yes, in addition to talent, necessary hard work is also indispensable in order to become a strong player."

I praised Uchiha Itachi a little, and I still have to support Uchiha Itachi's attitude towards practice. ,, ..

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