Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 659: Change the battlefield

The destruction of the transformation plan is equivalent to a complete denial of the meaning of Zod’s survival. He was born to protect Krypton and let Krypton flourish. Now it is clear that this goal has become a dream bubble, making him completely lose his mind.

For the traitor Superman, Zod's killing intent has reached the greatest extent. With a strong killing heart, Zod's combat effectiveness has skyrocketed, and Superman has been defeated steadily.

Although Superman is on the side of the earth, he has no intention of killing Zord's kin. In fact, if the earth were not transformed into Krypton, all earthlings would die, he might still be on Zord's side.

One party has the intent to kill, and the other party does not. Even if Superman's own power is still above Zod, it is completely at a disadvantage.

"What's wrong, Carl, your strength should be more than that, your father said you are twice as strong as me, now!"

One punch punched Superman through the two buildings, and Zod yelled arrogantly.

"I go!"

Yi Shuihan, who originally watched the play with peace of mind, couldn't do it in an instant. If you continue to watch it, let the two of them fight more intensely, it would be too easy to kill a few hundred people.

"Let us switch the battlefield."

Yi Shuihan first stunned Fiora with a hand knife, put a dress on her to block the beautiful scenery, and then confessed to the initial stable injury to let him look at Fiora, and then a phantom shifted to Zuo. The battlefield of Germany and Superman.

"Two, don't mind changing to another battlefield!"

After speaking, one hand grabbed Zord's shoulder, and Zord was pressing Superman with one hand, and he was beating Superman with the other.

The three figures disappeared into the city abruptly. The original noisy city lost its voice in an instant. After a brief silence, there was a burst of cheers.

In the desert of 20 kilometers from the military base, the three Yi Shuihan appeared.

The sudden change made Zod a little confused, and Superman took advantage of this gap to get rid of Zod.

"Thank you!"

Superman thanked Yi Shuihan, and at the same time he relaxed a lot. Knowing Yi Shuihan's strength, he thought that if the two joined forces, Zod would definitely not be an opponent.

"Well, you continue, I'm just watching, after all, it's a matter of your race."

Yi Shuihan's words stunned Superman.

"Don't you think I'm going to compete with you? Don't worry, I am definitely not that kind of person. How can I intervene in such a fair duel?"

The voice of righteous words really stunned Clark, thinking that Yi Shuihan was unwilling to join forces against Zod because of him, and when he was about to say that he didn't mind, Yi Shuihan pushed him towards him. Zod.

In the face of Zod's attack without hesitation, Superman could only resist, and had no time to express his thoughts.

The battle between the two Kryptonians was so earth-shattering. Fortunately, it was a desert. Otherwise, the aftermath of the battle could destroy a city.

You punch me and kick, the fist-to-flesh fight still looks more pleasing to the eye, at least Yi Shuihan sees it full of flavor.

"Zod, your plan has failed. Give up! Leave the earth and never come back again."

"Give up? It's you, you let Krypton end up. We had a chance to be brilliant again, because of your selfishness, traitor of your race, I must kill you, and then kill all the other people on this planet. ."

The furious Zod issued a terrifying declaration, murderous, making people no doubt his determination.

"Even if I don't stop you, you will not succeed. The earth is not as simple as you think."

Superman has realized this point since he met Yi Shuihan.

Zod naturally would not believe Superman’s words. By this time, he was already mad. No matter what Superman said, he would not believe that there is a strong enough to prevent the existence of Kryptonians on this planet. He blamed this failure completely on the same. For the Clark of the family.

Without the stimulus of Zod’s killing, Superman really couldn’t exert his power. In addition, Zod is getting stronger and stronger, constantly adapting to the environment of the earth, and because of the continuous strengthening of the relationship with the sun, if this continues, maybe Zod is still Really capable of turning Superman, it was funny at that time.

"Clark, come on! Think about Louise, if you die, I can't guarantee her safety."

Yi Shuihan shouted unscrupulously because of the plot he changed.

And Superman, who almost regarded Louise as his own woman, really had a lot of fighting power after hearing it. Of course, if there was no threat from Zod, he might not be able to do it for the time being.

"After killing you, I will bring the woman named Louise to your body to torture to death. Don't worry, she will not die so happy, I promise."

Just like being touched by the scales, Superman exploded, and Zod, who was still holding a weak advantage, couldn't stop in an instant, turned into a sandbag, was hit from the ground to the sky, and then hit the ground from above.

Like a plow field, a plow mark several kilometers long appeared on the desert.

Clark even dared to wear his underwear, such a tough person, you are actually stimulating others to death, and you can only blame yourself for being beaten as a dog.

Zord, who was beaten into a pig head, didn't even have the power to fight back. Although he was roaring and struggling, he still didn't help.

"Come on! Kill me, do it, otherwise, I will kill all the people on Earth."

Zod said angrily, at this time he was basically in the stage of begging for death, and wanted Superman to give him a joy.

Clark, who had already vented, was not so clean and tidy. He was still struggling mentally. He could not make up his mind to kill Zod, who might be the last tribe.

He didn't know that there was another Fiora still alive, so he thought that Zod was the last member of the tribe.

If Clark himself is also considering his own race identity, Zord is not wrong in a certain way, he is not the kind of absolute villain, which makes it even more difficult for Superman to start.

"what do I do?"

Clark looked at Yi Shuihan, who was watching the show just a few meters away, in confusion. Perhaps he wanted Yi Shuihan to give him some motivation.


The sound of the aircraft sounded, and a group of fighter jets and armored vehicles came to the battlefield not long after.

"Do it! Otherwise, just watch these weak earthlings die."

Zod's eyes began to flush, and his thermal vision was facing the coming army, gathering energy.

"Stop, stop."

No matter what Clark did, Zod's eyes did not change direction.

At the close of the hair, Clark closed his eyes, with a sudden force with his hands, twisted Zord's neck and made a break. ,, ..

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