Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 668: Pretend to be boyfriend to help break up

"As long as you are with you, eating here, or on the side of the road, it's actually the same."

Yi Shuihan didn't say anything meaningfully, there was nothing before, but this time Caitlin offered to invite him. If he was still like a piece of wood, it would be really hopeless.

With an idea, Yi Shuihan discovered that since the fire man left, Caitlin hadn't mentioned the other person much, at least Yi Shuihan had never heard Caitlin mentioned it, and he hadn't seen them talking.

This is obviously a sign that the relationship between Caitlin and Ronnie has fallen to a point where her husband and her husband are inferior to her boyfriend and girlfriend.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Caitlin's invitation this time does not seem abrupt. First of all, Yi Shuihan and Caitlin have been in contact for so long, and they are familiar with each other in a laboratory every day.

Then, Yi Shuihan looked good, strong, and more mysterious to attract women. After staying with him for a long time, he would naturally be attracted to him.

The most important thing is that Caitlin’s current lifespan problem has become the rebirth. Her lifespan has been calculated for thousands of years. If you find a partner, you must live together. Although Ronnie and Martin merged into a fireman , But his life span has not increased, so he is not suitable for Caitlin now.

If Caitlin chooses to stay with Ronnie, she will continue to be alive after tens of hundreds of years, and her appearance is inconvenient, but she is destined to give Ronnie the end. This is an ending that she would want to avoid as long as she thinks about it.

In this way, it is normal to choose Yi Shuihan. Yi Shuihan's strength is much stronger than Caitlin. Caitlin is certain that even if she dies, Yi Shuihan will not die.

Regardless of appearance, connotation, or sense of security, Yi Shuihan has it. For Caitlin, it is undoubtedly a good choice.

"This is the first time I found out that you can talk like this."

"Really? Then you will discover more of my strengths in the future. To be honest, it's just one of my many trivial strengths."

"You are very narcissistic."

"This is not called narcissism, it is called honesty."

The tone of speech between the two is very much like a couple, the only catch is that Fiora is in front of a light bulb.

"Caitlin, why are you here?"

Accidents were everywhere, Ronnie appeared here by coincidence, and also discovered Caitlin and Yi Shuihan by coincidence.

Ronnie hasn’t noticed any change in Caitlin’s attitude towards him yet, and because of Fiora’s presence, especially when Fiora and Yi Shuihan are sitting in the same direction, he thinks Caitlin is just eating a common meal with Yi Shuihan. Of rice.

"Ronnie...what about you? What are you doing here? Didn't you leave Central City with Professor Martin to go to his friend? When did you come back."

Caitlin's expression was a little unnatural, and she felt a strong sense of morality in her heart now, after all, she had not officially broken up with Ronnie.

"I wanted to give you a surprise, so I didn't tell you in advance. The matter over there has come to an end. I don't plan to leave when I come back this time. I have already considered it carefully and will stay with you in Central City in the future."

Ronnie looked at Caitlin affectionately, thinking how happy Caitlin would be to hear his decision.

It's a pity that his expected reaction did not come, Caitlin looked very surprised, and then she fell silent.

If this continues, perhaps a quarrel will break out, but fortunately Martin, who is coming with Ronnie, comes over at this time.

The old man saw the form very wisely, glanced at Yi Shuihan and Fiora calmly, and then said, "If you want to reminisce, there will be time in the future. Now, Ronnie, you don't mind talking to me. Let's take a trip! There is one thing I forgot to do. It's anxious."

Ronnie was a little reluctant, but in the end he left with Martin, and when he left, he looked back at Caitlin frequently.

"What's the matter between you and him?"

After Ronnie left, Yi Shuihan slowly said.

"To be honest, even I feel incredible. I loved him so much before, but now the only thing I have for him is guilt. If it weren't for me, he wouldn't be like this."

Yi Shuihan listened.

"I should be happy to see him. When he heard him say to stay, I would be very excited before, but I didn’t have it just now. It’s strange, isn’t it? I don’t have the same feeling for Ronnie. Maybe It’s time to make a break."

Caitlin had no feeling for Ronnie. This was a happy time for Yi Shuihan. After all, he wouldn't be able to win love with a sword.

Taking into account that Caitlin's current mood is not very stable, Yi Shuihan did not deliberately provoke Ronnie's topic, and talked completely around the movie Caitlin wanted to watch, and gradually eased the atmosphere.

The movie the two are going to watch this time is a fake romance. It is about the male and female protagonists who meet because of their dreams, gradually walk in, and finally separated because of their dreams. The ending is not perfect. Dreams and love cannot be done. Both sides, of course, in general, is still a very good movie.

From the movie, you can feel the intersection between dream and reality, full of thinking about life. Working hard for dreams, constantly failing, and finally being defeated by reality, giving up dreams, or never giving up, defeating reality, realizing dreams, the two in the film chose the latter.

Originally it was nothing, but after watching this movie, thinking that the hero and heroine were not together in the end, Yi Shuihan inexplicably substituted the two for Caitlin and Ronnie.

What can be expected next is that there will be a good show between Caitlin and Ronnie.

"What are you talking about? You asked me to accompany you to tell Ronnie clearly that I will be your boyfriend for the time being?"

Hearing Caitlin’s attention, Yi Shuihan looked dumbfounded. This kind of **** bridge actually happened to him. He has seen people pretending to be boyfriends to meet their parents and pretending to be boyfriends to attend class reunions and parties. I've never seen someone pretending to be a boyfriend to help someone break up. Generally speaking, is it true that a real male ticket goes?

Are you going? In the end, Yi Shuihan decided to go decisively. If he doesn’t agree to go, if the two of them rekindle their passion again, that’s not what he wants to see. If he goes, what happens will happen and he will react. It's not. ,, ..

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