Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 387: The apprenticeship fails, the younger sister succeeds

"You said, Ino, Hinata, there is a girl named Haruno Sakura who wants to see me."

When Matt Dai saw Yi Shuihan, Yi Shuihan was eating dessert and drinking black tea.

After only pondering for a few seconds, Yi Shuihan replied, "Yes, you can bring them here."

He mainly wanted to meet Hinata, a tender little girl, but Ino and Sakura were incidental.

Not long after, the three little girls came to Yi Shuihan under the leadership of Matt Dai.

"Would you like to eat together?"

Yi Shuihan said like a big brother, it seems that he really treats a few little girls as little sisters.

The warmth that belongs to the big brother healed the hearts of the three women in an instant. Not only the girl can heal, but the warm man can still heal the girl!

Not to mention that Ino, who has long been fascinated by Yi Shuihan’s charm, even Sakura, who has only met Yi Shuihan for the first time, has his atrium instantly occupied by Yi Shuihan, and even Sasuke’s shadow is gradually gradually Replaced by Yi Shuihan.

At this moment, she seemed to understand why Ino would empathize with each other. How could such a good person really exist, and he was much more handsome than Sasuke, and he was so mature and felt safe.

"Well, I was Haruno Sakura when we first met. My eldest brother can call me Sakura. Please advise."

What kind of madness is this? Yi Shuihan looked at the Haruno Sakura with a confused expression, his mouth twitched slightly.

However, in order to maintain his image, Yi Shuihan still smiled and nodded, "I am Yi Shuihan and the boss here. You can call me Brother Yi or Brother Han. I'm glad to see you Xiao Sakura."

"Wow! What it feels like, so excited, my heart is beating, is this the legendary love at first sight." Haruno Sakura fell directly into narcissism.

"It looks like there is another opponent, but forget it. Anyway, I am not the first one. Tsunade-sama is too foul. Maybe I need to be with Sakura to have a chance."

Yamanaka Ino held his forehead and thought to himself.

"Huh?" Yi Shuihan suddenly turned his head to look at Hinata. Just now, if he felt something, he consciously told him that something interesting would happen to him, and the person who caused it was Hinata.

Being stared at by Yi Shuihan, Hinata felt that the whole person was going to burn with shame. The Nine Tails Rebellion in the original work did not break out, and even the robbing of Yunrencun’s eyes did not happen, let alone the fact that Naruto saved her. Things, so Hinata didn't have Naruto in his heart at this time. Although Yi Shuihan didn't reach the point of Naruto in the original work in his heart, he was definitely closer than normal.

Admiration, sister's elder brother, or a kind of affection between men and women, in short, Hinata feels very strange for Yi Shuihan.

Courageously, Hina Tian walked step by step in front of Yi Shuihan, her eyes became firmer every step she took, and when she walked to a place where Yi Shuihan was less than one meter away, Hinata was already resolute. , The eyes are full of seriousness.

"Please marry me!"

This kind of sight suddenly appeared in Yi Shuihan's mind, and the person who proposed was Hinata Hyuga. I have to not say that Hinata at this time really looked like a man about to propose.

Of course the real reality is,

"Brother Yi, please accept me as a disciple."

After speaking, it seemed as if all his courage had been exhausted. Hina Tian became the familiar Hina Tian again. He didn't dare to look at Yi Shuihan from the bottom of his head, and his body trembled, as if waiting for the trial.

"Nani! Hinata... she, apprentice?"

The three kinds of Ino looked at Hinata with shocked expressions, the Hinata who was completely different from before, and what she said seemed like a dream, which made her hard to believe.

Haruno Sakura also felt that the atmosphere was not right and became very quiet.

Everyone's eyes hovered between Hina Tian and Yi Shuihan.

Matt Dai remembered the scene where those people were going to apprentice at that conference, and he couldn't help but become nervous. He didn't want to see Hinata being rejected and sad. For this little aunt, even he loved it!

"Suddenly apprentice, is this the so-called interesting thing? How come it just doesn't feel interesting!" Yi Shuihan looked at Hinata with his eyes, thinking in his heart whether he should agree to it.

To be honest, he really thought about accepting Hina Tian as a disciple. After all, he also wanted this mushroom to protect itself and not harm others, at least to have the power not to be hurt.

Only later I considered that even if she didn't accept her as a disciple, she could be pointed out, and the effect was the same.

Hmph, he won't admit that, in fact, he has some thoughts about this little loli in his heart!

Now that Hinata has been apprentices in person, it would be bad if he refused suddenly. This child, who is already vulnerable, will definitely feel uncomfortable and sad because of his refusal.

Dilemma! This is a mess, why do you suddenly play an apprenticeship? The apprentice who was caught off guard, although very happy that he was so recognized, wanted to worship me as a teacher, but in his heart he didn't want to accept this disciple!

How to do it? With that, let's decide so!

"It's impossible to be your master," Yi Shuihan finally said, but what he said made Hina's face dark, but then he changed his face. "But I want to have a lovely sister. I don't know what you want. Not willing? As long as you become my sister, you can learn anything you want, and I will protect you."

"Sister? Me!" Hinata pointed at himself, eyes full of disbelief.

If you become a younger sister, you will be the close person your father said, right? It can be regarded as fulfilling everyone's expectations.

"Um" nodded affirmatively "Then would you like it?"

"I do."

"Well, you will be my sister of Yi Shuihan from today. From now on, you will be protected by me. No matter who it is, don't want to hurt you, let you get hurt a little."

This is the rhythm for Lori to develop! Well, I am pure, just accepting a younger sister.

After failing to approve a teacher and being taken in by a sister, this kind of plot that doesn't even exist in the novel happened before his own eyes. Ino and others felt that they were dreaming more and more.

"That's great! I want to be his sister too." Sakura looked at Hinata, who was being held by Yi Shuihan, suddenly envied.

"To celebrate that I have one more sister, I will treat you to dinner today, and we will have dinner together."

Yi Shuihan announced loudly, and at the same time used a touch to kill Hina Tian in his arms.

Loli has three good, light tone, soft body, easy...

Uh, something seems to have been messed up.

In short, today is destined to be an unusual day. ,, ..

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