Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 684: Misty forest

In the end, Yi Shuihan left the inheritance of Taoism in the Pure Yuan Sect. Although it is only one of the most popular exercises in his collection, I believe that it will be possible for the Pure Yuan Sect to soar into the sky soon.

With Li Xia leading the way, Yi Shuihan once again embarked on a journey to find a cultivator in the East. This time the target was naturally the suspected true martial artist.

In addition to Li Xia, there was also a little girl named Fang Qing, who was also with Yi Shuihan, who didn't know what Li Xia thought, and actually took her with her.

Now Fang Qing's little girl's identity is the maid serving Yi Shuihan, doing trivial things for Yi Shuihan.

Well, Yi Shuihan has already seen it. This Li Xia is a good abacus, and he wants to take Fang Qing to win him. If he can take the best, Chunyuan faction will have a real big backer. , Even if not, Li Xia is not ashamed, taking Fang Qing out to meet the world is still very conducive to her growth.

I don't know what Li Xia said to Fang Qing, making Fang Qing obedient to Yi Shuihan, hard working, and who doesn't know that Fang Qing is his Yi Shuihan?

"Is he really as strong as the leader said? As long as I follow him, he can quickly become stronger, and finally become a master of the true way!" Fang Qing held her chin in her right hand, looking curiously at the sun bathing Yi Shuihan, she has never seen anyone who is still in the sun at night.

What Yi Shuihan has shown from time to time along the way has long made Fang Qing have a secret love for Yi Shuihan. She feels that talents like Yi Shuihan are the partners she pursues, but it is a pity that Yi Shuihan did not show much to her. Fang Qing's interest made Fang Qing feel that her charm has declined.

Although only 16 years old, Fang Qing has a very good-looking face and a very well-developed body. It can be said that any city is an absolute beauty level, plus there is room for growth. There may be some in the future. The opportunity to become one step further and become a national beauty.

This kind of beauty makes Fang Qing not know how many suitors there are in the outside world. After joining the Chunyuan Sect, she also relies on this extraordinary appearance to quickly integrate into the Chunyuan Sect. It can be said that Fang Qing has always They are all very proud.

"Here, that's it. Next, we have to cross a dangerous area, the mist is fierce, and only through it can we reach the Zhoutian secret realm where the Zhoutian faction is located."

Li Xia seemed to be very nervous. This misty forest is said to be a place where the Zhongtian powerhouse may die. Only the heavenly masters can pass through without danger. If Yi Shuihan does not go with him, Li Xia would be killed. Not willing to come here.

They had visited the secret realm of Li Xia Chunyuan Sect before three days ago. Now it is occupied by a new sect called Iron Fist. There are 4 Zhongtian powerhouses in the sect. Compared to the time of Chunyuan Sect, It was even weaker. As for the person who used to kill in the Chunyuan faction, he did not find a trace.

Yi Shuihan personally took the shot, and finally got some clues from the Iron Fist Sect. The mysterious master might have something to do with Zhou Tianmen, because Zhou Tianmen once sent a heavenly expert to investigate.

When things are here, Li Xia won’t come to Zhoutianmen. In order to get revenge, he can take his own life. Naturally, he won’t come. Yi Shuihan's method of subduing the four Zhongtian powerhouses also gave him quite a bit. confidence.

Gazing at the misty forest, Yi Shuihan felt strange in his heart. He could swear that he used to fly over here, but he didn't notice the difference here. Now standing at the misty forest entrance, he can Clearly felt the fierce breath.

"very scary!"

Fang Qing trembled and trembled. As the weakest being in the team, she just stayed at the entrance of the misty forest. She felt as if she was in the wolves when she was an ordinary person, and her body's instinct made her want to leave. This dangerous place.

"Qing'er, don't be afraid, there is little friend Yi here!"

Li Xia cheered Fang Qing, but in fact it wasn't for himself.

The clever Fang Qing realized that only Yi Shuihan would not be in danger of life in the future, and immediately it was as if Yi Shuihan had approached a lot, and the distance between the two of them was almost reduced to less than 10 centimeters, which seemed very warm. .Ambiguous.

"You don't need to stay so close, even if it is far away, I still have time to react."

Actively opened the distance, and took the lead into the Forest of Mist.

Seeing Yi Shuihan who was far away, Fang Qing felt very aggrieved, thinking that Yi Shuihan hated herself.

Seeing that even Li Xia felt that he had misread Yi Shuihan, the other party's mind was extremely firm, and his beauty seemed to have no effect on him. You must know that even if he saw Fang Qing at first, he was shocked, if not for him. Now, maybe I have to pursue Fang Qing.

"Let's go, follow up, he won't be helpless to you, maybe he just doesn't like being too close to women."

The reason why the misty forest is called the misty forest is because once you enter the misty forest, the visibility will become very low, as if you are in the mist, but in fact these are not in the usual sense. Fog is a very special thing, which causes problems in the senses and achieves the effect of fog.

The fierce forest represents the fierceness of this forest. Whether it is an animal or a plant, as long as it is in the misty forest, there is nothing simple. Even a grass that can be seen everywhere may turn into a death that can take human lives in the next moment. sickle.

This place seems to be a completely different world from the earth. If such a place is discovered by those scientists who study the earth, it will definitely cause them to swarm, and the result is naturally heavy casualties, and nuclear bombs may not be able to make the fog. Sen disappeared, and Yi Shuihan felt this way.

This is where the real strong can conquer.


"what's happenin?"

"A guest passes by!"

After waiting for a few minutes, everything in front of him remained the same. Just when Fang Qing thought that Yi Shuihan had made a mistake in his judgment, a stinking smell made Fang Qing almost fainted.


There was an irresistible scream.

A pitch-black head, 20 meters high, was actually the head of a snake. ,, ..

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