Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 390: Your surname is Datongmu?

"Just for this?"

Yi Shuihan's expression was a little ugly. Not only did Da She Wan fail to produce results, but instead expressed dissatisfaction with how he used this method to meet the people of Akatsuki.

"Of course it's more than that." When he noticed Yi Shuihan's expression, Da She Wan snorted in his heart, and quickly said, "I haven't succeeded in copying dragon blood, but I didn't get nothing. You can see the situation before! A result."

"Snake-like psychic beasts can evolve. That kind of thing I call dragon fluid. Just add some human blood to control psychic beasts that have evolved with dragon fluid."

"If I remember correctly, you should be doing the final test just now, and you haven't succeeded before then?"

After being pricked, Dashemaru was also a little embarrassed, but he was also a thick-skinned person, and changed the subject with a dry smile. "The leader of the Akatsuki organization has the reincarnation eyes of the legendary six immortals, and his strength is even more impressive. It's unfathomable, you really don't plan to meet."

Speaking of the eyes of reincarnation, Da She Wan's tone has also changed a little. This kind of thing that is only in the legend, if he is not strong enough, he really wants to study it.

In fact, even if she joins Akatsuki, Osha Maru is just using Akatsuki, and she can betray whenever necessary.

Nagato doesn’t really have to rely on him to see Yi Shuihan, but he took the initiative to take the task. The purpose is not so simple. He actually hopes to see Yi Shuihan and Nagato talk about it. Han and Nagato fight.

It would be great if Yi Shuihan could defeat Nagato. Then he could get the reincarnation eye from Yi Shuihan to study. As for how to convince Yi Shuihan, he was pretty sure.

"No, if he really wants to see me, he can come to Konoha to find me on his own initiative."

Yi Shuihan didn't show much interest in Nagato, and simply refused.

Da She Wan was stunned. In his opinion, he had talked about the eye of reincarnation. Yi Shuihan would definitely be curious anyway. It was very likely that he would agree to meet Nagato. He did not expect that Yi Shuihan would refuse so quickly. .

It’s impossible for Dashemaru to know that it’s the eye of reincarnation, even the six immortals Yi Shuihan have seen it more than once, and Nagato’s eye of reincarnation is not his own. A puppet-like figure is not worth his initiative. see.

"The organization seems to be collecting tail beasts recently. The purpose is to collect 9 head and tail beasts to start a war, and then dominate the Ninja world."

Da She Wan said suddenly.


Yi Shuihan didn't say no, collecting the tail beasts, not to say whether it is successful or not, even if it is successful, it is nothing to do with me, as long as I don't mess with me, everything is easy to say.

If Nagato dared to come to Konoha for a super **** Luo Tianzheng, Yi Shuihan would definitely teach him how to be a man.

"Don't you have any other ideas, such as preventing the outbreak of war and maintaining world peace? If the war really breaks out, Konoha will inevitably fall into war and affect your business, right?"

"When did you become so long-winded, I don't need to worry about these things that the savior cares about, or you think I am the savior."

Looking at Dashewan amusedly, how Yi Shuihan couldn't tell, Dashewan wanted to meet Nagato directly.

When Yi Shuihan said, Dashewan felt that he had committed embarrassment. If it weren't for Yi Shuihan's opponent, he really wanted to beat Yi Shuihan. He was so complacent, and it was useless.

"Let's talk about your purpose or attempt. If you say it, I will think about it. Maybe it will be what you want!"

"The reincarnation eye, I hope to study the reincarnation eye."

Da She Wan gritted his teeth and said his purpose, somehow, he felt that he was more frank or better at this time.

"Reincarnation Eye? Research! You really figured it out!" Looking at Dashewan wryly, Yi Shuihan said that he didn't want to think about Dashewan's boldness.

If the eyes of reincarnation really reached the hands of Oshemaru, maybe he would be killed by Heizue directly, and even Uchiha Madara would be in the dark, let alone Oshemaru.

"Is there anything to study about the eye of reincarnation? Isn’t it about writing an advanced version of the eye of reincarnation? I’ll study it for you. What can you study? If you have this time, please copy the dragon blood to me. If you can copy the dragon Blood is just to show you the reincarnation eye."

An advanced version of writing round eyes? Sure enough, he knew something.

"Satisfy your curiosity, so I don’t want to think about it. I have to start talking about this matter when there was no chakra. There was a stranger standing on the ground, a woman named Datongmu Huiye from A distant place came, grabbed the fruit of the rope tree, and gained the power named Chakra, and then..."

Yi Shuihan simply let the history of Ninja world popularize it with Oshemaru, and also told him about Indra and Asura, and even told him that Nagato's reincarnation eye was Uchiha Madara.

After hearing the truth, Osaki Maru couldn't recover for a long time. The so-called war, everything was only because of a fruit. This joke-like fact made him feel that his first half of life was so worthless.

But knowing this, Da She Maru still has some desire for the reincarnation eye, after all, the reincarnation eye even controls the power to resurrect, and the power that can absorb ninjutsu makes him yearning.

"I don't know how you know these secrets? Could it be that your real surname is Datongmu?"

Da She Maru asked curiously, opening his mind.

"I can change my name or sit down and change my surname, so is Yi Shuihan, these things are all told by the guy Yuyi, um, Yuyi is the Six Dao Immortals."

Naturally, I can't say that I watched anime, so I moved out the six immortals.

"Six Dao Immortals? Isn't he dead?"

"Who said that you can't talk or communicate when you die? The strength has reached a certain level, and the body can be destroyed without the soul, and the will will last forever."

"Can you really do that step?"

Dashemaru murmured to herself, a desire for strength and becoming stronger arose in her heart. Yi Shuihan's words opened a door to him that he had never discovered before, allowing him to see another magical world, in that Everything in the world is so attractive that he can't wait to experience it personally. ,, ..

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