Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 665: Caitlin

It took Caitlin a full half an hour to completely land from the air, and at this time she was totally different from half an hour ago.

If Caitlin was still a beauty in the world half an hour ago, her beauty is not what the beauty of the world can describe at all, she is as beautiful as a god, like a real goddess.

"Is this really me? Is it really a dream?"

Even Caitlin herself couldn't believe her changes, and asked Yi Shuihan this question dozens of times.

Caitlin who eats food is already in the realm of rebirth. Yes, it is not a god, but a rebirth, which is much stronger than Wells and Sisko.

It can be said that she can even fight Fiora now. Barry can be beaten completely, and Barry can't even run away in front of her.

The power of the humanoid nuclear bomb is not a joke, and it is not difficult for Caitlin to easily erase the center city from the earth if she wants to.

There was such a change in just half an hour, which also explained from the side how powerful Yi Shuihan was at this time.

"What's the matter with you, you look a little pale? Would you like to take a break?"

After a long time of excitement, Caitlin finally discovered something wrong with Yi Shuihan. It was easy to think that Yi Shuihan became like this for him. She was extremely grateful to Yi Shuihan, and she felt more grateful in her heart.

"It's okay. Compared to your three months of hard work, I am nothing."

In fact, Yi Shuihan was self-inflicted. In fact, even if Caitlin was forced to improve to return to virtuality, it would take him a few minutes. It was different from Sisko and Wells. Yi Shuihan not only took Caitlin Improved to return to Void, and also helped her to lay a solid foundation. In this way, Caitlin was actually no different from a strong person who had normally cultivated to Return to Void.

It can be said that if Caitlin cultivates well in the future, it will not be impossible to achieve harmony. As for being a fairy, it depends on her luck.

As for Sisko and Wells, unless they have a great adventure, they can only stop at their current state. It is extremely difficult to improve.

The difference in treatment is all because of Yi Shuihan's face discrimination. Who makes Caitlin beautiful?

"But if this goes on, Barry really doesn't seem to be able to do the reverse flash! If Ronnie doesn't die according to the original book, won't Caitlin make him cheap."

Lying on the chair, enjoying Caitlin's thank you massage, the thought suddenly flashed, making Yi Shuihan frowned.

"What's wrong? Am I trying too hard? How about this strength!"

"It's okay, the strength was good just now."

"is it?"

Looking at Yi Shuihan suspiciously, Caitlin always felt that Yi Shuihan had just frowned because of her.

If Yi Shuihan knew, he would definitely be surprised by Caitlin's intuition.

"Eh, why are you still here."

I’ve always been here, OK?

Ellin roared in his heart, but showed a very pleasing smile, now he dare not show a trace of hostility in front of Yi Shuihan.

Not to mention the scary woman who is not even afraid of guns, Yi Shuihan's previous methods have long left him with no idea of ​​resistance. This kind of non-human monster, he absolutely dare not provoke it anyway.

"Why are you smiling, your family hasn't told you, is your smile ugly?"

After being said that, the smile on Ellin's face turned into embarrassment. If someone else said that, he would have turned his face long ago, but now he can only pray in his heart that Yi Shuihan just said it and wouldn't do it.

"Hurry up and take your dog legs and fix the door for me by the way."

Waved his hand as if he was driving a fly, coupled with his impatience, this attitude was quite bad.

However, the words that should have made people angry, stopped in Ai Erlin's ears like the sound of nature, he had long wanted to leave this ghost place.

Continuing to crawl outside, Allin felt like a rebirth.

"and many more!"

Ai Erlin paused, thinking that Yi Shuihan had repented, almost scared to pee.

"Didn't I say to take your people away? And repair the door."

With a light breath, even if Ai Erlin wanted to leave here early, he still dragged his men back to the car outside according to Yi Shuihan's request.

Some tingling arms made Erlin regret why he had to take so many people.

"Is it really good at repairing doors?"

Yi Shuihan was a little surprised by Ellin's proficient repairing actions, and Allin actually felt a sense of pride in this.

After the door was repaired, Erlin returned to his base as if fleeing, leaving 3 armored vehicles in place. After all, he could only drive a car alone.

Away from Yi Shuihan, Ai Erlin's fear of Yi Shuihan disappeared. Thinking of what he had seen and heard in Yi Shuihan, his ambition was rekindled. He wanted to understand all this and wanted to get that kind of strong force.

It is not feasible to deal with Yi Shuihan head-on, and Ai Erlin can only think of other ways to make him submit.

A plan for Yi Shuihan was formed quietly, but Yi Shuihan didn't know it, and even if he knew it, he might laugh it off.


"it's me!"

"What do you look like..."

"I know, isn't it just a bit prettier than before! A fuss."

"This is more than just a bit more beautiful!"

Sisko looked at the back of Catelyn leaving, and he was in a state of addiction.

Why haven't you discovered that Caitlin is so beautiful before?

Sisko was not the first victim. Barry and Wells were also stunned by Caitlin's astonishing changes. Barry even thought of breaking up with Iris.

Compared with the changes in Caitlin's appearance, the changes in her strength are even more amazing.

When Wells learned that Caitlin had achieved Void Return, and Caitlin tested her strength a little bit, Wells was completely crazy. The power of Void Return really made him eager.

After that, Wells was directly involved in the study that never sleeps every day, and even saves eating, but at the same time, he is already a god, even if he does not eat or drink for a short time, it does not matter. ,, ..

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