Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 685: Black blood snake and hunter

Normal snakes are basically invisible. The eyes are just decorations. Infrared sensors and smells are more important.

And the snake in front of him is definitely not a common species. Those huge eyes reflect the figure of Yi Shuihan and his group, full of coldness and ruthlessness, giving a trace of imperceptible disdain.

"I was underestimated!"

Reading his thoughts from Snake Eyes, Yi Shuihan also found it very interesting. Originally, he thought that the ears of the beasts in the misty forest were those with no intelligence or low intelligence, but now they are obviously not so back. Thing, it is definitely not a beast that only acts on instinct.

"It's a black blood snake, it can spray venom, it has corrosive toxicity, and it can break through the defenses of True Qi, and ordinary beginners can only escape when encountering it."

Li Xia explained to Yi Shuihan in a low voice, and at the same time moved slightly in Fang Qing's direction, planning to protect Fang Qing in the event of an accident, in his heart, Fang Qing is more important than him.

It was also the first time that Li Xia saw the black blood snake, and he was able to recognize it because it belonged to a species requiring special attention in the misty forest.

"Black blood snake, is its blood black?"

At this time, Yi Shuihan was able to maintain this relaxed attitude to ask questions, which made Li Xia relax a lot. As for Fang Qing, since the first screaming, her entire face has become pale, and she has not been able to Break free from fear.

"The blood of the black blood snake is not black, it is red like us, but the creatures attacked by its venom will eventually be corroded into a mass of black blood."

The attitude of Yi Shuihan and his group obviously angered the Black Blood Snake. After all, the humans it saw before turned around and ran away, and it also liked to chase behind these weak human beings to see how fearful the other person looked. After eating a small meal, I accidentally discovered these humans, planning to exercise after cooking, first made the humans struggle with pain and fear, and finally ate them.

The huge body did not slow down the black blood snake's movements. On the contrary, its movements were extremely flexible and the speed was astonishingly fast. From lifting the body to attacking, the whole process took less than a second.

Fang Qing only felt black before her eyes, and then she saw the big mouth of the black blood snake.

"It's over, I'm going to die. I was actually eaten by a snake. It's really an ugly way to die. Will he die too? That's not bad!"

At the last moment of death, Fang Qing was unexpectedly not afraid, but Yi Shuihan appeared in her mind.

"Little girl, when are you going to be in a daze?"

Yi Shuihan's voice called Fang Qing back to reality.

She was terrified in her heart, and even just looking at the black blood snake that would not have the heart to resist was stepped on the ground by Yi Shuihan with one foot, its head was bloody, and half of its body sank to the ground. The occasional twitch can prove that it is still alive.

The head of the black water snake was nearly 20 meters long, and even if half of it fell into the ground, there was still 10 meters left. At this time, Yi Shuihan, who had stepped on the black blood snake, was like a **** descending into the world in Fang Qing's eyes.

"As expected of Xiaoyou Yi, such a formidable strength."

Li Xia looked at the black water snake that had been subdued, and said with emotion.

This black water snake can only fight against it with flying ability by the strong in the sky. Generally speaking, it is not easy for the strong in the sky to kill it. The battle will last for at least a while. Only in the heavenly realm can it have a trick to crush. The power of the Black Water Snake, but it also took advantage of the benefits of attributes, like Yi Shuihan's pure power to suppress the Black Blood Snake, Li Xia had never heard of it anyway.

"Is it your previous guest?"

Seeing that Yi Shuihan solved the Black Water Snake so easily, even though Fang Qing was still afraid of Black Blood, she was able to maintain basic normality. In order to divert her attention, she asked Yi Shuihan.

"Of course not. The real guest has already come, right, my friend behind the third tree in the southeast."

"There is anyone else?"

Fang Qing and Li Xia looked at what Yi Shuihan said vigilantly when they heard the words, their eyes widened, as if they wanted to see through the tree.

"Have you been discovered? You are very good!"

From behind the tree that Yi Shuihan said, a half-masked person walked out with a pair of eyes even more terrifying than a black blood snake.

"do you know who he is?"

Yi Shuihan was able to come out of this new guy, which is stronger than the few Zhongtians he had seen before. It was definitely the Heavenly Realm that Li Xia had mastered. According to Li Xia, this There are not many people, so he asked Li Xia who this person is.

Li Xia shook his head blankly. He didn't know the identity of the person in front of him. He just saw the horror picture of himself being killed. He felt that this person was better than the one he had seen before. The heavenly powerhouse who slaughtered the Pure Yuan faction was even stronger.

"Is this snake your prey?"

"Yes, this is good food."

"Then give it back to you."

With one kick, he kicked the black blood snake like a half-masked man, and the black blood snake pressed over like a hill.

I saw a half-masked man with his hands in the depths, his hands glowing with a strange black glow. When his hand touched the black water snake, the black light instantly expanded and gradually enveloped the entire black blood snake.

A weird scene appeared. The black blood snake's body wrapped around it kept shrinking. In the end, only a piece of snake skin was left, and the other things completely disappeared.

"Has it been swallowed? His breath has strengthened a bit."

In Yi Shuihan's eyes, this was not a big deal. After all, the big demon encountered in the Kunxu Secret Realm was even more terrifying, so he just frowned slightly.

Li Xia and Fang Qing were completely frightened. They looked at the half-masked person as if they were looking at a monster, and even wondered if it was something else pretending to be an adult.

"How can the misty forest be so terrible? Doesn't it mean that the realm of heaven can be passed easily? That is because they didn't meet this one!"

Frightened, even with Yi Shuihan's existence, Li Xia would have the thought of turning around and running away desperately.

The half-masked man who had "eaten" the black blood snake stood there quietly, but his eyes were looking straight at Yi Shuihan, shining with inexplicable light.

"I can feel that I can become stronger after eating you."

"Then come and try it?"

"No, I'm not your opponent, I'm leaving now.",,..

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