Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 392: Is there a problem with the body?

"So strong!"

Even Dashewan, who knew Yi Shuihan's methods, was taken aback by Yi Shuihan's actions. With a gesture, he overwhelmed a shadow-level powerhouse, which was beyond imagination.

If he had been replaced by himself just now, Oh Shemaru didn't think he would end up differently from Dedara.

Maybe I belong to the kind of ants that can be pinched to death in his eyes?

Thinking of his own three-nines, he is also a famous figure in the ninja world, and in the eyes of Yi Shuihan, he is also an ant-like figure, and Oshemaru is also a little melancholy.

But in the end, it was Oshe Maru, and he quickly recovered his mentality. Even the killing intent caused by Deidara completely disappeared, returning to Leng Jun's demeanor.

"Well, let's go on to say that I am more interested in your medicine. You make some medicines that are common to ordinary people and send them to me."

Naturally, Yi Shuihan wouldn't use the medicine by himself. This medicine is useful for Dashe Wan, but it is not necessarily useful for him. His body composition is not what these ordinary things can play a role.

And at the state of Hedao, even with severed hands and short legs, Yi Shuihan can easily grow back under normal circumstances. Of course, he suffered special damage, so it is not so simple to recover.

"No problem, I'll send it to you in a few days."

Dashewan naturally agreed to Yi Shuihan's request, and I can't offend this great god!

Nodded in satisfaction, but Yi Shuihan walked to Deidara and looked at him quietly.

Stared at by Yi Shuihan's eyes, Deidara felt uncomfortable all over, as if everything about him had been seen through.

"Tell your boss, if you want to see me, come to Konoha yourself to find me."

After leaving such a sentence, Yi Shuihan stepped out and disappeared in Deidara's gaze as if he had blended into another time and space.

"Are you leaving?"

"You heard what he said, so report it yourself! And I remember today's thing. Pocket, let's go."

Da She Maru and Tou left together, leaving Deidara alone with his face constantly changing.

"Is that so? Let me go to Konoha to meet him in person! This is the end of this matter, I have my own plans."

In the dark cave, a pair of reincarnation eyes slowly opened, six Penn's heavenly ways, and the whole person was extremely indifferent, making Deidara who faced him felt a chill in his whole body.

"I will ask you and the scorpion in one tail."

"Don't worry! My art will shine this time."

After Deidara left, Tiandao Payne disappeared with a bang, and the cave was calm again.

The high tower of Yuren Village is also the tallest building in the village. There are people who carry ninja corpses all the year round. Of course, most people don’t know the mystery, they just think this is a place for the dead to rest in peace.

In fact, these corpses were refined by Uzumaki Nagato using the eyes of reincarnation to form the Six Paths of Payne, and the remaining corpses were also used as spares.

The Eye of Reincarnation is not his own. Uzumaki Nagato has to use its power and paid a great price. The body is weak and his body is inserted with dozens of black rods. Sitting in a special wheelchair, it looks quite miserable. .

"Nagato, are you really going to see him in Konoha?"

As the closest person to Nagato and the person who has guarded Nagato's body for a long time, Xiaonan actually didn't want Nagato to venture out to meet Yi Shuihan.

If you want to manipulate the Six Ways of Payne, the body of Nagato must stay relatively close. If you want to go to Konoha, let alone other things, it is bound to be exhausted, and it must have some impact on the current body of Nagato.

The current Konoha is not more powerful than the original, and the overall strength is exceptionally strong. Even if Xiaonan is extremely confident in the strength of Nagato, he dare not look down on Konoha and is very afraid.

If Yi Shuihan wants to keep Nagato at that time, things will become very troublesome, which is not what she wants to see.

"If it is for dreams, his power is necessary, and it is worth my personal visit."

"But your body?"

"Don't worry, I will never fall down before my dream comes true."

Yi Shuihan, who returned to Konoha, didn't know what was happening far away in the country of rain.

"Ask from the fellow Oshemaru on you? Did you go to see him?"

Tsunade grabbed Yi Shuihan's arm with both hands and kept sniffing Yi Shuihan with his nose.

"The taste of Dashewan?"

Yi Shuihan was stunned by Tsunade. When did Tsunade's nose turn into a dog's nose, and what the **** was the smell of Dashewan?

"I saw Dashewan, but you really smell it by nose?"

Yi Shuihan asked suspiciously, without telling Tsunade.

Regarding Yi Shuihan's altogether, Tsunade smiled, and did not continue to investigate why Yi Shuihan wanted to meet Dashewan.

"Actually, I just asked, I know the smell of your body clearly, but today there is a smell of snake fish, and the snake fish reminds me of Da She Wan."

Tsunade explained that she didn't have a dog nose, but Yi Shuihan's smell was a bit prominent.

"Is that so?"

Yi Shuihan also smelled his body, and he could not help but smell a snake smell.


"what's happenin?"

"You said I have a problem?"

"Problem? What is the problem?"

Yi Shuihan looked at Tsunade in surprise, not understanding what Tsunade was talking about.

"It's just that we have been in the same room so many times, and I haven't moved around here." Tsunade touched his stomach with a gloomy expression.

To be honest, the two of them have been together for a long time. It is not a normal thing that they have not had a heir for so many years. As long as the children of the same age group as Tsunade get married, they will endure it.

"Of course you have no problem."

Yi Shuihan said bitterly, he naturally knew the reason. The reason why he hadn't moved for so many years was entirely because of Yi Shuihan's deliberate control. After all, he was unstable now, and he had no idea of ​​having children for the time being.

"Then you have a problem?"

"I have no problem!"

"No problem, what is going on?"

Seeing that Tsunade gave up without asking, Yi Shuihan had no choice but to tell her the truth. Naturally, he greeted her with an expression of resentment. ,, ..

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