Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 666: Bomb Girl and Pharmaceutical Production

Caitlin has become Void Rebirth. Although she is still doing in-depth research on the gift of the sun, she is not as crazy as before. She should eat and sleep every day. Even if Barry asks for help, she will stop what she is doing to help. Method.

With the gift of the sun, it is the same for Yi Shuihan indoors and outdoors, so he moved directly back to the cutting-edge laboratory. After all, he can talk to Caitlin and relax when he is resting.

"Anything interesting today?"

Seeing Barry coming back to put his jersey on, Yi Shuihan asked a rare question in a good mood.

"There was an explosion, but no explosive ignitor was found at the scene? I suspect this was done by a superpower."

"It was indeed made by a superpower. I remember a beautiful lady named Betty."

Yi Shuihan directly told the answer.

"how do you know?"

Barry was taken aback for a moment. After reacting, he looked at Yi Shuihan in amazement. Now this situation makes him involuntarily sounded the time he appeared for the alien. Yi Shuihan also appeared very calm, as if he had known this a long time ago. Everything is the same.

Barry has not experienced time travel yet, otherwise he might think about Yi Shuihan as a future man from the future.

"Do I know this is weird?"

A strange expression that you rarely see, blocked Barry's desire to go further.

"Do you know what her superpowers are? Why do you want to attack others?"

"Anything touched by her hand will turn into a bomb. As for her identity, a military blasting expert."

"What you touch becomes a bomb? What a cool ability!"

"Cool? Can you imagine the feeling of not being able to touch other people with your hands?"

Barry was silent, and Yi Shuihan's words made him feel Betty's pain, which is a pain that can be felt just by thinking about it.

"We need to find her, maybe we can do something for her."

Not all superpowers born from particle accelerators have no negative impact on themselves. For example, the shark man on Earth 2 has completely turned into a monster. Martin and Ronnie need another talent. It is in a complete state. Even Barry is not drunk because of his superpowers, and he also needs a special diet. If the energy is not enough, he will pass out directly.

"Then you'd better hurry up, she is a member of the military, and the military attaches great importance to people like her. As long as you make a little modification, it is a big killer, and they won't let it go easily."


The alarm sounded in the laboratory, and with a gust of wind, Barry once again turned into a Flash and left the laboratory.

"That's why I don't like being a hero. I don't know the working hours. I can work overtime at any time."

Fortunately, Barry’s superpower is speed, he can quickly perform heroic work. At the same time, if he doesn’t want to, the parties can’t even see him. It’s very easy for him to hide his identity.

If this ability is not a hero, it is really a waste.

It is precisely because of the constant running and accident scene every day that Barry's abilities continue to grow stronger and faster. In some ways, perhaps it is the hero's work that helped him.

"Did Barry come back just now?"

Yi Shuihan nodded at Caitlin, a stunning color flashed in his eyes. Caitlin, who was dressed in professional attire, stood out completely. Although she didn't seem to have that meaning, she seemed to be full in the eyes of others. within Temptation.


Caitlin walked up to Yi Shuihan and handed Yi Shuihan a page.

"Bill! I can get a few bottles of medicine for free, but if you want mass production, I don't have that much money."

"So I need to start a pharmaceutical company?"

"Do you have a better way?"

"How about I hire you as the president?"

"This joke is not good, I am not the one!"

Caitlin said and returned to her small laboratory with some materials.

"A problem that can be solved with money is not a problem, but I don't bother to manage the company. Maybe I should find someone to help. Someone owes me a favor."

Gotham City.

Because the destruction of the Superman War has almost been repaired, but some traces of the battle can still be seen.

In a coffee shop, Yi Shuihan is sitting opposite a handsome middle-aged man.

"Say it! What do you want me to do."

"I want to produce a medicament. I don't have material channels, and I still have a little equipment and manpower. It was a good choice to acquire a drug company, but I feel troublesome, so..."

"So you found me and want me to help?"

"It's a simple reasoning, isn't it?"

"Why should I help you?"

"You owe me a favor, although I did not deliberately, but I saved some people."

The person who is talking with Yi Shuihan is the first hero Yi Shuihan meets in this world, Batman, whose identity is a rich man.

According to the original, Batman’s Wayne Building will be destroyed in the battle between Superman and Zord, and then some people who are important to Batman will die. This is also an extremely important factor in the subsequent battle between Superman and Batman.

Due to Yi Shuihan's intervention, although the Wayne Building was also damaged to some extent, it did not collapse and there were no casualties. Batman does not have much hatred for Superman, and it is very likely that Superman and his battle will not happen.

In the end, Bruce still agreed to help. He only made one request, that is, if Superman stands on the opposite side of the earth people in the future, Yi Shuihan will be able to stop Superman.

Knowing the temper of Superman, Yi Shuihan naturally agreed to Bruce's request, which was a peace of mind for Bruce.

Returning from Gotham City back to Central City was just a momentary thing for Yi Shuihan. With the time spent communicating with Bruce, Yi Shuihan left Central City for a total of half an hour. Caitlin and the others didn’t even know that Yi Shuihan had ever Even after leaving, I never expected Yi Shuihan to accomplish such a major event in a short time. ,, ..

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