Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 692: Zhendao is not my opponent

"What the **** is going on, how do I feel that I can't understand their battle?"

In the arena, Yi Shuihan and Xingjiang are coming to you and me, playing well or not. It is strange that every time the stars stop at the critical moment when they are about to defeat Yi Shuihan, as if they are releasing water.

If not everyone knows that these two people have met for the first time, they might have thought that they have known each other a long time ago and are fighting a counterfeit battle.

"Good guy, he is pointing at Ninety Three. He has seen through all the attacks of Ninety Three. This is to show how to crack it so that Ninety Three can use this to perfect himself."

After all, there are smart people. When a powerful star general tells the truth, those who have opinions on Yi Shuihan instantly change their minds.

Yi Shuihan was not obliged to help them, but he did so. It was still in this kind of occasion where he needed to maintain his strength. Whether he had this confidence or had other plans, in short, he gained the favor of most of the Zhoutian faction.

A battle that should have ended in an instant lasted for 2 minutes, and in the end the star on the ring voluntarily gave in.

"I believe everyone has seen his strength, and the star generals ranked after fifty will not be included."

With Zhou Ming's words, nearly half of the stars lost the qualification to fight Yi Shuihan, but no one said anything about it. After all, Yi Shuihan really had this ability.

"At such an age, not only can he reach the heavenly realm, but he can also have such strength. It is really hard to believe that the star master is not so strong at his age!"

A star ranked low will sigh.

"This guy is so strong, is he stronger than his father."

Feng Ling'er was also watching the crowd at this time. She might be the one who was the most surprised. She faintly felt that Yi Shuihan seemed to be able to pass through the stars.

"The next one will let me play, but I want to see his true strength."

"He is the 46th star general Rasu. He is extremely domineering with his fire attribute throughout his life. I have seen him easily evaporate a lake."

La Su's ranking is only one place lower than Feng Ming. Actually, their strengths are not much different. In the real battle, whoever wins depends on the performance at the time.

"As long as I defeat him, it means that I am actually stronger than Feng Ming."

Thinking so in my heart, Rasu was full of motivation.

As soon as he came to power, La Su couldn't wait to start the offensive. His body was wrapped with red fire-attribute zhenqi, and the heat radiated twisted the air.

Unlike Fengming, Rasu’s fighting method is close, and the innocent energy of the fire attribute is indeed suitable for close. Most people don't like being barbecued.

Naturally, Yi Shuihan was not afraid of Rasu's close body. This temperature was similar to that of him. Even if the ground melted because of this, he was still calmly dealing with Rasu.

Repeating the previous scenario again, although Rasu's strength is far above that of the star general in the mid-sky realm, the gap with Yi Shuihan is also huge to indescribable.

In the eyes of other people, Yi Shuihan didn't even use his true qi. He just relied on his physical body to resist Rasu's attack, making people frightened.

"Is he still a human being? How could the power of the physical body be so strong, that is the true energy of the fire attribute, and the fine iron can be melted."

"I don't know if it's a human, but I know Master Rasu is about to lose."

"Is it possible that he can really break through the stars?"

"Probably not!"

Everyone's hearts have changed. Gradually, Yi Shuihan is absolutely impossible to break through the star barrier, and becomes perhaps able to break through.

The top star generals looked serious at this time, staring unblinkingly at the battle between the two on the ring, wanting to see the depth of Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan's actions won the favor of everyone, but it is what everyone does not want to see if he really made him pass the star barrier. Zhou Tian faction has been the number one in the martial arts world for so many years, and its majesty has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Something happened that made Zhou Tianpai lose face.

After all, Rasu was defeated by Yi Shuihan. It was also an automatic surrender. The battle with Yi Shuihan made him understand what is truly terrifying. He even felt that facing Yi Shuihan was even better than the star master. terror.

The victory in the second game already meant that Yi Shuihan would not have any opponents on the third level of the Star General. After all, the strength of this level was not much different, but Yi Shuihan completely crushed Rasu.

Of course even so, the next level will still be shot by the third-level people, even if they can't beat it, Yi Shuihan's physical strength will be consumed.

An hour has passed in a blink of an eye, and more and more stars will be defeated by Yi Shuihan, and most of them surrendered by themselves, and a small part of them were knocked out by Yi Shuihan.

"Finally it's the turn of the second-level star general to take action."

Yi Shuihan was still calm at this time, and he couldn't see that he had defeated the mighty heaven of tens of meters just now. This strength has been recognized by everyone unknowingly.

Even the defeated star generals had to admit Yi Shuihan's strength, that unmatched strength, they had all personally experienced it.

The tenth star was about to take the stage, but Zhou Ming stopped him at this time.

"Are you really just going to heaven?"

Zhou Ming asked such a sentence suddenly, leaving most people unclear.

"Oh! What do you think?"

"No, you are definitely not in the sky, but the true way that is stronger than the heaven! Only the true way can be so powerful."

As soon as the term Zhendao came out, it caused an uproar.

Everyone didn't dare to think about this before, but now Zhou Ming said it, they thought about it carefully, and it was really possible.

Those are the legendary true Dao powerhouses, so they came to take them. The star masters were just rumored to be true Dao, which has not been confirmed.

"I am not the true way." This sentence made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, but Yi Shuihan's next sentence made them completely crazy.

"But Zhendao is not my opponent!"

The scene was silent for a moment, then broke out completely

"Crazy, he actually said that the truth is not his opponent, I have auditory hallucinations or dreaming!"

"Is there anyone who can be stronger than the truth?"

"This is absolutely impossible, he is bragging."

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