Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 658: I'm for your good

With Yi Shuihan no longer just acting as a firefighter, the number of Kryptonites decreased rapidly. In less than ten minutes, there were only 2 people left on Zod’s party, Zod. I, and Fiora.

"This is nowhere. You should stay and play with me."

Yi Shuihan blocked Fiora's way and said with a grin.

"Step aside!"

Fiora looked at Yi Shuihan with cold eyes. Although she said that she had no so-called moral compassion, it did not mean that she had completely lost even her basic emotions and was killed by Yi Shuihan on her own side. Now that she was blocking her so that she could not prevent the ship from being destroyed, she was already full of murderous intent towards Yi Shuihan.

"What are you doing so fiercely? I'm actually saving you. If you go now, you are absolutely dead and can't die anymore. Why not sit down, have tea together and talk about life?"

In fact, about Fiora going to stop Louise and the others, Yi Shuihan didn’t know if she would die. In the original work, she was pushed by an ordinary person and sucked into the strange thing created by the military. The point is medium, but Yi Shuihan is still a bit strange, an ordinary person can really achieve this level.

As the most powerful female warrior besides Zord, Fiora is the one who can die easily because of his brain-disability.

"It must be because of the need of the plot that she died in that way."

Just in case Yi Shuihan decided otherwise, Fiora and Louise would face each other.

Yi Shuihan had already demonstrated his strength before, and Fiora would not underestimate him, but it was impossible to be obedient like this.

Fiora looked around, walked to the side of a large truck, put his hands on it, and lifted the truck easily.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

The answer to Yi Shuihan was the approaching truck.

At the back of the truck, Fiora also jumped up, waiting for Yi Shuihan to resist the truck and strike again.

If Yi Shuihan is a warrior like the Kryptonians, even Superman, he will definitely fight according to her thoughts, but Yi Shuihan is obviously not. Yi Shuihan, who possesses displacement skills, directly crossed the truck and came to Fiora’s. before.

Fiora in the air already felt that the situation was not good the moment she saw Yi Shuihan, but at this time she had no time to change her move, even unable to make defensive movements.

"Look at my Dragon Claw Hand."

Both hands accurately grasped the place where a man would normally deal with a woman. The armor on Fiora's body was as paperless in Yi Shuihan's hands.

"Your armor's defense power is still good, it just offset my attack, and, even though it is an enemy, I have to admit that you are very powerful."

Feeling the touch in his hand, that comfortable feeling, made Yi Shuihan involuntarily pinch it.

With a short "咛咛" sound, Fiora flashed a hint of shame in his eyes and hit the knee directly.

Yi Shuihan's body bowed, just in time for Fiora's knee to hit and return without success. One foot easily tripped over the other foot that Fiora was supporting, and Fiora immediately lost his balance and straightened. He fell straight to the back.

As a gentleman, Yi Shuihan definitely couldn't look at it like this. He moved slightly and came to behind Fiora, and then used her body as a support point.

When Fiora regained his balance, the posture of the two became more and more unsuitable, and it was completely impossible to imagine whether the two were fighting or "fighting."


A flash of red lightning quickly approached the battlefield and came 10 meters away from Yi Shuihan. It gradually became clear that it was Barry who had rushed over as soon as the battle started.

At this time, Barry stared at Yi Shuihan and Fiora in amazement, his eyes widened.

"Sure enough, it is Boss Yi, who is fierce, and even the aliens are not spared. Are you afraid of a race virus?"

When it was time for the poisonous snake, Barry would still come a few times occasionally, but this time, he obviously used the wrong object.

Fiora’s eyes began to flush, and a red light headed straight towards Barry. The speed reached the extreme. At Barry’s speed, there was actually a chance to avoid it, just because he thought Fiora had been completely restrained. Losing his vigilance, he reacted slowly, avoiding the fatal injury, and creating a hole in his shoulder.


With a scream, Barry fell to the ground a hundred meters away.

"This is the end of nonsense, young man, the battlefield is very dangerous. It is not something newcomers like you can play around. When fighting, watch all directions and listen to all directions. Never underestimate any of your enemies, even if the opponent looks like Lost the ability to attack."

Knowing that Barry's injury is not fatal, Yi Shuihan started the preaching mode, and he was happy to see what happened to Barry.

"When are you still holding your hands."

Fiora’s voice was a little altered. Even though she was a time-tested temporary, it was the first time she encountered the situation in which Yue Hung was being held by the enemy during the battle. Yi Shuihan’s hand did not exert any force. Fiora's impact is far from being as simple as it seems.

What even Yi Shuihan didn't notice was that Fiora had a sensitive body.

"I'm doing this for your own good. If it weren't for my hand, you would be gone. You may not care about it, but if my hand is removed, your armor will be completely disintegrated. Don't you care?"


If it weren't for Fiora to be a combat type, except that fighting is not good at language, I am afraid she has now used one hundred curse methods to respond to Yi Shuihan.

It's really hard to see such a shameless person with a serious face.

"Boom Rumble"



There was a huge roar in the sky. Louise and the others finally resolved the earth's crisis and destroyed the world engine that transformed the earth. Zod and his team declared that their ambitions to transform the earth had been physically eliminated.

Fiora also saw this scene, there was an incredible look in his eyes, and the whole person seemed to lose his anger, as if there was no faith.

"Then next is the heads-up show of Zod and Clark."

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