Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 664: Gift of the sun

On this day, Yi Shuihan was reading in the yard as usual. He thought it would be another peaceful day, but it was an unexpected visitor.

Several military armored vehicles stopped outside Yi Shuihan's villa, and then a group of people in military uniforms got down.

This group of soldiers, fully armed, broke into the door, and happened to meet Yi Shuihan.

"I don't seem to be a terrorist's lair here! General Allrin."

Yi Shuihan recognized the leader, his expression a little unhappy.

"Do you know me? I don't remember we had an intersection."

Ai Erlin said in surprise.

"First of all, I want to confirm, do you know who I am?"

"It doesn't matter who you are. The important thing is that we suspect you are a spy. Please come with us."

A lot of red spots appeared on Yi Shuihan's body, which was a sign of being aimed at by a gun.

"If you don't even know who I am, you dare to mess with me, what should I say?"

To be honest, Yi Shuihan really feels inexplicable about the arrival of Erlin.

"Tell me about your relationship with cutting-edge laboratories and what they are researching recently."

Allin asked suddenly.

"It turned out to be for Wales and them."

I finally sorted out some ideas, this was implicated.

With Airlin's power, it should be easy to know that Wells and the others often ran here, so I thought Yi Shuihan knew something.

In fact, Yi Shuihan is really responsible for it. The reason why Allin will pay attention to the cutting-edge laboratory again is entirely because of the relationship between Wells and Sisko’s becoming a god. Wells is okay. It was relatively low-key, but Sisko was different. He used the force of the gods outside and was discovered by the military.

Allin naturally didn’t know that Sisko became so powerful because of his cultivation, but guessed that he was a superpower, a power obtained through some kind of experiment, which naturally aroused his interest, thinking To understand the secret.

Such a big battle is actually not to deal with Yi Shuihan, but Sisko, but Yi Shuihan is relatively close to the pinch-off laboratory, and they just dropped by.

"General, I found a suspicious woman outside."

"Catch her in."

A few minutes later, Yi Shuihan saw Caitlin who had been taken in.

"Let go of me, why do you catch me."

"Let her go."

Allin knew Caitlin, so he was relatively polite to her.

"Caitlin, did you make progress today?"

Caitlin, who was originally annoyed, heard Yi Shuihan's question, and her face instantly showed excitement.

"Well, I succeeded, this time I want you to see the effect."

Take out a bottle of semi-solid medicine, reflecting the rays of rainbow-like light under the sunlight.

"Bring it here."

Ai Erlin showed interest when seeing the potion in Caitlin's hand.


As Yi Shuihan spoke, Fiora, who had been standing behind him before, disappeared instantly.

"What are you doing?"


"Boom Boom Boom"

Of course, the gun is useless. It hit Fiora without even a spark. Under the fearful eyes of these soldiers, Fiora punched one, and after a while, all but Ellin All the soldiers fell to the ground.

Ai Erlin looked at Fiora silly, sweating coldly.

Damn, what the **** is going on, who the **** is this woman? How can it be so powerful!

Whether it was Caitlin or Yi Shuihan, they obviously ignored Allin. Of course, if he showed any special behavior, Fiora knew what to do.

"Should this be used? Oral, topical, or injection."

"Neither, I need a little water."

"It's easy."

Yi Shuihan snapped his fingers, and a basin-sized water ball was suspended in front of him.

This weird scene made Erlin's eyes widened, even if Caitlin was prepared, it was shocked.

"Ok, when you use it, pour it into the water according to a certain ratio, and then..."

A small bottle of medicine was mixed into the water polo, and a magical scene happened the next moment, the color of the water polo changed rapidly, and finally it became like a real little sun.


Yi Shuihan gave a startled suspicion, and was surprised to find that when the light emitted by the little sun shone on him, the cells all over his body began to boil.

"2 times, 3 times, no, it is close to 4 times the speed."

The effect was easily judged. To be honest, Yi Shuihan was very pleasantly surprised. At first, he had some expectations for Caitlin, but Caitlin did not succeed in the next three months. He already thought Caitlin would not be successful in the future. There will be results, but Caitlin really did it, and it had such a good effect the first time.

"How long will this last, and can the medicine be mass-produced?"

"The name I named it is the gift of the sun. The amount I used just now can last about 5 hours. The medicine can be mass-produced because the materials used are very common."

This answer made Yi Shuihan very satisfied. After seeing the effect of the potion, Yi Shuihan had already planned to produce it with all his strength.

After that, Yi Shuihan and Kaitlin went through a series of tests and found that when the potion and water were mixed with a ratio of 3.14 to 1, the most perfect effect could be achieved, reaching 5 times the normal.

"Do you want to be rewarded immediately?"

"Of course, I can't wait any longer. I haven't had a good rest for 3 months because of it."

Erlin listened to the conversation between the two with a confused look from start to finish, because of Fiora's relationship, he didn't even dare to make larger movements.

What kind of reward is it for her to have a good rest for three months?

Next, Erlin saw the most magical scene in his life, a white beam of light emerged from Yi Shuihan's hand, and then the beam of light was injected into Caitlin's body.

Caitlin was hovering in the air, full of light from her body, and her whole body was wrapped in white light, which made her look very sacred. Not only that, she felt a strong sense of oppression, which made Ellin feel that her body was constantly changing. He was so heavy that he finally knelt on the ground abruptly.

Looking at Caitlin blankly, Erlin's head was blank, and his thoughts almost fell into a stagnant state. ,, ..

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