Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 694: Chunyuan truth and acquaintances

Zhou Shu seemed to be in a good mood, and he didn't need to ask Yi Shuihan to immediately tell what Yiang wanted to know, including the secrets of the star master and the origin of this world's martial arts system.

"At the beginning, my Zhoutian Patriarch unintentionally discovered this world after a great war, leaving a legacy and an opportunity to go to a higher world. For many years, no one of my Zhoutian School can meet the requirements. But it was completed by me, which is really lucky for Zhou Tian."

Looking at Zhou Shu with a look of intoxication, Yi Shuihan was really speechless, wouldn't he be able to travel through the world? What's the big deal, brother, I want to leave is not a matter of minutes.

The full man doesn't know that the hungry man is hungry, and he is talking about Yi Shuihan. Zhou Shu has been working hard for this goal, and it took hundreds of years to succeed.

"I don't know why friends came to me?"

"There was something, but it's gone now."

Knowing that Zhou Shu will leave soon, without the realm of true realm, he is just a warrior in the realm of heaven, and he can't enter the sight of his Dharma, so it can naturally be regarded as okay.

And considering the relationship between the Zhou Tianpai and the unknown power, Yi Shuihan felt that it would be better not to get involved in them. Anyway, they didn't have trouble relying on Superman in the original book.

Zhou Shu is also a personal spirit. After all, he is also a person who can cultivate to the silver level. He knew in a flash that all of this might have something to do with him, but since he was going to leave, he would naturally not pay attention to it anymore. Started.

Talking about Taoism is actually talking to each other about their own cultivation perceptions. Although the systems are different, cultivation is a matter of different paths and the same goal. Various systems can also learn from each other.

This theory was three days and three nights. Although Zhou Shu had just set foot in Silver, he couldn't bear to have a good ancestor, and Yi Shuihan had gained a lot.

In this way, Yi Shuihan's original goal was impossible to achieve, but he himself didn't care too much. The gains from this discussion are enough to be busy these days.

Yi Shuihan didn't forget about Li Xia, and told Zhou Shuyi that the other party immediately asked people to find out the cause and effect.

The final result was that Yi Shuihan was surprised. The person who went to destroy the Pure Yuan faction was actually a star general of the Zhoutian faction. This star general Yi Shuihan also fought with him and ranks among the star generals. Fifteenth, it can be considered quite forward.

The reason why this star will destroy the Pure Yuan Sect also makes Yi Shuihan stunned. It turns out that the high-level members of the Pure Yuan Sect secretly arrested ordinary people for cultivation.

According to this star general, this Pure Yuan Sect's cultivation technique is flawed. Before the Zhongtian realm, it is good to say that when all cultivation bases reach Zhongtian, they need to **** the blood of people every once in a while to ensure that the cultivation base does not fall.

Perhaps the people of the Pure Yuan School were kind at first, but when you put yourself in the place, think about it, if there is such a flaw in the technique, would a strong person who has cultivated to the realm of Zhongtian be willing to fall in his cultivation?

And with the first time, there will be a second time, a third time, and even infinite times later. This week, the star generals of the Heavenly Sect went outside once and occasionally discovered this secret, which killed the Chunyuan Sect. , But it just killed the first evil, but other people weren't targeted.

"It seems that Li Xia's revenge cannot be avenged."

All of this is just one side of the star general, but the credibility is very high. Yi Shuihan can see that this star general is not the kind of person who can lie, and for this kind of thing, as long as the pure yuan sect is cultivated Take the exercises out and have a look, and it is extremely easy to know if there are defects in the realm of Yi Shuihan.

"Huh? It's him!"

At the gate of the Zhoutian School, Yi Shuihan was about to leave, but he accidentally found a person, the half-masked person he had seen in the misty forest.

"What! Fellow Daoists know Biting Heaven?"

Noting Yi Shuihan's gaze, Zhou Shu asked Yi Shuihan out.

"Have a fate in Misty and Fierce Forest! His name is Chutian? Is it also from Zhoutian?"

"Yes, Tian'er is actually the next generation of star masters I have cultivated. He is blessed with devouring attributes. It is not a problem to pass the star."

Not only from the Zhou Tian faction, but also the next generation of star masters, Yi Shuihan was a little surprised by the news.

The devouring attribute Zhou Shu mentioned was in line with Yi Shuihan's guess. At that time, the scene where the sky swallowed the black blood snake was still fresh in my memory.

"His potential is indeed very strong."

Nodded, said in approval.

Swallowing the attribute's true energy, you don't have to worry too much about your physical strength when you go to the star level. You only need to swallow it a little while fighting, and the energy can be full, so that the biggest restriction of the star level is gone.

The star masters of the past generations will not be ordinary strong, such as Zhou Shu himself. Yi Shuihan knew that his true energy attribute is life, which can be said to be no worse than swallowing attributes. He possesses life attributes and his resilience is other. It is more than a hundred times higher than that of a person, and it can even fight forever. Ordinary injuries can be healed in an instant, even with broken hands and feet can grow back.

When Yi Shuihan discovered Biting Heaven, Biting Heaven also found him. The moment Yi Shuihan saw Yi Shuihan, his eyes became pierced. Fortunately, Zhou Shu was also on the side to prevent him from doing stupid things.


Biting the sky walked in front of Zhou Shu, behaving very politely, and he could see that he respected Zhou Shu from the heart.

"I'm back, I'll be fine. I'll tell you why I called you back so suddenly." Zhou Shu was also very satisfied with Biting Sky, as you can tell from the tone of his words.

"This is Dao Chang Yi. You have seen him before. He is a strong man who is stronger than me. You should have seen him before."

Zhou Shu’s words made Tian Tian’s eyes stare. He knew that Zhou Shu’s strength was far greater than that of the Upper Heaven Realm. Although Yi Shuihan felt stronger than himself, he never thought that Yi Shuihan was better than himself. His master was even stronger, but at this time his master confessed that the other party was stronger, so he was not surprised.

"Fortunately, I didn't take it rashly."

Thinking of the consequences of doing it at that time, biting the sky is a pang of fear.

"Why do you want to cover your face? Are you too ugly?"

Yi Shuihan asked suddenly, making a little joke. This Sky-Sweeping mask can't block Yi Shuihan's sight. He has long known that this Sky-Sweeping is a handsome guy, similar to Kakashi in Hokage.

"Friends of Taoism are really funny."

Of course Zhou Shu knew that Yi Shuihan could see the true face of Biting Sky, and said with a smile, not bothering Yi Shuihan's joke.

"Well, let's meet in other worlds if we have a chance! I'm leaving first.",,..

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