Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 388: Did Da She Maru research something?

Yi Shuihan accepts Hyuga Hinata, the daughter of the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hinata, as his righteous sister. This news has also caused waves in Konoha shortly after Yi Shuihan just killed Danzo.

Originally, because Uchiha Itachi became a disciple of Yi Shuihan, the situation where the Uchiha clan was suppressed by the Hyuga clan came back in an instant, and the two families returned to the agreed starting line.

Of course, this is also the case on the surface. In the dark, the strength of the Uchiha clan is undoubtedly higher than that of the Hyuga clan. Uchiha Itachi has opened the kaleidoscope. With him alone, the Hyuga clan must face it carefully.

"Recently, I don't know what good luck the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan have had, but they have been in contact with that one."

"Who told them to have a good son, and a good daughter!"

"These two families are going to rise! Even the Hokage line may not be able to suppress them."

Since taking Hinata as his younger sister, Yi Shuihan has recently encountered a lot of things that come to ask for an apprenticeship and give him a hug.

The age group also spans greatly, from 3, 4 to 30 years old. It can be said that as long as Yi Shuihan goes out, he will encounter various accidents.

When others touch porcelain, Yi Shuihan is a sister. What little Lolita, Yujie, innocent, charming, and shy accidents continue to be staged, it is simply not to stop without reaching the goal.

In order to get involved with Yi Shuihan, these families also struggled, and because Yi Shuihan didn't immediately make a statement, they thought that they had found the right direction and made more and more ideas in this regard.

In the beginning, Yi Shuihan still faced all this with a playful attitude. After all, these girls are good-looking, and they are usually funny and eye-catching, but every time they go out, they encounter it, and over time he feels impatient.

In the end, I asked Tsunade to go to the main houses to warn him, and after more than a month of thinking behind closed doors, the storm finally passed.

One year has passed,

12 Xiaoqiang finally graduated. Well, they graduated 2 years earlier than the original book. They were 10 years old this year. However, they are not weak at the young age. At least they have the level of Zhongnin, and they are all powerful. Endure it.

It was also this year that Yi Shuihan’s mission of developing national arts came to an end. In terms of strength, he could compete with the ninja. The difference was an opportunity to prove. Yi Shuihan took a lot of effort for this. .

In one year, he taught dozens of Baodan, and more than a hundred of Huajin. In order to complete the task, Yi Shuihan was also very hardworking. Thanks to his spatial ability, otherwise he would often run around on the mainland without getting tired. Adult dog.

"You mean Dashewan wants to see me?"

Yi Shuihan looked at the young man with glasses in front of him, and looked quite surprised. Speaking of which, Dashewan hasn't bubbling for nearly ten years since he took his own dragon blood, which made him forget it for a while. There is such a person.

"Yes, I was sent by Master Oshemaru to lead the way. Originally, Master Oshemaru wanted to come to see you, but there is really no way to get out of it." Dou said respectfully, but Yi Shuihan relented. His boss Oshe Maru is very afraid of the powerful existence, he dare not show the slightest disrespect.

"Come to me at this time, can it be that something has been researched?"

I can’t help Yi Shuihan not think so, but when he thinks of this, Yi Shuihan has the mind to go and see. As for whether there is any conspiracy or something in it, he hasn’t considered at all. All intrigues and tricks are paper tigers in front of his strength.

"Okay, then I'll go with you."

Seeing Yi Shuihan's promise, Dou also smiled, and his mission was almost completed.

"Don't know when you can leave?"

"It's okay now. Go early and return early? I have to come back for dinner at night!"

"But my lord, the research institute is no longer popular in the country, even if it is the fastest, I can't make it back today."

For Yi Shuihan even said that he would come back for dinner at night, his face was sluggish, and he didn't know what Yi Shuihan thought.

"Your speed is naturally not good, but mine is perfectly fine. You can point me to the specific location, and the rest will be done as I said."

Yi Shuihan said that he took out a map. The map was very different from the usual map, and it was very accurate. It almost covered the entire Ninja continent, and even the smallest village was marked. It can be said to be the most detailed and accurate in the world. Map out.

Seeing the map that Yi Shuihan took out, his eyes were shocked. As Dashewan's assistant, his IQ was not low. From this map, he could see a lot of things.

To get such a map, the manpower and material resources required must be extremely large, accurate to the village, especially close to the entire continent. Even if all the ninjas of Konoha Village are dispatched, it will take several years to get this map, and it is not It may be silent.

It stands to reason that such a map shouldn’t exist in this world, but now Yi Shuihan has taken it out. What this shows is that behind Yi Shuihan there must be a force that spreads across the entire continent to support it, and this force is still Very secretive, at least he doesn't know the origin of this power.

How big is his ambition to create such a map? Is it because he wants to rule the Ninja World?

I have to say that I think too much about it. If Yi Shuihan had the idea of ​​ruling the Ninja World, he would have done it long ago, and he still uses it now.

This map was actually drawn by Yi Shuihan himself. With space ability, plus his own flying speed, he can basically travel around the Ninja World Continent in a day. The map was drawn only after he passed the time.

"Don't be in a daze, where is the specific location?"

Yi Shuihan didn't know Dou's other thoughts. He thought that it was the first time the other party saw such a detailed map and was shocked.

After returning to my mind, I quickly searched the map and pointed out a location after a while.

"The country of rain?"

Isn't Oshe Maru still in the Akatsuki organization? Itachi did not enter dawn, and Dashemaru would not be hit and quit, it is very possible!

But what does this have to do with me?

"Sure it's here? Let's go if there is no problem."

Yi Shuihan grabbed the shoulder of his pocket with one hand and said, he intends to send it directly. ,, ..

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