Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 400: Beat the ninja in action

Don't tell me, what Mattdai said is really very reasonable, and the clamoring candidates stopped talking.

"Well, if you don't want to choose the first method or the second method, then I have one last way to get hot spring water." Matt Dai spoke slowly, stunned everyone's appetite.

This last method is the last hope for those who are not strong enough, so most of the candidates looked at Matt Dai very nervously.

"The last way is to do one hundred good deeds in Konoha Village. One person can only complete one hundred good deeds and can only receive one bottle of hot spring water. You are not allowed to deliberately create good deeds."

One hundred good people and good things, this is simple to say, but in fact it is as difficult as the sky, especially when you are not allowed to deliberately create good things.

If the first method is Yi Shuihan’s respect for the old driver Meng, the second method is Yi Shuihan’s main purpose, and the third method is to treat those who are not strong enough but have extraordinary perseverance. , After all, it's definitely not that you can't kill them all.

In fact, there is a fourth hidden method, which is to find Yi Shuihan and ask for hot spring water directly.

After all, hot springs are prone to water and cold. If Yi Shuihan agrees, he will naturally give it to whoever he wants, without any reason at all.

However, even the Xiaoqiangs who feel that they have a good relationship with Yi Shuihan ignored the fourth option. It was not unexpected, but it was too embarrassing to pass the test, and it was not that they would agree not to go to Yi Shuihan. ?

10 minutes have passed,

There are not many candidates left at the Wanjie Hot Spring Field, and not many. More than half of the candidates went to the martial arts martial arts gym in the mood to give it a try, and a little and a half to pay attention to the love of heaven, and finally there was almost Dozens of people are doing good things for good people.

In Konoha's unnamed street, a group of examinees kept looking around.

Suddenly, an examinee rushed towards an old grandmother who seemed to have difficulty walking.

Seeing this, other examinees showed regretful expressions, seeming to feel a step too late.

"Hey, this old grandmother, do you want to cross the road? If so, I can help."

The examinee tried his best to let himself behave naturally, but he did not know that his behavior was very strange in the eyes of the old man.

The old man is just an ordinary person, and the ninja is superior in her eyes, even when posting tasks to complete, she is not so polite.

The most important thing is that this candidate is obviously not Konoha's ninja, and even less trustworthy.

The old man looked at the examinee vigilantly, and said three words "I'm waiting for someone." in his expectant eyes.

"Oh, you want to go there, then I will help you..." The candidate finally realized before he finished speaking, what the old grandma said, and immediately looked at the old grandma with a dazed expression, not knowing what to continue to say Up.

Wait for someone, what the **** is waiting for someone? Obviously, it's good to go.

Candidates looked at the old man who tremblingly crossed the road just after speaking, Haoxuan did not forcefully do good deeds in the past.

A group of ninjas who follow Lei Feng's good example and promote the spirit of good people and deeds are active in Konoha's streets and alleys.

With their existence, Konoha seems to have become a Datong society for a while. The roads are nowhere to be found. Thieves no longer dare to steal things, and bullies no longer dare to do bad things. Even bullying children will have several ninjas coming out. Fist education.

In the first 3 days of the first exam, Konoha's d-level and lower tasks were reduced by 90%, because everyone found that there was no need to post tasks. As long as you shout at the door of your home, there will be villages or other villages. The ninja comes to help.

The villagers seemed to have tasted the sweetness. Ordinary people who originally regarded the Chunin test as news only praised Naruto Master for his benevolence and expressed the hope that similar events could be held frequently in the future.

Not to mention the ninjas who are trying to accomplish a hundred good things and begging for paradise for their loved ones everywhere.

The National Martial Arts Hall is already in full swing at this time.

Konoha's martial arts martial arts center, as the closest place to Yi Shuihan, its strength is far above other martial arts martial arts centers, there are locals, there are also many foreigners who specially come here, and it is Yi Shui. Han this golden sign.

And the person in charge of this martial arts hall is Ye Gucheng, Yi Shuihan's apprentice who has the title of White Cloud Sword Saint.

what? You said why the person in charge of the martial arts martial arts hall is called Baiyun Jiansheng, which has nothing to do with the martial arts.

Ye Gucheng, who had long received news from Yi Shuihan, had prepared very well. By the time the candidates came, there were already 100 dark warriors ready to fight.

Especially when Ye Gucheng promised that as long as he defeated 10 candidates, he would be eligible for Yi Shuihan's one-time instruction, these warriors who didn't want to bully the lesser one after another burst out with 200% enthusiasm.

The dignity and arrogance of a warrior? What is that, you can eat it, it can't be compared to Yi Shuihan's instruction, compared to the improvement of strength, everything is a cloud!

The 100 dark warriors were divided into 20 groups of 2 people and 20 groups of 3 people. They were also specially numbered. There was no problem for candidates to choose.

"The master is really strange. He also specifically explained that I must make the candidates feel hopeful of winning, and it is best to beat them with a very small gap." Although he said that, Ye Gucheng was looking forward to it.

In order to prevent the candidates from being fooled, the battlefield was specially prepared, so that every battle process would not be known by anyone other than the candidates in the battle.

Candidates came to the martial arts martial arts center to start a career of being gang-beaten at least once. Only a few dozen of the hundreds of people passed the test at one time. The remaining 90% of the candidates were beaten again and again. The road goes farther and farther.

While the Konoha Nakanin test was in full swing, there was an incident where a national martial arts martial artist beat a ninja in any place where there was martial arts martial arts halls around the world.

At least three or five people, dozens more people beat a ninja, and even hundreds of warriors beat an elite Shangnin.

It can be said that with the exception of the ninjas above the shadow level, the ninjas below are basically attacked. ,, ..

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