Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 398: dark light

"I recognize him as Kakashi-sensei's father. He seems to be an employee of the hot springs." Naruto yelled, and he looked at Sakumo Hagi with curious eyes, trying to see if the grandfather was a strong man. .

Although Haaki Sakumo looked like he was not the kind of dying old man, he was also a figure of more than fifty grandfathers, but in the end he was a strong man. Even when he was old, he was still not easy to look at and murderous.

I have to say that compared to Matt Dai, this uncle who looks quite young, even if Shumo Hagi has not taken a shot, these candidates can't afford to want to fight him.

Although rationally speaking, they know that they must cross Haaki Sakumo, but as soon as they have the mind to fight Haaki Sakumo, they will instinctively happen what they don’t want to see. If they don’t extinguish the battle with Haaki Sakumo If you are thinking, it will produce a strong pressure, and the body will become very uncomfortable.

Naturally, Sakumo Hagi didn’t do nothing. He could fully feel the resistance in the examinee’s heart, and then applied pressure based on his strength, a kind of mental pressure that appeared to be strong enough to a certain degree, and this pressure was mixed with his murderous aura. , It can completely interfere with the human spirit.

Of course, Haaki Sakumo’s spiritual oppression is actually not that great, it will have an effect on talents far below him, and if the same level is even stronger than him, it will be of no use, but if it is him Using the power of Chakra is another matter.

Sakumo Hagi's strength is a bit stronger than that of Matt Dai who opened the seventh door of the eight-door Dunjia. If they really fought, unless Matt Dai worked hard, the fighting power of the two would be equal.

However, Sakumo Hagi is more powerful than Matdai's combat experience, and his deterrence ability is more than that of Matdai.

No matter how strong Matt Dai is, it can’t change the fact that people are funny. Compared with the iron-blooded powerhouse like Shumo Hagi who has killed countless people, if Matt Dai does not fight, no one will even think he is a man. The strong.

"Dai, don't play anymore. The boss's account will be finished quickly." Qi Mu Su said to Matt Dai who was still playing sandbags, his tone was flat, but it made people not pay attention to it.

"My youth hasn't completely exploded yet! However, business matters still matter."

When Mattdai finished speaking, he appeared under Gaara in an instant, kicked him into the air with a kick, and then appeared above Gaara in a flash, when he reached the top of the air. The big foot slashed like a battle axe.


Gaara's giant tailed beast hit the ground, smashing an objective hole, and Gaara finally lost consciousness with this blow.

Gaara, who had lost consciousness, did not withdraw from the tail beastization. Instead, a more powerful chakra erupted, further becoming a complete tail beastization.

"Ha, my uncle is finally out."

With a shrill scream, it sounded so harsh, Gaara's head changed for a while, completely separated from the human appearance, and turned into a civet cat head.

The change did not stop, and the scary body that was originally big started to swell again.

At 20 meters, 30 meters, it didn't stop growing until nearly 40 meters, and this body was already large enough for Konoha to be seen.

The civilians looked at the huge tail beast that suddenly appeared with horrified ears, screaming, crying, and constantly ringing, and the whole Konoha became panic for a while.

"That's... Ichi, how could Sharenin's human Zhuli appear here." Seeing this, a Shangnin subconsciously wanted to go to Ichi to fight against the tail beast, but just after running a few steps, he stopped looking strangely. Down.

"One tail? But if it's there, don't worry about it. It's better to appease ordinary people."

Knowing that the ninjas at the hot spring were only a little startled at the beginning, the gaze that looked at one tail was full of pity, they had already foreseen the end of that beast.

"Have you finally reached this point? Kankuro, leave here quickly. Morizuru has completely appeared. If we don't leave, we will be quite caught up."

"But I Gaara him?"

"It should be all right!"

Temari looked at the huge figure not far away intricately, and felt terrified at the thought of the damage caused in the village when Gaara ran away.

Just when Temari and Kankuro were about to leave, the situation suddenly changed.

Everyone only felt their eyes suddenly black, and the world in their eyes seemed to have lost its light and plunged into the darkest darkness.

Before the feeling of panic was born, the next moment, a light spot appeared in the darkness, and then this light spot burst out. It was a bright light like the sun, cutting through the darkness, piercing the dawn, and bringing bright.

This process is long and short. The longness is a unique feeling in people's consciousness, and objectively speaking, everything ends within less than a second from the beginning.

When all the visions disappeared, people discovered that the huge tail beast's body was actually split in two, as if it had been cut in half by a split sword.

The tail beast began to shrink, and in the end only Gaara was left unconscious on the ground.

"Secret Skill Dark Light"

The light born out of darkness is called dark light.

It stands to reason that the entire body of a tail is composed of chakras, and even if it is cut in half, it should not lose its combat effectiveness. However, the result is that the consciousness of a tailed crane fell into a deep sleep. The dark light is more than just a trick. For physical damage, it belongs to the tactics of physical and mental double damage.

The faint voice of Haaki Sakumo resounded in this space, and everyone was shocked when they saw Haaki Sakumo just awakening from a dream, realizing that this is what this person did.

"Sakumo Hagi, a terrible man."

"What a great grandpa."

"This man can't mess with it."

"But in this case, aren't we destined to have no chance to pass the exam?"

The scene became very quiet somehow, with only the occasional breeze blowing over the leaves, and even the sound of breathing became inaudible.

"I said, Senior, how did you steal my opponent."

"Your movements are too slow!",,..

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