Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 669: Sad to spontaneous combustion

Caitlin chose to meet Ronnie at the beach. She and Yi Shuihan arrived at the predetermined place early that day, waiting for Ronnie's arrival.

"Aren't you so nervous that you can't even speak?"

When they arrived, Caitlin stared at the sea in a daze, motionless for more than ten minutes, and finally Yi Shuihan couldn't help but speak.

Yi Shuihan's words caused Caitlin to turn her head and glance at him, and then she turned back again as if nothing happened.

"Well, after serving you, who will let you be the real protagonist! Have you been thirsty for a long time? I have a drink here to quench my thirst."

He took out a bottle of soda and handed it to Caitlin, and Caitlin took it naturally, but she didn't drink it, just put it in her hand.

After a while, when Yi Shuihan's embarrassment was a bit guilty, a light flashed in the sky, and then the light became bigger and bigger, and it was gradually clear that it was a human figure.


The Burning Man changed to the ground and then turned into Ronnie and Martin. It seemed very natural. It can be seen that the two of them are getting better and better.

Yi Shuihan was very curious about how the clothes they wore blended together. After the blending, there was a set of exclusive clothes, and the un blending was a set for two people, which was quite magical.

Obviously this is not the time to delve into this little problem.

Perhaps Ronnie also realized that the situation was not right, so when he saw Caitlin he didn't speak for a while, the two looked at each other like this, and they met each other.

Martin, as a person who can faintly feel Ronnie’s mood, can say that the relationship between the two is not much worse than that of father and son, but even so, he can only watch silently. He has no good way to deal with personal feelings. .

"Caitlin, you..."

Ronnie couldn't help but speak, but Caitlin also made a move when he spoke. She walked to Yi Shuihan's side in two steps, and then hugged Yi Shuihan's arm with both hands, making a little bird. shape.

With such a direct action, Ronnie could understand without saying anything. Ronnie's words got stuck in his throat and looked at Caitlin blankly.

A big man who looked very sunny was actually crying at this moment, and silent tears were left in his eyes.

Yi Shuihan could feel the strength of Caitlin's arm holding him a little bit stronger. Needless to say, she knew that her mood was also extremely unstable.

After all, they were still unmarried couples, and their relationship is not comparable to that of ordinary boy and girl friends. It is about to divide. It is a heavy decision for both parties.

If Yi Shuihan didn't stand up and say something at this time, then he really wasn't a man, and it would be meaningless for Caitlin to call him over.

Even if it's a fake boyfriend, he still has to play his due role.

"Ronnie, as you can see, the person Caitlin likes is me. You two are not suitable. On the night when the particle accelerator exploded, Caitlin's heart was dead, which made her very much in the future. Guilt, as a man you make a woman sad, no matter what the initial reason is, this is wrong, and if you really love him, you shouldn’t be attached to being with her, a man really loves one Woman, then as long as you look at each other's happiness, he is also happy. If you leave her, then you are still close friends."

This black spirit chicken soup was forcibly poured into Ronnie by Yi Shuihan, who was talking about Yi Shuihan, but he himself felt it was nonsense.

Boys and girlfriends are divided. Generally speaking, it is perfectly fine to be a close friend, because they are both boy and girl friends, and the understanding of both parties can be said to be quite deep. The premise of being friends is not to know each other. Does it fit together?

The fact is that once most of the boy and girl friends break up, let alone close friends, even ordinary friends do not do it, and it is thank good not to become enemies.

Ronnie is really a good man. In the face of this situation similar to being robbed of love by a horizontal knife, he still hasn't gotten furious. Instead, Yi Shuihan went up and did it. For whatever reason, dare to grab Lao Tzu’s sister first. After that, I can't beat you and speak slowly.

"Have you really decided? Now it's time to regret it, I can treat it as nothing has happened, we can get married right away, and live happily together, regardless of everything else, we will have a few children in the future , Will definitely be very happy."

The tone was very dry, reminding people of the dead traveler in the desert, longing for the salvation of water.

"I'm sorry! But we are really not suitable, you go find a better woman than me!"

Caitlin whispered, looking at Ronnie with guilt.

The final rescue was unsuccessful, and Ronnie's emotions finally couldn't be controlled. He roared up to the sky, and strong fluctuations suddenly erupted from his body, which started to burn.

Unlike when he merged with Martin, Ronnie was burning with blue flames at this time, which looked like a soul fire.

On the other side, Martin also had a chain reaction like Ronnie, and also ignited the flames of the wolf, letting out an unhuman growl.

Strong fluctuations erupted from Ronnie and Martin, the surrounding temperature did not rise, and it was a strange feeling that made people chill.

"Ronnie, what's the matter with you? Ronnie..."

Caitlin looked at Ronnie anxiously, and everyone saw that the situation was not right now, and it was her herself that caused all this.

Martin, who was also suffering from the same symptoms, was ignored and completely ignored, but he had no intention to pursue it.

Panicked, Caitlin forgot that she was also a strong now, strong enough to crush Ronnie and Martin.

Subconsciously, Caitlin looked at Yi Shuihan, her eyes full of requests for help.

"Don't be careful, he is only stimulating the potential in his body now, which is equivalent to the explosion of the potential of an ordinary person, and he will recover after a while, lying down for a few days at most."

"Is it really?"

"Of course it's true, I won't lie about this kind of thing."

What Yi Shuihan said is indeed correct. When it is based on a situation where there will be no more changes, if Ronnie vents like this, and then recovers, it's okay, if his emotions get a little more excited, reach a certain Limits, in that case what he burns is not potential, but his soul. ,, ..

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