Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 389: Xiao people want to see Yi Shuihan

Although knowing that he would definitely not make a mistake, Dou checked it once, and Yi Shuihan put a little pressure on him, making him dare to be careless.

"It's not wrong, it's there."

Yi Shuihan nodded slightly, "Wait you may be a little uncomfortable, you must be prepared in your heart."

As soon as he finished his voice, Doudou hadn't had time to think about what preparations he needed. He just felt black in front of him, and the feeling of spinning around made Dou dizzy.

Top-heavy, the whole person seems to have lost quality, the feeling that even a ninja like this is not immune, it is good if you don't faint.

Time changes, and I don’t know if it’s a few breaths, time seems to have become blurred and unable to sense.



Feeling his body again, before he could make any other reactions, he vomited directly.

"Young man now! The body is too weak, it won't work so soon."

Yi Shuihan stayed a little farther away, but didn't want to stick filth.

Hearing Yi Shuihan's words in the vomiting pocket, while vomiting, he cursed Yi Shuihan in his heart.

What kind of body is weak, let alone me, even Master Da She Wan will react the same way!

After a long while, Dudou eased his energy, and when he looked up, he was surprised by the familiar scenery, which was about 100 meters away from the institute.

Is this space ninjutsu? It's amazing.

Dou’s eyes showed strong interest. As Dashewan’s assistant, he also developed the habits of some scientists. He would want to study some special ninjutsu when he saw it, but he didn’t dare to mention Yi Shuihan even if he thought about it. come out.

"Alright? Lead the way when you are done."

"PLZ follow me."

He walked in front, and walked around a cave with Yi Shuihan. The reason why it was going around was because there were a lot of warning traps around, which would be triggered if you didn't pay attention.

In the hollowed out mountain belly, the inside is unexpectedly bright. The various facilities are extremely complete. It looks really no different from a modern research institute, but if there is less **** smell, there will be less strange corpses. It's even better.

When Yi Shuihan saw Dashewan, Dashewan was standing outside a metal cage. Inside the cage was a large python with a thickness of 2 meters, or a dragon snake that had evolved towards a dragon, because there were already 2 on the head of the snake. Sarcoma-like horns.

Seeing Yi Shuihan Dashewan nodded, then he took out a test tube, the test tube was blue liquid, I don't know what it was.

When Da She Wan took out the test tube and walked into the cage, the originally quiet water snake became active in an instant, the snake's head kept vomiting, and his eyes looked in the direction of the test tube, as if extremely eager.

"Don't worry, I'll give it to you right away."

A magnetic voice rang from the mouth of the Oshe Maru. At this time, his face was full of enthusiasm, and his eyes rarely showed the emotion of expectation.

"What the hell?"

Just when Yi Shuihan was puzzled, Dashewan threw the test tube in directly, and the upper body of the water snake turned into an afterimage, opened its mouth and bit it.

Even the test tube was swallowed directly into the body.

At 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, and the 4th second, finally changed.

As if it were extremely irritating, the snake tumbling in the cage, and hitting the cage with its head.

Boom, boom, boom...

"Rush away?"

Seeing that Da She Wan didn't make any movements, but an unexpected expression on his face, Yi Shuihan had to wait patiently to continue watching.

Soon Yi Shuihan discovered the mystery. With the constant impact of the snakes, the sarcoma on his head gradually enlarged, as if something was about to come out. Not only that, not only did the aura on his body not weaken, but instead It continues to grow at an extremely fast rate.

In a short period of time, the aura on his body has increased twice, and the speed of getting stronger is still increasing.

10 minutes later,

The aura of the water snake has grown to be extremely terrifying, judging from its aura, it is close to the appearance of a shadow level, and at this point it seems to have reached a bottleneck, and it will not continue to increase.

"Are you going to fail?"

The impact has stopped, and the breath of the water snake actually has a feeling of falling.

Da She Wan's face also became a little ugly at this time, and some reluctantly said, "Come on! Baby, take one step further and you will succeed."

It seemed that after hearing the words of Dashe Wan, the snake moved again and slammed into the ground.


The sound of "click" sounded so crisply, from the two small horns that looked like antlers from the two sarcomas of the water snake, the cyan horns looked full of beauty.


"Hahahahahaha, finally, finally..."

With the birth of the new horns, as if breaking a certain limit, the original stagnant aura of the water snake soared again, entering the category of shadow rank without any pause, and it continued to strengthen.

Interesting, is this his result?

"It's been so many years! Yi Shuihan."

Da She Wan looked at Yi Shuihan, as if he was greeting an old friend, and looked very kind, but because he himself was of that indifferent type, showing this close face gave people a sense of disharmony.

"It didn't take long, you haven't changed at all!"

"Thanks to you."

Da She Wan and ten years ago have hardly changed, and the body is still the same. Yi Shuihan knew that he had used some dragon blood, and he probably hadn't studied the technique of reincarnation.

"Let's talk somewhere else!"

Following Dashewan to a room similar to a living room, Dashewan let the pocket go, leaving only him and Yi Shuihan.

The furnishings in the room are very tasteful, as if they were in a living room with a big family.

"Let's talk about it, what happened to me this time? Could it be that dragon blood can already be copied?"

The expression of Dashewan was a bit embarrassing for Yi Shuihan's question, and Yi Shuihan instantly understood that the dragon blood copy had not succeeded, and he was a little disappointed.

"Give me a little more time and it will definitely succeed. This time you are called because of other things."

"Other things?"

"I joined an organization named Xiao, and the boss of the organization wants to meet you."

Uzumaki Nagato wants to see me? Or Uchiha brought soil to see me. ,, ..

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