Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 380: Chakra and Reiki coexistence problem

Yi Shuihan was not disappointed that Uchiha Itachi was only a third-class source of law, but felt reasonable.

Not to mention the third-class source, the fourth-class source, Yi Shuihan feels acceptable. After all, even the fourth-class source has its potential to the limit. He has already paid attention to becoming a sixth-level immortal, and can even surpass the sixth-level immortal. .

This is already very good for a descendant of the bloodline of the Six Dao Immortals who don't know how many generations have passed.

The third-class source of law has reached the bottom line of becoming immortal. If it develops well, Uchiha Itachi still has great hope for becoming a fairy, especially his source of law is the best even in the third-class. , Is close to the origin of the second class.

After condensing the source of law, Uchiha Itachi also learned of his source level, and he was not disappointed either. His initial expectation was to fight for the fourth rank of source, and the result was obviously enough to satisfy him.


Suddenly Uchiha Itachi's brows frowned. He tried to condense aura, but as soon as this trace of aura was condensed, the chakra in his body rushed forward and consumed the aura directly.

Chakra and Reiki can't coexist, which is undoubtedly bad news for Uchiha Itachi.


About to tell Yi Shuihan of his situation, he suddenly stopped seeing Yi Shuihan's eyes that seemed to see everything through.

The master should know this kind of thing, and there must be a solution, otherwise I won't let me try to cultivate immortals.

The master does not say, do you want me to think about it? Some things will be more memorable than others telling them.

Thinking about it this way, Uchiha Itachi really stirred his brain and started thinking seriously.

Yi Shuihan looked at Uchiha Itachi lost in thought, and did not disturb him, thinking that Uchiha Itachi was comprehending his current situation and didn't know what Uchiha Itachi thought.

If he knew what Uchiha Itachi was thinking, he would definitely have a look of stunned expression, and tell Uchiha Itachi that you are thinking too much.

If you ask, I will blurt out the answer.

The answer, of course, is not to run out of chakras instead of extracting them, and to consciously prevent the body from automatically extracting chakras. With this method, the ninja system is equivalent to giving up completely.

However, Yi Shuihan said that he wanted to make the Uchiha Itachi ninja system continue to improve while learning to cultivate immortality.

So how can it be done?

Chakra and Reiki cannot coexist peacefully. Even in the fairy mode, Chakra and Reiki have a certain balance for this. But in fact, natural energy is only a consumable. When it is used up, it will re-condense. In fact, it is better than no long-term existence. In the body.

There is naturally a way to let Chakra and Reiki live in peace.

Starting from the source of why Chakra can't coexist with Reiki, a solution can be found.

Chakra is a mixture of body energy and spiritual energy according to a certain ratio. Reiki is a higher energy, but if it is common sense, the two are not mutually exclusive. At most, it is Chakrado’s or Reiki. Assimilated into Chakra, and when there is a lot of Reiki, Chakra is assimilated into Reiki.

Of course, this process is generally very long.

In the past, Yi Shuihan had imagined whether Chakra had a certain characteristic, and that characteristic made it possible for it to be absorbed by the sacred tree of the source, which was also the reason why Reiki and Chakra did not coexist.

Now, as long as this characteristic is taken out, Chakra can coexist with Reiki.

In fact, before breaking into Hedao, even if he had this idea, he didn't have the confidence to complete it. After all, they were still at the same level as the sacred tree.

Even the ordinary Hedao may not succeed at all, but Yi Shuihan is different. He has a supernatural power against the sky. By relying on this supernatural power in Hedao, he can achieve the immortal body, and then fully exert the power of the immortal. Reiki has even higher power, the power of rules.

Using the power of this rule, it is completely possible to expel the factors that make Chakra and spiritual energy discordant.

Uchiha Itachi also thought of the former method, but his vision was not enough for the latter method, so he couldn't think of anything, so he looked a little frustrated in the end.

Before listening to Yi Shuihan's story, he would never be like this. Now, choosing between the ninja system and cultivating immortals, he would definitely choose the latter, but abandoning the former, it would be difficult for a while!

"What's the matter? This is not like our little geniuses!"

"Master, my chakra wiped out the aura when it was produced, as if the two cannot coexist. No matter how I thought about it, I didn't think of a way to make the two coexist."

Of course! If you can figure it out, what do you want me to do?

Yi Shuihan was not surprised at this, and smiled and said, "This is not a big problem, leave it to me, the storage of Chakra and Reiki can coexist."

"Can it really be done?"

"That's natural, but forget it today, um, tomorrow, no, the day after tomorrow, then you will wait for me here again, I will help you solve the problem, it's so late today, just leave!"

Why is it the day after tomorrow, and it’s still early to get dark! Why is it so late?

Generally speaking, if there is nothing special, he would only go home after practicing until dark.

Uchiha Itachi said that he did not understand Yi Shuihan's way of thinking, and he kept looking up at the sky, making Yi Shuihan feel baffled.

"Then, goodbye, see you the day after tomorrow."

With a cool back, Yi Shuihan left, while Uchiha Itachi continued to practice in the training ground as usual.

"If you can successfully make Chakra and Reiki coexist here in Uchiha Itachi, then Tsunade can also try it. In this case, you don’t have to worry about Tsunade’s strength without chakras. However, if there are too many chakras, it’s for Xiuxian. There are also certain obstacles. Some take up space and will be expelled later. I don't know what Tsunade himself thinks."

Well, compared with Tsunade, Uchiha Itachi is still a bit low in Yi Shuihan's heart, otherwise Yi Shuihan would not try on Uchiha Itachi first, although the success rate is indeed not low. ,, ..

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