Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 399: How to exchange hot spring water

Sakumo Hagi had no conscious of stealing the head, and his face was so natural that he couldn't refute it.

Matt Dai can only give Hagi Sakuma a bitter look. Now that things have happened, he can't wake Gaara up again and continue beating the kids!

"My youth is gone, ah..."

Suddenly Matt Dai squatted down and cried directly after covering his head with his hands.

Such a big man suddenly hugged his head and cried. The style of painting changed too fast. Everyone, even the Xiaoqiangs who were very familiar with Matt Dai, were all black lines.

"Is this the one who was so powerful that even the tail beast could not contend?"

The candidates began to doubt their lives.

There was only one person looking at Matt Dai with bright eyes, and that was Li Luoke. He watched the crying Matt Dai making a self-reliant gesture.

"Is this the teacher's father? It really is full of youthful power. I am so touched, I am about to cry."

"It's not about to be close, but I'm already crying!"

Next to Xiao Li, Tian Tian and Ning Ci, who were both in the same team, quietly moved a few steps away from him, indicating that they were not familiar with him.

"Don't make a fuss, I'll leave the rest to you, I'll take a step first." Shumao Hagi dropped this sentence and disappeared in front of everyone with a jump.

In fact, Matt Dai is still immersed in his own world. There is no one who can stop him in front of the gate. It is definitely a good opportunity, but no one has the action of forcibly breaking through the barrier.

Who knew that someone would suddenly appear inside to stop them.

As long as the people who came out of the Ten Thousand Worlds Hot Spring Field, they all felt that they were monsters, and they were still more terrifying than the other. It was impossible to complete the task.

Even if you are lucky enough to get in, is it really guaranteed to bring things out?

Now think about it, as long as Matt wears guard at the door, wouldn't it be necessary to face him when he comes out, the result is already doomed.

"Yo Xi, fully resurrected, youth rekindled, and blood boiled."

Matt Dai stood up, looked up at the sky, and then raised his thumb to the candidates, grinning, his white teeth seemed to be glowing white even in broad daylight.

"Thank you for your support!"

"En" Except for Xiao Li nodded in response, everyone else looked at Matt Dai with a dumb face. He couldn't bear him anymore. If you didn't want to get the hot spring, you would have to deal with him, maybe now It’s how far you have run.

"Youbi should not be contagious?"

"Maybe that? I feel like I might not be me anymore."

The conversation between the two nameless ninjas, people nearby felt a sense of identity.

Matt Dai gave Xiao Li an admiring look, then walked back to his post, cleared his throat and said, "The hot spring water is not sold, but if you really want it, there is no way."

"Really? Is there really another way? Tell me quickly, Uncle Dai."

Naruto ran to Matt Dai in excitement, looking forward to it.

"Huh, is it finally here? The real exam questions." Shikamaru, the only guy who saw everything through from the beginning, finally got a little serious.

All the candidates looked at Matt Dai nervously, for fear that he would propose any unfulfilled conditions.

"There are 3 ways to get hot springs."

Matt Dai stretched out three fingers, but no one noticed. When he said this, his eyes became a little strange, seeming to be embarrassing.

3 ways? With so much, it shouldn't be difficult to complete it!

The examinees felt relaxed a lot when they thought about it.

"The first method is also the easiest. If anyone has a book from the most published to the latest edition of the Intimate Paradise series, if you give it to me, you can exchange for 3 bottles of hot spring water."

Intimacy heaven? That is……

Matt Dai spoke in a serious manner, without any other emotions, but after hearing the intimacy paradise, everyone who knows the intimacy paradise was looking at Matt Dai with a weird face, only from Matt Dai. Nothing else can be seen on his face.

"Kakashi, isn't that the book that Mrs. Kakashi often reads? But it's a pity that I don't have one. I don't know if I can borrow one from him!" Naruto said carelessly, without realizing what was wrong.

"Impossible to borrow." On the side, Sakura's face was completely darkened. She was far more normal than Naruto. She knew what was going on in the so-called intimacy heaven, and she was already vomiting in her heart. A hundred times.

As the Jin Ping Mei in the Ninja world even surpassed Jin Ping Mei's writings, the intimate heaven is inestimable in the eyes of people who know how to do it. It is for the Zhongnin exam and no one will be willing to hand it over.

"Yu Feng, if you love heaven, didn't you say that you have a collection? Now is the time for you to contribute. With it, our entire team can pass the level."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that your collection of these things really worked, great. If this is the case, our Kawanin Village won't be eliminated in the first game. Hurry up!"

The examinee known as Yufeng looked at the excited and happy faces of his teammates, but he was completely unhappy and hesitated.

"What's wrong? Take it out quickly!"

"Yes, hurry up!"

Under the urging of his companion, Yu Feng’s sad backpack took out a few books, as if he was cutting meat. Just when everyone thought he would give the books to Matt Dai in exchange for hot spring water, he suddenly turned The book was put back.

"No, these are my most precious memories. I can't lose them. Isn't there any other two ways? I'll talk about it after listening."


The end result is naturally that no one can exchange the success of the hot spring on the spot.

"Then I will talk about the second point. At the National Martial Arts Museum, defeating a siege of 2 dark warriors can exchange for a bottle of hot spring, defeating 3 dark sieges can get 3 bottles, and each person can only exchange hot spring water once. ."

In fact, this condition is Yi Shuihan's real intention, to let the martial arts martial artist surround the ninja.

Speaking of it, this task is not difficult for Konoha's Xiaoqiangs. After hearing this method, many Xiaoqiangs have already made the same decision.

"How is it possible? We are just ninja. If we fight against the dark warriors, it is still plural. If we want to win, it is too difficult." An examinee from a small ninja village said unwillingly, obviously thinking that the difficulty was too high.

"You are here to take the Zhongnin exam, right? It's not impossible for a real Zhongnin to complete this task. Since Zhongnin is the goal, there is nothing to complain about."

Matt Dai said slowly. ,, ..

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