Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 379: From Hongmeng to the present

For Yi Shuihan's praise, Uchiha Itachi seemed very calm. In his heart these things were taken for granted.

"Say it first, I won't be by your side often, let alone supervise you all the time, so I hope you will be conscious when I am away, but I think you should not let me down."

When he heard Yi Shuihan's words, Uchiha Itachi still couldn't understand what frequency it was often. He thought that Yi Shuihan was the same as an ordinary master and would not be too exaggerated.

Yi Shuihan can only say that you think too much about this. Yi Shuihan's idea is stocking. Well, he can spend an hour on Uchiha Itachi every day, even if he is happy that day.

In the early stage, that is, half a month, Yi Shuihan would spend half an hour every day to check the practice of Uchiha Itachi. In the later stage, when I remembered when to look at it, or when Uchiha Itachi took the initiative to come and ask .

The master leads the door, do you rely on your own practice!

It’s the same as if you want to come, take the apprentice with you, often for a few days or months of special training, don’t even think about it.

Of course, this is not because Yi Shuihan doesn't pay much attention to Uchiha Itachi. He is different from those ordinary guys. Even if he just gives pointers, he is better than them staying together every day, staring at them all the time. There is no comparison at all.

"Then, stretch your hand over and let me see how your qualifications are."

The big hand held the small hand, and Yi Shuihan began to feel it.

Uchiha Itachi didn't even feel it, but Yi Shuihan had already scanned him completely from the inside out. It can be said that Yi Shuihan knows his body even better than Uchiha Itachi himself.

Well, the physical development is relatively perfect. Although it is inevitable that there will be some hidden injuries, which should be the cause of excessive overdraft training, but in the Ninja world, the hidden injuries are already relatively light, at least much better than the original Matt Dai.

Mental power is several times stronger than ordinary people. It should be an eye-opening relationship. They really have a great advantage in mental power. As long as they are stimulated, their mental power may skyrocket.

It's just that the mental power has skyrocketed, but the body can't keep up. This has caused the body to be overburdened when using Shao Lun Yan and cannot be used for a long time.

The most important dantian, um, is only slightly smaller than Tsunade. As long as he can adapt to the aura, it shouldn't be a big problem. Of course, the ability to improve at the same time in the early stage is definitely not as good as the ninja system.

Uchiha Itachi looked at Yi Shuihan nervously. Even if he was mature beyond his age, his whole body was tense at the moment, for fear of hearing a word that he was bad.

"Not bad, if you don't have any accidents, you can try to cultivate immortals."

Yi Shuihan said with a smile, and Uchiha Itachi also showed a joyful smile.

"If you don't need to rest, I'll first tell you the basic theory of cultivating immortals.

"Master, I am not tired."

Yi Shuihan took out two chairs and a panel for demonstration from the portable space.

"Is this fairy magic?"

Uchiha Itachi pointed to the chair that came out suddenly.

"No, but at a certain stage of cultivating immortals, you can make corresponding spatial artifacts and store things."

Uchiha Itachi nodded seemingly.

"If you want to cultivate immortals, you have to understand what is really going on. At the very beginning, there were no immortals. Immortals are just the name of a certain stage of strength. How did the world come into being? The origin has begun. At the very beginning, there was nothing, no living things, or even the concept of time and space. At that time, it was called Hongmeng, and it was filled with the air of Hongmeng..."

Yi Shuihan directly told Uchiha Itachi from the beginning of the universe, but he himself is actually a little knowledgeable. Some of the talks are seen from ancient books, some are compiled by himself, and some are even inferred from novels.

But even so, Uchiha Itachi is the boss with an open mouth, and hasn't closed it for a long time.

Everything Yi Shuihan said is too vast and magical. Whether it is the three thousand demon gods, Pangu Kaitian, the three-group battle between the dragon and the phoenix and the unicorn, Hongjun preaching, the division of saints, the battle of the lich and so on, every one of them sounds like that. Untrue.

Those characters really exist in the world. Compared with them, the so-called Six Dao Immortals are too small, right?

But Yi Shuihan's stern look made Uchiha Itachi couldn't help but believe him.

Although Yi Shuihan has covered many things in just one sentence, when it comes to Journey to the West, a long time has passed, and at this time Yi Shuihan has not really entered the topic.

Uchiha Itachi listened with gusto, without being impatient.

"...Okay, these are too far away from us, but after understanding these, you also have some concepts for cultivating immortals! Let's not mention the realm above the immortal, even I haven't reached it, now let's talk about the realm below the immortal , The first step of cultivating immortality is to refine Qi, awaken the source of the law, condense the spiritual energy from the body, the second step is to practice Qi to transform the spirit, while strengthening the spiritual energy, strengthen the spirit, the third step, practice the spirit to return to the virtual, and best You don’t need to know for the time being."

"As long as you can reach the God of Practicing Qi, you can basically become a powerhouse of the Shadow Level, and you can cultivate the God of Practicing Qi to the peak. Except for the level of the six immortals, you are already invincible.

Looking at Uchiha Itachi's half-confused, half-understood face, Yi Shuihan felt that he had said a little bit today, and he would actually think of talking about these things with Uchiha Itachi.

After having lunch with Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Itachi started the first immortal practice under the guidance of Yi Shuihan, condensing the origin.

"What Tsunade condenses is the second-class origin. I don't know how he is."

Uchiha Itachi doesn't have the kind of hand-in-hand treatment like Tsunade. Yi Shuihan just talked about the precautions for the origin of cohesion and let Uchiha Itachi start cohesion by himself.

Three hours later, there was a violent aura wave around Uchiha Itachi, and the misty aura visible to the naked eye was absorbed by it.

"Is it the last step? I can help you."

With a thought, more aura was instilled into Uchiha Itachi's body.

And Uchiha Itachi's speed of condensing the origin suddenly accelerated, and the source of the law that would have taken a while to condense was actually condensed in a short time.

"Is it a third-class source of law? It's still close to a second-class third-class source of law."

Just after the condensing and origination succeeded, Yi Shuihan instantly confirmed the quality of Uchiha Itachi Fayuan. ,, ..

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