Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 391: Sudden visit

Looking at Dashewan quietly, Yi Shuihan's reaction to it was expected. If Dashewan is still indifferent after knowing this, Yi Shuihan would really be surprised.

"Master Oshemaru is seeing the distinguished guests, everyone, please wait!"

"Oshemaru, come out to see my uncle, if you don't come out again, I will let you see what real art is."

A voice not far away awakened Oshemaru instantly, his complexion became ugly, and he was very familiar with the owner of this voice.

Deidara, a member of Akatsuki's organization, who can make bombs out of clay, clamored all day about what explosion is art, and once completely destroyed one of his experimental bases.

In all fairness, Oshemaru is not afraid of Deidara, and even if he wants to, he can kill Deidara at some price. But if he does this, he will inevitably not leave his feet, and he will not stay in the Xiao organization, so he has to bear it. Deedala.

"But what is he doing here?"

The relationship between Dashemaru and Deidara is not well known in the organization, so Deidara generally does not take the initiative to come to Dashemaru.

Dou looked at Deidara helplessly, especially when he saw Deidara take out a bird made of clay, he broke out in a cold sweat, for fear that the other party would explode directly here.

"If you don't give me a good reason, you don't want to go back today."

Oshemaru finally came to Deidara, but he was extremely rude to Deidara.

"Oshemaru, you still like to talk big."

Deidara didn't care about the threat of Dashewan, and after saying a word, she looked at Yi Shuihan behind Dashewan.

After looking at it a few times, Deidara suddenly said, "You are the Yi Shuihan that the leader wants to see, I don't think it's so good!"

As soon as Deidara's words were uttered, Dashewan's eyes became gloomy and cold. Deidara's purpose was already obvious. It was for Yi Shuihan, and Yi Shuihan came and the other party followed. This shows that What's up? I have been monitored here, or there is an insider.

Although Da She Maru knew that he couldn't be completely believed, but now it really burst out, it is inevitable that there is still some uncomfortable in my heart.

More importantly, he didn't know what Yi Shuihan would think. After all, Yi Shuihan had made it clear just now that he would not go to see Nagato.

"Hey, why can't you speak, are you deaf?"

Deidara suddenly pointed at Yi Shuihan angrily. The reason was naturally that Yi Shuihan ignored him and didn't respond to his words.

Deidara himself is an older problem child. In addition to being obsessed with his own art, he is very arrogant, or self-righteous, and looks down on others. Yi Shuihan's attitude of ignoring him undoubtedly makes him very angry.

Turning a glance at Deidara, Yi Shuihan still didn't mean to talk to him. Instead, he said to Da She Wan, "If there is nothing else, I will leave first. Next time you find me, you will have Things have been researched out."

"Don't ignore me!" Deidara finally couldn't help it, and threw a little bird.

The bird quickly flew to Yi Shuihan's side, and then Deidara showed cruel and crazy eyes.

"Art is explosion, drink!"

"Didara, dare you!"

The sound of Oshe Maru was overwhelmed by the sound of the explosion, and Deidara didn't even bother O She Maru, the explosion range also included O She Maru.

"Dare to ignore this uncle, then go and die."

Deidara said arrogantly, even if Yi Shuihan was the person the leader wanted to see, he had no scruples.


The smoke caused by the explosion dissipated, and the unharmed Yi Shuihan reappeared, making Deidara's expression a little more solemn.

"Shulker Snake Hand."

Da She Maru suddenly got into trouble, Dedara shot without saying hello in his turf. This behavior is no longer as simple as provocation.

Deidara's reaction was not slow. A large amount of detonating clay was thrown out while a jump evaded the attack. These clays quickly changed into tiny insects in the air, flapping their wings densely and buzzing. the sound of.


A series of explosions sounded constantly, as if setting off firecrackers, but the power was obviously much greater than setting off firecrackers.

The explosion of distance made the entire hall sway, as if it was about to collapse.

"Cough...cough cough..."

The four people present, because they were far away, only suffered a bit of bruises. One of Da She Wan's arm disappeared. Dedara himself was ashamed, but Yi Shuihan was still unscathed.

"Cut, it didn't explode to death!"

Deidara seemed extremely dissatisfied with his results, but he was still stunned when he saw Yi Shuihan.

Dashewan’s snake pupil was already full of killing intent at this time, but he didn’t take it rashly, took out a potion, and thrust the potion into his body, and then he lost a few arms. The breath grew again, and it looked very strange.

"Is this medicine effective for anyone?"

Although it looks disgusting, Yi Shuihan has to admit that Dashewan is really useful. If anyone can use it, it is undoubtedly a cross-age invention. Disability can be completely avoided by then. Up.

Dashewan was asked by Yi Shuihan for a moment, and then said, "At present, only me can use it, but if you change it slightly, it can be used by ordinary people."

"What are you talking about? Actually ignore me at this time." Chakra surged on Deidara, and in the blink of an eye he took out several huge centipedes.


When Dedala was about to start the operation again, Yi Shuihan suddenly looked at him, waved his hand, and shot Dedala directly into the air ten meters away.

"With another word, I will make you an eternal art."

No matter how stupid Deidara is, he knows that he has encountered a strong enemy, or the existence that is far superior to him. It is simply unheard of to hurt himself with a wave of his hand so far. This method is simply unheard of. For a while, Deidara It was also confused, and unexpectedly quieted down. ,, ..

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