Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 693: Emperor Ling and Secret

If there is a real powerhouse, everyone can still accept it. After all, they have said so for so many years. Although they have not seen them, they have all heard of them.

People who are stronger than the true way are absolutely unacceptable. This is like if you are a genius, everyone is envious and jealous, but if you are a wicked evildoer, it is not envy but fear. Everyone screams and tries to eliminate them.

"it's time!"

Yi Shuihan ignored the reactions of these people, but cast his gaze on a distant mountain.

"It's... the retreat of Big Brother."

Zhou Ming noticed this and was shocked.


With a loud noise, the mountain peak that Yi Shuihan was paying attention to suddenly broke apart, and the upper part of the entire mountain peak was turned into gravel.

A figure soared into the sky from the peak, exuding amazing power.

"Big Brother!"

"Star Lord!"

This person who appeared from the mountain was exactly what Yi Shuihan was looking for this time, Zhou Shu.

Yi Shuihan's eyes narrowed slightly. He was a little surprised. He was surprised at Zhou Shu's strength. This was definitely not True Dao, but a higher realm than True Dao. Yi Shuihan didn't think that the gap between Heaven and True Dao would be so big, now Zhou Shu's strength is entirely composed of silver rank.

"Interesting, there seems to be a lot of things I don't know yet!"

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Shu had already arrived in front of Yi Shuihan.

"Brother, it happened..."

Zhou Ming originally wanted to ask Zhou Shu what happened, but after seeing Zhou Shu's face, he opened his mouth and stayed there.

He really couldn't imagine that this was his elder brother. Although his face, figure, and clothes were as good as the elder brother in his memory, his temperament was completely different, and he was totally different from what he remembered.

"The realm of True Dao exists, and there are others stronger than True Dao. That realm is called the Emperor Spirit, and I just became an emperor spirit powerhouse."

The sound is not loud, but it can be heard by the entire Zhoutian Mountain Range.

"Above the truth, Emperor Spirit!?"

Everyone looked at Zhou Shu in shock, the star master of their Zhoutian faction. The shock in their hearts made them almost lose the ability to think.

"Big brother broke through the true way and became the emperor spirit?"

Zhou Ming whispered.

Zhou Shu is the realm of the true Dao. This point can only be confirmed by Zhou Ming in the entire Zhou Tian sect. Other star generals can only use guessing, because Zhou Shu was not the true way when he became the star lord. After he became the star lord, he He never shot again, but every time the party stars will feel more and more pressure.

In fact, each generation of one star master is the true way. After becoming a star master, he will get a special opportunity, which is enough for people to advance from heaven to the true way.

But this kind of truth is not complete, and the life span is still the same as that of the heavenly realm.

And Zhou Shu was obviously different from the previous star masters. He broke through this shackle, broke through the truth, and achieved a higher level.

Zhou Ming didn't know the realm of Emperor Ling, only the star masters of the past dynasties had a way out after they knew the true way.

The star masters of the Zhoutian School are all True Dao. They have amazing talents. In fact, they also break through to the True Dao on their own instead of relying on the star master. However, they do not have the lifespan of the True Dao. This is also the origin of the rumors that the star masters are only suspected of the true Dao .


This involves a great secret, the message left by the creator of the Zhoutian Secret Realm, only within 300 years, that is, before the arrival of the upper limit of the Heaven Realm, can you break through the true way and achieve the Emperor Lin's chance to see a wider world. .

The creator of the Zhoutian Secret Realm, or all the martial arts Secret Realm on this earth, was created by him. Like Yi Shuihan’s conjecture, he was a person from the outside world. He left the inheritance in this world and then left. Not death, he is much stronger than Yi Shuihan imagined.

The star masters of the past generations will have a choice after achieving the true way, that is, not to break through, and to live the normal life of the true way safely, and to break through with all their strength and practice a secret method that helps to break through.

As long as the secret method is practiced, the life span will become the same as that of the heavenly realm, but the chance of breaking through to the emperor spirit is 10 times faster than step by step.

This secret method can be said to be trading life for the speed of cultivation.

Obviously, the star masters of the past dynasties have chosen the same path, which is to practice the secret method, even those star masters who rely on the star master to achieve the true way are still the same.

It’s not surprising to make such a choice. Being able to become a star master is basically the strongest in the martial arts world. How can such a person not be arrogant and feel at ease when he learns that there is a vast world. A small place to be a soil emperor for thousands of years, and then die in obscurity?

People with this kind of thinking cannot become a star master, so the star master will inevitably choose the second path of breakthrough.

"I'll leave it to you here. I'll receive this guest. Please fellow Daoists to come to me!"

Zhou Shu and Yi Shuihan disappeared in the ring one after another.

"What happened today can't be spread out at all, and a seal is issued. Anyone who spread out will be hunted down by the entire Zhoutian faction."

Zhou Ming reacted quickly and immediately issued a series of orders.

On the other side, Yi Shuihan followed Zhou Shu to an island in the middle of the lake.

There is an attic on the small island in the middle of the lake, which should have been built by the predecessors. The two of them are sitting in the attic, looking at each other.

"You call me a fellow Taoist, it seems you know my identity?"

Yi Shuihan asked tentatively.

"Not bad." Zhou Shu nodded affirmatively, and then looked at Yi Shuihan in amazement, as if he was looking at some precious animal.

Yi Shuihan felt a little embarrassed when he looked at "keke", coughing to remind him.

"Sorry, I lost my temper. This is the first time I have seen someone from other worlds like Fellow Daoist."

Zhou Shu had all talked about other worlds, and Yi Shuihan finally believed that Zhou Shu had some understanding of his identity.

"In fact, before today, even if a Daoist appeared in front of me, I would not have seen that Daoist came from another world."

"What does this mean?"

"Emperor Spirit! While breaking through to Emperor Spirit, I also gained some knowledge inheritance, among which is how to distinguish various cultivation systems."

Inheritance of knowledge, you will be tall when you hear it! Sure enough, there are many secrets in it. ,, ..

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