Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 670: Day of destruction

It can be said that Martin, who was one with Ronnie, was the first to bear the explosion of potential and fell directly to the ground and passed out into a coma.

"The best way now is to knock him out too, so that he can be foolproof."

As soon as the voice fell, Caitlin had an action subconsciously, turning into an afterimage and disappearing in place. For a time before he could breathe, Caitlin stunned Ronnie, who was covered in fire, and Ronnie even reacted. There is no chance, the gap between Huixu and him is too big.

The combination of Ronnie and Martin can trigger a nuclear explosion, and then almost consume most of the energy, while Caitlin, it is an attack power comparable to a nuclear bomb, and it is no problem to hit dozens of times.

"What is this called!"

With a sigh, Yi Shuihan can only say that everything is possible in the big world.

Now Ronnie and Martin are in a coma. Only Yi Shuihan and Caitlin are awake at the scene. They can't be thrown here, and Caitlin is definitely not allowed to take two big men, even with her power. Both hands can easily lift two people.

Naturally, Yi Shuihan assumed the role of coolie, but it was a bit unsightly to use the hand to carry it. Yi Shuihan directly took out a magic carriage from the portable space and acted as a horseman.

The carriage looked like it came from the Middle Ages. Most people who saw the carriage showed very surprised eyes, but fortunately, when there was a filming, people were just surprised and didn't think much.

Ronnie and Martin were sent directly to Mrs. Martin's house, and Caitlin and Yi Shuihan left.

In the days that followed, there was no news about Ronnie and Martin. It seemed that they had disappeared from the central city.

The relationship between Caitlin and Yi Shuihan became more and more bizarre, like the relationship between boy and girl friends, but did not completely pierce the membrane.

Another half year passed,

With the help of the body of the sun, Yi Shuihan has made rapid progress. Although he has not made a breakthrough in his realm, his strength is 10% higher than that of half a year ago. Don't underestimate this result. Know that Yi Shuihan is now 10%. The strength is also completely determined by the power that destroys the earth, after all, his combat power is far beyond its realm itself.

In half a year, a lot of things happened in Central City, but they were all resolved by Barry. Basically, they didn't encounter any difficulties. After all, there was the existence of Kaitlin, the rebirth.

Perhaps because of the existence of Yi Shuihan, the flashback did not appear. He turned into Wells seldom to leave the laboratory, so that he could continue to make breakthroughs in research, and he also wanted to become a virtual existence.

It is a pity that technical breakthroughs are not so simple, especially since they have reached a certain depth, it is normal if he does not break through for several years or even decades.

Under the surface calm, the hidden crisis is also quietly coming, and a force that even Yi Shuihan has not noticed is rapidly approaching the earth.

The crisis broke out very suddenly. On this day, Yi Shuihan was teaching Caitlin a practical little spell. A shocking roar with a strong impact made the air tremble.

"what happened?"

"what's happening?"

After the anger, the earth began to vibrate slightly, and the whole earth seemed to be smashed.

"This breath is the peak of bronze, it is already extremely close to silver, and there is a powerful existence around it, very familiar, superman."

Yi Shuihan's complexion changed, and his identity as a combatant with Superman easily emerged in his mind. Lex Luther used the Krypton technology to create a monster, Doom.

The current strength of Destruction Day is not terrible, it doesn't even have silver, it can't even beat Superman, let alone Yi Shuihan and Yi Shuihan.

It's just that it has a feature that it can continuously become stronger in battle. As long as it is not completely killed for a while, it will become stronger at a speed beyond your imagination.

As long as the strength does not completely crush it, it is impossible to kill it, because its recovery speed is also quite amazing, even smaller than Xiaoqiang.

It can be said that Doomsday is a very difficult character, even more terrifying than the Super Saiyan in the Dragon Ball World Teleportation.

Because it was made by Kryptonite technology, the Day of Destruction also has the weakness of Kryptonite. The reason why it can be killed in the original book is because of Kryptonite.

This time it’s a little bit different. Batman and Superman didn’t have a big battle, and the Doomsday also appeared very abrupt. Therefore, without the kryptonite weapons made by Batman, if nothing else, Superman would be defeated by Doomsday. The entire earth There is also the danger of destruction.

"Fiora, you look at Caitlin, I will save the earth a little bit."

Realizing that things might go in an unpredictable direction if he didn't take action, Yi Shuihan headed to the battlefield decisively.

When Yi Shuihan came to the metropolis, what he saw was a chaotic scene. The battlefield was in the center of the metropolis, and countless ordinary people were madly away from the battlefield like ants.

In addition to Superman, Doomsday’s opponents are Batman. It’s just that Batman is just watching the crowd. He can't get involved in the battle between the two. He is just an ordinary person, and he can't do anything to Doomsday. Hurt, and he seemed reluctant even to stay on the battlefield.

"I don't know if Wonder Woman will come."

This thought flashed through my mind.

Seeing Yi Shuihan's arrival, Superman was obviously relieved, mainly because he also realized the difficulty of the day of destruction. Now he has the upper hand, seemingly beautiful, but only he knows that if he continues, he will lose. It must be him.

Another punch knocked the Doomsday flying, crashing several buildings, and the momentum of the Doomsday rose instead of falling, and finally broke through from bronze to silver.

There is no such thing as Thunder Tribulation in this world, so the Day of Destruction only stabilized Silver's strength in an instant, and roared again.

Breaking through to Silver, although the Destruction Day is still slightly inferior to Superman, relying on the crazy attack that is not afraid of injury, it has begun to gain the upper hand, and the situation is reversed instantly.

Yi Shuihan did not immediately deal with the Doomsday, but locked a helicopter not far away, where the culprit of this incident, Lex Luthor, existed.

Lexluth was originally enjoying the battle between Superman and Doomsday, but when he saw Doomsday finally had the power to fight back, he clenched his fists fiercely.

"Lexluthor, do you know Darkside?"

The sound frightened Lex, and then his body began to float up without warning, and breathing became difficult. ,, ..

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