Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 676: Form League of Legends

Yes! If magic is so easy to learn, how can magic items be so rare?

Thinking that even if he is talented, he would have to study magic like a research mad for decades to create such a carriage. Superman completely dispelled the idea of ​​learning magic. Although magic is good, it is not his food, he is honest. Just get strong in the sun.

Since he doesn't learn magic, the task of making a magic vehicle can only rely on Yi Shuihan. Clark wondered how to let Yi Shuihan help.

There is no way, Superman owes Yi Shuihan too much, and does not help Yi Shuihan, so it is really difficult to find a suitable reason for a while.

"I have something that I don't need. I wonder if I can exchange a carriage like this with you?"

Diana still has some collections, and intends to obtain what she wants in exchange.

When Yi Shuihan heard the words, he was still looking forward to Diana's collection. The other party knew the value of the carriage, and now that she said so, she must think that the value of what she owns is not worse than that of the carriage.

You must know that the Amazons that Diana belongs to are very powerful. Diana herself is extremely strong. It can be said that she is the strongest female warrior in the Amazon. As the daughter of the queen, her life is bestowed by the gods and favored by the gods. , If she didn't have some good things on her, Yi Shuihan would despise the gods of this world and be too stingy.

"Do you want a carriage like this? I'll just send you one later. What else?"

In fact, he didn't think so at all in his heart, but he showed a very generous appearance. Yi Shuihan was also sure that Diana could not be so cheeky.

Sure enough, Diana shook her head repeatedly and said, "That's not good, I can't ask for your things for nothing, at least you have to see what I have! There are so many weird things in my collection, and there is no use keeping them there. Maybe there is something you need?"

With a hesitant expression, Yi Shuihan finally agreed to the proposal under Diana's persistent gaze.

Clark actually hoped that Yi Shuihan would also give him a car. Unfortunately, Yi Shuihan seemed to ignore him and didn't say what he wanted to hear. Clark couldn't say what he wanted to hear.

I made an agreement with Diana. The next thing is to talk about some other things, such as world politics, geography and beauty, rare treasures, etc. The conversation is very wide. Of the three, Clark rarely interrupts because he belongs to him. He knows the least. After all, he has lived far less years than Yi Shuihan and Diana. Although he can fly around the world in a very short time at his speed, there are some things that require careful observation and in-depth understanding. To know.

After more than half an hour, he finally arrived at Bruce's manor. Yi Shuihan put away the carriage, and his group sat down in the manor hall.

Bruce was originally very satisfied with his manor. After his layout, the things placed and the furnishings were exquisite, which seemed low-key and luxurious. Many celebrities came here to praise his taste. Endless.

It's just that these things completely lost their effect when facing Yi Shuihan and the others. Yi Shuihan and Diana were very knowledgeable and didn't realize there was anything good here, and Clark, just met Yi Shuihan. The interior scene of the carriage, in such a comparison, Bruce is much lower here, so there is not the slightest surprise, but some disappointment in it.

Now Bruce feels a little uncomfortable. Even if Yi Shuihan and Diana are alone, Clark also has the same look here. What's the matter? Bruce knows Clark’s true identity, an ordinary family, ordinary interpersonal relationships, ordinary In addition to his powerful work, Bruce believes that Clark really has nothing to compare to him.

When he arrived at his own site, Bruce changed into a neat suit with a mature face and slightly vicissitudes of eyes. It was really the standard type that noble ladies liked.

The name of the master is not for nothing, and without Bruce's instructions, a group of subordinates took the initiative to prepare Yi Shuihan and the others, and they were standing on the side, ready to obey the instructions.

"I am going to form an organization specifically composed of heroes on the earth. The name is called Justice League. It is mainly to deal with the invasion of the earth by aliens. In normal times, what should you do? If you encounter a threat to the entire earth The disaster is when the Justice League strikes."

On the way back, Bruce had already thought carefully and came up with a rough framework, even the name had been determined.

"Justice League, I actually think League of Legends is relatively smooth."

Yi Shuihan first said in a relaxed tone, then looked straight, and said seriously, "Actually, I also have an idea to form a League of Legends and turn heroes into a real profession. Every hero is registered, and then they can Accept the task, receive a certain amount of money, register the task and hero, and then..."

Yi Shuihan talked freely, telling him about an anime he once watched, the League of Legends system in One Punch Superman, and of course some modifications were made. After all, this world does not want the animation world to be full of monsters.

I have to say that Yi Shuihan's thoughts are very broad. The ideas he said made Bruce, Clark and Diana very interested. They had never thought that heroes could be used as a profession before.

"... This requires a huge amount of manpower and material resources, and it also needs to communicate with the government, otherwise it is easy to conflict, and in order to prevent some heroes’ information from being used by people who are interested, we also need to take certain measures, of course I said. These are actually more attractive to heroes who need help materially. It doesn't mean that you are not a hero if you don't join the League of Legends. Anyone can be a hero if you have the heart."

After talking for nearly an hour, Yi Shuihan stopped his long talk, and at this time the three Bruce had fallen into contemplation. ,, ..

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