Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 687: Sunday

Because of slowing down, Yang Xuan was finally overtaken, but those Windy Bears just passed him just like they did to Yi Shuihan before.

After feeling the close contact with the **** of death, Yang Xuan stopped in place with a dazed expression, his head was blank.

Fang Qing was a little disappointed not seeing Yi Shuihan easily crushing Fengxingxiong, but she was even more curious about what Yi Shuihan did.

"Hey, that person is back!"

Yang Xuan chose to return to Yi Shuihan in the end. He was not stupid. He had seen Fengxingxiong kill people before. Their targets must be people like himself. The strange performance just now must be the halo released by Yi Shuihan. Yang Xuan didn't know when that effect would disappear, so the best way was naturally to return and walk with Yi Shuihan.

Yang Xuan soon knew that he had made a very correct decision. There was a screaming sound from about 1 kilometer away. It was obvious that the few people running in front of him had been killed.

"Have you rested? If we are done, we will continue on our way."

Regarding Yang Xuan, Yi Shuihan showed an indifferent attitude, neither accepting nor directly driving away.

Li Xia was more friendly and nodded with Yang Xuan. He could see that Yang Xuan's strength had reached the beginning and was not weaker than him. Judging from his appearance, it would not be difficult to become a Zhongtian strong in the future, and it was worth making friends.

With full of doubts, Yang Xuan followed Yi Shuihan and his party and walked in the direction where Feng Xingxiong had left.

The speed was not fast, but he was dissatisfied, and soon I saw Fengxingxiong again.

More than a dozen heads each lay next to a corpse and were eating, blood, internal organs, intestines, and even heads that were still running, the scene was quite bloody.


Fang Qing couldn't stand it and vomited out first.

Li Xia and Yang Xuan also turned pale, their stomachs rolled, and they forcibly endured the urge to vomit.


This time, Fengxing Xiong didn't ignore Yi Shuihan and the others, and threw down the corpse that had been gnawed in half.

"Be careful! Their claws are sharp."

Yang Xuan reminded loudly.

"court death!"

Yi Shuihan's fingers jumped inexplicably in the air, as if he was playing a piano, and the flying bears suddenly exploded.



None of the popular bears escaped the end of the explosion, and they all ended up worse than those half-corpses, with no bones left.


Yang Xuan's eyes widened, he looked at the blood scum on the ground, and then at Yi Shuihan, who seemed to have done nothing. The shock in his heart was no longer utterable.

What kind of monster did I meet?

Yang Xuan admits that he is also a well-informed person, and has seen a lot of strong warriors. It's not just one or two fights between warriors in the realm of heaven.

He has seen a person blasting out a thousand-meter waves with one punch, a waterfall that kicked back and slashed across, leaving behind a thousand-meter gully, and someone who can freely control fire, ice, hurricanes and other supernatural forces, but like today Yes, he really feels inexplicable.

"Look like new!

Yi Shuihan used a clean-up magic with ease, and instantly disappeared the blood residue on the ground and the bones that could still vaguely recognize the human body.

Even the smell of blood in the air disappeared completely.

"It's still more refreshing like this."

Nodding satisfied, Yi Shuihan started on his way again without greeting.

Afterwards, Fang Qing looked at Yi Shuihan’s back with an idiot. Li Xia looked at Yi Shuihan’s back in awe. Yang Xuan was careful behind, trying to reduce his sense of existence. Knowing Yi Shuihan, he didn't want to attract Yi Shuihan's attention. If the other party had made a move, he would really have nowhere to survive.

Passing through the mist and fierce forest, you completely entered another world, the Zhoutian Secret Realm, the largest known secret realm on Earth at present, with an area the size of a continent.

It is the Zhoutian School that rules this huge secret realm. According to ancient legends, the Zhoutian School was already in the secret realm when this secret realm appeared. So far, the Zhoutian School has not weakened, and every age has been crushed. Other schools.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s a Zhoutian faction, but it’s not an exaggeration to call it a country. The Zhoutian faction’s disciples are scattered throughout the Zhoutian Secret Realm. Nine out of ten people in the Zhoutian Secret Realm are inextricably related to the Zhoutian faction. .

However, despite saying that, there are few people who can truly claim to be Zhoutian disciples. In the Zhoutian Secret Realm, everyone knows that the one who truly belongs to the Zhoutian faction’s core strength is General Zhoutian 108. , Called Zhoutianxingjiang.

Only Zhou Tianxing generals or descendants of Zhou Tianxing generals can represent the Zhoutian faction outside.

The sky stars of these 108 weeks will make everyone extremely powerful, and even the weakest will have the strength to match the realm of heaven.

The level of each generation of star generals has never fallen, and because of this, the Zhoutian faction will always be the number one faction in the world, and no one dares to mess with it.

After all, a martial artist with a realm of heaven can occupy a larger secret realm, while there are hundreds of people like the Zhoutian faction. You can imagine what kind of concept this is, enough to make everyone want and the Zhoutian faction. The person who is right is desperate.

Yi Shuihan looks down on the heavenly realm, but in fact it is really strong, so powerful that a million people may not be able to achieve it. Putting it in the Pirate World is equivalent to a domineering owner.

The martial arts system in this world does not have a great increase in life expectancy. Breaking through the innate, you can live up to one hundred and fifty, and the limit to achieve heaven is only 300.

Only the true way, once achieved, life span will skyrocket several times, but it is a pity that the true true way powerhouse has never appeared in front of the public, and some are just teaching, such as so-and-so suspected of the true way.

Zhoutian City, a large city with a population that can accommodate millions of people, is also the only city of the Zhoutian School. Unlike the outside world, it seems that it is still in ancient times, the science and technology tree is still in a dormant state, and some are only respected by the power of martial arts.

"This Nima is really the DC universe! Am I going through a world with the wrong way of opening?"

Looking at the 100-meter-high city wall and the warriors coming and going, Yi Shuihan couldn't help but become a little suspicious. ,, ..

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