Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 667: watch movie

Returning to the cutting-edge laboratory, Yi Shuihan saw a blank bomb girl Betty. At first, she thought her superpower was born after being transformed by the military, so she always wanted to start from this aspect and find After all, after Caitlin's science, it was discovered that the source of all this was the explosion of the particle accelerator.

If the military modified her, then Betty wants to transform back. She is not satisfied with this seemingly powerful, but actually very powerful superpower. She was originally a bomb disposal expert, but now she has become a manufacturer. The bomber, this seems to her to be quite ironic.

Caitlin and the others did not explicitly say that they could not eliminate Betty's ability, only that they would work hard to help her, which already let Betty know that it is almost impossible to get rid of superpowers completely.

"What are you doing in such a dull atmosphere? Let's discharge the music and get cheering together!"

Not only that, Yi Shuihan also did it. The popular "fade" sounded slowly in the laboratory.

Yi Shuihan's heartless look caused Barry to frown. If Yi Shuihan is too strong and Fiola's deterrent power is too great, he must take a good look at Yi Shuihan's theory.

"I should be going."

Betty was uncomfortable in her heart, and naturally couldn't hear the joyous music. She felt a little out of place to stay here. She plans to leave now, although she actually doesn't know where she can go if she leaves here.

To be honest, Betty is very desperate now, her superpowers cannot disappear, the military will not give up on her, after all, having her is equivalent to having countless bombs, saving an unknown amount of money.

She has been in the army and knows how powerful the army is. Even if she wants to hide her name, she will be caught by the army, unless she wants to be a savage and stay away from human society.

"and many more!"

Barry wanted to stay, but Betty had already made up his mind and looked outside without looking back.

"Blam me?"

Caitlin looked at Yi Shuihan with blame, but Yi Shuihan just shrugged helplessly.

"Don't you have any sympathy? She is so painful!"

"Isn't it common sense to listen to happy music when you are in pain?"


Caitlin was speechless, and simply ignored Yi Shuihan.

"I have already contacted a partner about the medicine. We made the formula, and he made other things. Would you mind revealing the formula?"

"It was originally for what you researched, so you can do whatever you want."

After she finished speaking, Caitlin felt that what she had said could easily cause ambiguity, and a blush flashed across her face.

"But is the partner you are looking for reliable? Don't be fooled."

"Wayne Group, do you think it is unreliable?"

"Have you heard that a large company has any pharmaceutical industry involved?"

"I don't know too well. I just went to the name of their boss. Bruce owes me a favor. This time I will treat it as a favor. I can trust his other identity, Batman, and even if there is a problem, I can't think of what formula he plans and it won't be there unless he gives it to him."

"Some people have guessed that Batman is a rich man, but he didn't expect it to be."

Caitlin was still shocked when she suddenly learned the true identity of a superhero. And because the person who told her was Yi Shuihan, she was not particularly surprised. After all, with Yi Shuihan’s mystery, she knew the bat. The real identity of Xia is fairly normal.

"Are you free this weekend?"

"What's wrong? Something?"

"I have a favorite movie released on weekends. It feels too lonely to watch it alone, so I want to find someone to accompany me."

The sudden invitation caused Yi Shuihan to lose consciousness for a moment. To be honest, he really didn't expect Caitlin to invite him to the movies.

When a man and a woman go to the movies, it is easy to connect the two to a couple. After all, eating, shopping, and watching movies are common ways of dating.

"There is time, of course there is time."

"Don't get me wrong. Actually, I want to go with Fiora, but I know she can't be with me without you, so I just forced you to go with me."

Caitlin explained, but there was a feeling of wanting to cover it up.

Yi Shuihan didn't speak, but Kaitlin couldn't stand it because of what you said. Finally, she hurriedly returned to her small laboratory.

"Fiora, do you like watching movies?"

No one talks, Yi Shuihan can only communicate with Fiora, who is almost a robot.

"There is no such thing as a movie on our planet, because we don't need it. The development of the planet doesn't need these boring things, it only needs strong power and resources."

The icy voice sounded, as if he was dismissive of the movie, but Yi Shuihan could hear a bit of curiosity from it, and it was obvious that Fiora was also insincere.

The next few days were peaceful, and the weekend finally came.

In fact, the cutting-edge laboratory does not say anything about holidays. After all, it’s the same for them on weekdays and weekends, but out of humanitarian considerations, Wells as the boss is still very reasonable. If you don’t come on weekends, he won’t say anything. .

Caitlin booked the ticket at 3:10 in the afternoon, so she needed to have lunch outside before rushing to the cinema.

Caitlin, who has become a rebirth, actually has the ability to fly, which is much faster than driving, but she still chooses to drive out, while Yi Shuihan sits in the co-pilot.

Parked the car not far from the movie theater, Celtic took Yi Shuihan and Fiola towards an obviously very high-end restaurant.

The cinema is located in the center of the city, surrounded by a commercial street with a lot of people, and it is even more lively on weekends.

"Welcome, do you have a reservation?"

"Caitlin, table 79 booked the day before yesterday."

"Okay, please follow me."

The restaurant is very quiet, and it is completely two worlds outside. The quality of the guests who eat here is also quite good, and they deliberately lower their voices.

A melodious piano sounded in the restaurant, and a pianist in a classical tuxedo used romance to turn the air into tranquility and strange heat.

"How is it? It's not bad! The best restaurant in Central City, there is no one. The location was only booked two days in advance."

Caitlin seemed familiar with this place, and it should not be the first time she came here. ,, ..

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