Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 675: Hands-on work

The magic carriage doesn't need a coachman, so there was such a scene. The bat chariot drove in front, and a horse-drawn carriage without a coachman followed closely behind at no less than a sports car. It seemed very strange.

There were also some people who saw this scene along the way. They were all amazed, but he had no vision and could not see the true identity of the carriage. He only thought that the horse had been trained to recognize the carriage so that he could follow the carriage. .

As for the speed of the carriage, it can only be said that the horse is talented, and it is easier to accept than the destruction days that appeared before.

"When I was outside, I thought the carriage was not big, but I didn't expect that there was such a large space inside."

Clark looked at everything around him in amazement, everything in front of him subverted his phenomenon, how is this a carriage, it is a moving villa!

Not to mention the area, the things inside are extremely luxurious, all kinds of things that are national treasures outside can be seen everywhere here, gold and diamonds are all garbage items on the ground here.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be a folding space created by magic?"

Folding space, even in their paradise island, is an extremely valuable thing, which made Diana not surprised.

With great strength, knowledge, and amazing wealth, when all these belong to a man, not many women can resist curiosity and understanding.

"Yes, it did use the principles of magic. It's not bad! This carriage is a small gadget I made when I was practicing magic. I seldom use it. If it weren't for today, maybe I might have to give it to forget."

"You made this!?"

"Practicing works when practicing magic!"

The exclamation came from Diana and Clark. They both looked at Yi Shuihan in disbelief. If the carriage was a treasure that Yi Shuihan accidentally obtained, it would certainly make them envious and feel that Yi Shuihan has a strong background. , Then now knowing that this precious and magical magic carriage in their eyes was made by Yi Shuihan casually, they were completely stunned and stunned.

A treasure obtained from other places and the ability to make a treasure on his own are completely two concepts, and this is still Yi Shuihan's work when he practiced. If he gets serious now, wouldn't he be able to make a better one.

There is only one carriage, so even if Clark and Diana are envious, they will not have any other ideas. Now Yi Shuihan said that this carriage was made by him. It can be made once, and naturally it can be made a second time. For the third time, this kind of transportation is simply a standard tool in the dreams of heroes.

Clark, even if he could fly, would never mind owning such a magical carriage, not to mention Diana, her eyes started to shine.

Noting the look in Diana and Clark’s eyes, Yi Shuihan instantly understood what they were thinking. In fact, it is not difficult for Yi Shuihan to make such a carriage, which is a matter of hours. If necessary, It can fully satisfy Diana and Clark's wishes, but the premise is that it is necessary. If you ask me, I will send it. Of course it is impossible.

"Don’t be so fussy, my strength is gained by self-training bit by bit. I need to learn a lot of things on the way to practice. When making a carriage, my magical ability has increased a lot. Sometimes I really Envy you two, your strength is so strong, you almost just grew up with this strength, you don't need to practice hard."

Nonsense without blinking his eyes, a considerable part of his power comes from the system, although he also has the results of his own practice, when the system is a plug-in, it is much more powerful than the superman bloodline and the demigod bloodline of Diana.

Both Clark and Diana's power came very easily, and most of them were due to innate factors, so they were awed by the strength of Yi Shuihan's self-cultivation step by step, and felt a little ashamed.

"You are amazing!"

Diana exclaimed from the heart, and Clark on the side nodded in agreement.

"Since I have chosen the path of spiritual practice, I can't give up halfway. My dream is to see what the highest peak of spiritual practice is. I have only taken a small step now."

Yi Shuihan didn't explain that the highest peak of cultivation he said did not specifically refer to this world, but the countless worlds of the heavens and myriad worlds. Clark and Diana thought he was humble.

With a few words of effort, Yi Shuihan left a deep impression in Diana's heart, and they were all positive, with hard work, lofty ideals, and a firm heart.

First saw Yi Shuihan fight the Destruction Day. In Diana's mind, Yi Shuihan was just a strong man with a heart of justice, a little better than strangers. In the first dialogue, Yi Shuihan told her hometown and said Yi Shuihan's yearning for Paradise Island is basically included in the category of being able to pay.

After that, Yi Shuihan's care for her friend Clark greatly increased Diana's favor with Yi Shuihan. Finally, in the conversation on the carriage, Yi Shuihan's soft and hard power completely silenced Diana. Without interest, she regarded Yi Shuihan as a trusted friend of hers.

Some people have known each other for a long time, but they just nod their heads, while some people can be friends who depend on life and death as soon as they meet. Diana and Yi Shuihan do not belong to the two, but they are also very rare.

"If you are interested in magic, I can teach you. In that case, you can also try to make magic equipment. Of course, when you will reach the level of making magic equipment of this level, it depends on your talent and practice. Not working hard."

Yeah! As long as I have learned magic, I can naturally make it by myself, and there are a lot of practical magic.

Clark was moved by Yi Shuihan's words, but Diana's words cooled his fiery heart a lot.

"I don't have that talent. I tried it at the beginning, and I heard that even a magical genius would take at least decades of work to achieve the level of making space magic tools. Maybe the talent is ordinary. Researching for hundreds of years has not achieved much.",,..

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