Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 686: Popular bear

There was no expected battle, and the half-masked person turned around and left cleanly, and Yi Shuihan didn't mean to stop him.

"Huh, I was really scared to death just now, how could there be such a terrible person." Fang Qing patted her nascent apple with a little hand, with a surviving expression on her face.

"Let's go! Keep going."

Yi Shuihan discerned the direction and continued to move towards the depths of the mist and forest. He had a hunch that he would meet the guy before.

After experiencing the Black Blood Snake, Fang Qing and Li Xia both realized the danger of the mist and fierce forest.

Li Xia is willing to die for revenge, and is willing to die to protect Fang Qing, the hope of the sect. If he could not die, he would not want to die so meaninglessly, being killed by the misty and ferocious thing is undoubtedly not what he wanted of.

Perhaps it was because I met the black blood snake and ran out of bad luck. Although it was more dangerous, it did not exceed the level of the black blood snake. It is estimated that Li Xia could barely cope with it.

After half a day, Yi Shuihan and his party had already arrived in the second half of the Misty Forest, and they would be able to pass through the Misty Forest in a few hours.

If you change to someone else, this is simply impossible. Not to mention the dangers of the mists, the road that can only be explored is also a headache, and it is good to be able to cross here in a few days.

There are special rules in the misty forest. If you fly here, you will be besieged by all the misty forest flying fierce beasts. Even the strong in the sky can only drink hate under this siege, the strong in the sky. If it is not necessary, they will not choose to fly.

Can't fly, and if you want to cross the misty forest, the speed will drop. I don't know how much. Generally speaking, it is relatively normal to get out of the misty forest for half a month.

The main reason for being so fast is that Yi Shuihan is strong enough! There is no need to detour, as long as you look for the direction, everything in front of him is shattered, whether it is a mountain or a special plant, he can only obediently subdue under his power.

It can be said that Yi Shuihan abruptly opened up the fastest passage in the misty forest, and people in the future don't have to worry about getting lost.

"Rest awhile."

It’s not that Yi Shuihan is tired. Not to mention that the time has come. It’s just that Yi Shuihan will not feel tired for several months and several years. It’s just that Fang Qing can’t. Only the 4th day after tomorrow. She is just better than ordinary people.

She took out a few seats and even handed Fang Qing a bottle of juice. This kind of treatment made Fang Qing somewhat flattered. She thought that Yi Shuihan had finally regained her consciousness. Knowing her charm, her whole mood improved a lot. Drinking the juice happily, the exhaustion of the body quickly disappeared.

"Hurry up, run fast, you can leave this **** ghost place right away."

For more than ten minutes, a loud noise interrupted Yi Shuihan's rest.

The sound of running footsteps and the roar of the beast kept ringing.

Not long after, a few embarrassed, gray-headed guys appeared in Yi Shuihan's line of sight, their expressions anxious, and their eyes flustered.

The one who ran in front saw Yi Shuihan and his party for a moment, and then shouted loudly.

"The man in front, hurry away, there is a wind bear chasing us behind."

Yang Xuan finished speaking and thought that these strange strangers would act immediately and join the fleeing ranks, but what he didn't expect was that the young man remained motionless, as if he hadn't heard him speak, and the old man's expression changed. Finally, I looked at the young man and stayed still, the only sister-in-law Liang looked at him with strange eyes.

"Fuck, a bunch of idiots, don't you run! I think you won't die later."

Fengxing bear, a group of ferocious beasts living in the fog, belongs to the bear category. The prefix Fengxing is added because they not only have the power of a bear, but also have a speed comparable to the wind. The warriors in the realm can't deal with it, and if they live in groups, the strong in the sky will only die when surrounded.

In fact, Yang Xuan and his party were the Fengxing Xiong who encountered a Zhongtian martial artist. In the end, the Zhongtian warrior died of exhaustion. The rest of them, taking advantage of Fengxing Xiong's food, escaped by luck. Several, he is one of them.

They haven't completely escaped from the Wind Bear, and there are still a few Wind Bears chasing them behind.

Yang Xuan quickly ran past Yi Shuihan. Seeing Yi Shuihan, they still didn't move. They couldn't help but remind them again, "Run! Without the strength of God, you can't deal with Fengxingxiong."

"It doesn't matter, Brother Yi is very powerful."

Yi Shuihan ignored Yang Xuan, but Fang Qing said ostentatiously.


Yang Xuan would not believe that Yi Shuihan is a master, but Fang Qing didn’t know how Feng Xingxiong was. It was because Ping Shui met twice to remind him that he was kind, because of this reminder that two people had surpassed him and ran. Farther.

Immediately no longer hesitating, the body that was already somewhat relieved, because of the life and death crisis once again erupted with astonishing potential, and escaped at an accelerated pace.

Less than a few seconds after Yang Xuan drove again, Fengxing Xiong finally appeared in the sight of Yi Shuihan and others.

The popular bear is much taller than ordinary bears. It is about 4 meters tall, with a blue skin and a half-month mark on its forehead.

Having seen a large tonnage like the Black Blood Snake, this Feng Xing Bear could no longer frighten Fang Qing, her eyes were tightly looking at Yi Shuihan, expecting Yi Shuihan to show off his power.

Seeing Yi Shuihan and the others, these popular bears seemed very surprised, but the next moment they erupted at an even more alarming speed, taking Yi Shuihan and the others as prey as well.

"At a loss!"

In a low voice, a semicircular purple halo suddenly swept in the direction of Fengxingxiong with Yi Shuihan as the center. Any Fengxingxiong who was swept by the halo would lose sight for an instant, and then it became clear again.

Yang Xuan looked back curiously at Yi Shuihan and their fate, and then saw a scene that made him stunned. The young boy who was not optimistic about him had a semi-circle purple halo unexpectedly by some means, looking very powerful.

The first reaction thought I was wrong, that young man was really powerful.

He was ready to dismember the body of Feng Xing Xiong who was swept by the halo. He even slowed down. After all, as long as Feng Xing Xiong died, he didn't have to continue to flee.

However, Feng Xing Xiong did nothing, and chased him again.

He could see clearly that these popular bears just passed by those people, as if they had never been spotted.

"What's the matter? Is Fengxingxiong's target actually not us?",,..

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