Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 386: Girl-off plan in execution

The impact of Danzo’s death was far greater than it appeared on the surface. Konoha’s major families were shocked. At the same time, they were shocked, fearing that Yi Shuihan might have caused Yi Shuihan, and ordered the restraint of the family’s children. They must respect Yi Shuihan very much.

If anyone provokes Yi Shuihan, he will bear it alone. Not only will the clan not help with revenge, but it will send you to apologize.

The unanimous actions of the major families made the name Yi Shuihan remember again, whether it was the older generation or the younger generation.

Even many families have made it very clear that even if they provoke Hokage, fight Konoha, or even become rebellious, don't get angry and easy to cold.

Yi Shuihan suddenly became a taboo.

The Uchiha clan, because Danzo’s death seemed to be Uchiha Itachi. Yi Shuihan killed Danzo to avenge his disciples. Suddenly, the clan was pleased with Uchiha Itachi and directly determined the next patriarch. It was him. In the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Itachi had better face than his father Uchiha Fuqiu, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

The Hyuga clan, in order to compete with the Uchiha clan, a girl-off plan was launched. There was only one center of the plan, making Hinata Hinata a disciple of Yi Shuihan.

If you can’t become a disciple, you must also become the person Yi Shuihan cares about. It would be the best result to be a woman of Yi Shuihan directly. Of course, considering Tsunade’s existence, they would be Yi Shuihan’s Women still don't hold much hope.

"Sakura, why are you here?"

"Ino, and Hinata, you are."


Konoha's new generation, the only three female ninjas in the 12 Xiaoqiang, unexpectedly gathered outside the hot spring.

"Isn't this a hot spring? Of course I came to the hot spring." Kozakura seemed more natural.

"Me too." Ino's eyes flickered. In fact, after experiencing the charm of the hot spring, she fell in love with it. Later, after hearing about Yi Shuihan, she gradually focused her attention on Sasuke. With Yi Shuihan's body, now more than improving his strength, he wants to meet Yi Shuihan.

"How about you? Hinata, should it be the same as me?"

"...Huh?" Hyuga Hinata blushed, and he nodded after a while, or lowered his head in shame.

My father asked me to worship Big Brother Yi as a teacher. I wonder if Big Brother Yi will accept me!

How to do? So embarrassed! But father...

The serious and expectant gazes of his father and the elders appeared in Hinata's mind, and his eyes became firm instantly.

Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura did not notice the changes in Hinata Hinata. It is true that Hinata Hinata always looks like this. Even if they pay attention, they might not find anything unusual.

"Ino, you haven't competed with me for help recently. Do you think you can't compete with me and you automatically quit? You still have a good idea!"

Haruno Sakura was proud of her face, thinking she had guessed the facts, but Ino, whom she had always regarded as her opponent, looked at her indifferently, and did not show the reaction she imagined.

"Don't think that you can be fooled by pretending to be like this, in fact, in your heart..."

"Who would like Sasuke's kind of kid, and only immature children like you would like him" Ino said blankly, and then a blush appeared on his face. "Compared to him, Sasuke is worse It's too far."

"He! Who is he?" Kozakura looked at Ino in a daze, this time she really realized that Ino was not lying, but really not interested in Sasuke.

For some reason, Kozakura suddenly felt very boring, and even her interest in Sasuke dropped a lot.

As a little girl, I had a kind of comparison psychology. The reason why I was so obsessed with Sasuke was because Ino had been robbing him, but now that there is no opponent, my obsession with Sasuke naturally becomes less strong.

"Oh, it's Ino and Hinata! And as kids, do you all come to the hot springs?"

"Uncle Dai, hello."

"Hello Uncle!"

Since Ino and Hinata Mattdai have been in contact many times, they are very familiar with each other, and they greeted with a smile.

Even if it’s the first time I saw Sakura, from the conversation between Ino and Hinata, and their expressions, I know that they are definitely friends. Aiya and Ushia are also extremely kind, although even if they don’t know each other, they are strange little girls. He is almost the same.

"Aunt Liang's name is Sakura, isn't it? You came at the right time, and today's quota happens to be left."

As Matt Dai spoke, he brought the three women into the door.

"what is this?"

Haruno Sakura suddenly saw the Tieze stone monument not far away, and said, pointing to the stone monument.

"Oh, that, it's the iron stone stele of our hot spring. You can take a look first. If you violate the iron rule above, you will be punished."

Curiously walked to the Tieze stone stele and carefully looked at the text on it. Gradually, Haruno Sakura's small mouth opened, and the gap was getting bigger and bigger. Finally, the big one could be filled with an apple.

"The first time I came, I was the same as you! But then I got used to it."

Senior Ino Yamanaka said like this, even Hinata took it lightly.

"What? What's so great."

Haruno Sakura said uncomfortably, she didn't want Ino to see her very inferior appearance.

With a chuckle, Yamanaka Ino ignored Haruno Sakura, but said to Matt Dai, "Is Brother Yi now? Can I go find him?"

"Well, if I can, I'll also ask Big Brother Yi to do something."

Hyuga Hinata raised his little hand and said cutely.

Even Matt Dai was adorable by Hinata, and was lost for a moment.

"The boss's words are behind, but if you go to see him, I have to ask first."

If it was someone else, Matt Dai would not be so easy to talk about, but he also knew that Yi Shuihan seemed to be different to Hina Tian, ​​so he expressed his willingness to ask Yi Shuihan.

"It's okay, just ask! I think he will definitely be willing to see us."

"Okay, but I have to arrange this little sister first."

Matdai talked about the hot spring prices to Sakura, and then asked Sakura how to consume it.

"Can you wait? If I can, I would also like to see the boss here.",,..

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